[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!


Would like to join the guild. Have read the charter.
10 leagues of 36+ challenges.

NinjaDave106 -Currently playing "DaveManaNinja"

Last edited by NinjaDave106 on Mar 30, 2020, 9:19:58 AM
IGN : josheezy

I have read the charter!
Character Name: FunkyFrogNecro

I have read the guild charter. I usually am on 12-16 hours daily and would like to join.
ign: frozst
Hey i would love to join the guild, and yes i read the google doc that had the guild charter on it! my ign is: GladLaddy
Hi i would like to join the guild and yes i have read the charter.

ign : WildRocha
I would like to join the guild. I have read the charter.
Played since closed beta. (2012)

IGN: Dean
IGN : Dean
https://www.twitch.tv/Kalahart Friendly stream!

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