[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Last edited by Nawder on Apr 6, 2023, 12:53:27 AM
Hi, would like to join the guild
Last edited by iEvil1 on Apr 18, 2020, 11:02:13 AM
Interested in joining if there's still room
- Have read Guild Charter

IGN: Zennnnnnnnnn
Last edited by Zenrag on Apr 16, 2020, 2:15:59 PM
IGN : Thriler
Hi, I've read the charter. New player to PoE, not to aRPGs. Think i'm doing pretty well for myself and have / want the ability to share my things like breachstones and what not.
edit- challenges/achievement hunting are my favorite thing to do in every game.

No idea which is which but the character's name I play on is MaxsToy and the account name is roflztomperz; Dunno which you need :)

Last edited by roflztomperz on Apr 17, 2020, 4:59:42 AM
Hello, I've read the charter and am looking forward to hunt down challenges!

I am currently in another guild but am looking to switch because of inactivity and wanting to progress further on challenges.

IGN: WesterVespertine

You cannot predict what you cannot see coming.

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