[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Hi G00f, I'm interested in joining the guild again. Was previously a member during Legion and Beastiary leagues before taking a break from the game.

I have read the guild charter :)
Hi man! Any chances to join for Russian guy?:D

Here a list of things i did:
- Labyrinth farming in Abyssus;
- 1000 Chances Orbs to create Headhunter in my Hideout;
- Saved Elder from Zana and Shaper;
- Deposed Izaro and became the new Emperor;
- Farmed Oni-Goroshi one hundred time;
- Created Flame Dash totems builds and defeated A1 Brutus.

But seriously, I'm an experienced hardcore player and I'm just looking for a good company where you i link gear and exchange impressions in a voice chat.
"Ящик помидоры" или "А я бегу такой за хаосами и волосики назад"
Last edited by PizzaToxic on Apr 4, 2020, 6:07:26 AM
I would like to join the guild. Played the game since 2013, looking forward to complete some challenges. I have read the charter.

IGN: RigbyNecro
Hi i would like to join the guild and yes i have read the charter.

ign: Craidieer
Hi! I've read the Charter and would like to join the guild!

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