[3.2]♦Pants On Fire! LLRF Scorching Ray Guardian ♦ FULL VIDEO GUIDE UP! ♦ NO CHANGES FOR 3.2

TsuDhoNim wrote:
srttom wrote:
Can you guys give me a tip on how to efficiently improve my char further? Thanks.
Jewels are powerful atm, so worth looking at dropping the Conq Efficiency and replacing it with something to give you a damage boost. Something with 8% ES and 20% Burning Damage will leave you at pretty much the same ES and regen, but with a boost in damage. (Read through any of my longer posts recently, explains the steps there with gem swaps)

I'd drop the 3 6% ES nodes towards Path of the Savant and instead grab Shaper and start moving towards the jewel there. Short term drop in ES pool, but with a gain in regen to compensate and when you grab that jewel it'll open up options.

Worth thinking about dropping one of the mana reduction nodes at Sovereignty and instead grabbing the aura effect node to boost your gains.

Your Watcher's Eye is giving a nice QoL with the freeze immunity, but take care with the potential for shock there. Definitely worth trying to pick up one that will help with your ES pool or regen (Clarity/Discipline/Vitality).

Lots of room there for upgrading gear. Anger crafted rings, ES recovery on belt and 2% enchant on boots would all provide some nice help.

Thank you!
So whats the main difference between this particular take on the build and memory vault with healthy mind and str stacking?

I got 120ex to burn in AHC and cant really make up my mind between the 2.
Hi guys, I'm about to start this build,

Got a question regarding how to level, I cannot choose :)

What will you recommend ?

- Video on leveling ll version starting 34 looks interesting but quite squishy,

- Leveling with scorching ray looks quite smooth,

- is there some other good viable variations ?

currency is not a problem, I can put some in to smooth the leveling process.

Also at this point in league (lot of gear available) and with the new abyss jews, do you guys go for +2 points for bandit rewards (as op states to take oak for temp leagues) ?

Thanks for your answers !

Last edited by partyboy79 on Jan 20, 2018, 2:15:51 PM
Hi guys, currently at lvl 94 with 10.6k es .. loving this build .. and this is my gear .. im looking for advise on what to improve

Have a Watchers eye with es regen on discipline, an energy from within, a jewel with 7%es and 32% damage to burning, and an abyss jewel with es, life and int
Was using a Darkness enthroned before and had 400 more es but changed to this belt with es recovery
Thinking about changing my boots to smt with more es and int .. and swapping the es regen watchers eye for a flat es with clarity
Any informed advice would be great
And take a look at my passive tree if theres any better way to go with it
Ok, so I just got my hands on this build, seenms OK for now..

Any ideas where to improve my gear/tree (despite the shavs links) ?

I'm lost '-'

i got this without Critchance and exalted it. :D
on lvl 60 how u manage to sustain RF ? i have almost the same gear, but just can't sustain rf

Just chaos spammed this belt. Should i keep it and divine it or not good enough?
srttom wrote:

Just chaos spammed this belt. Should i keep it and divine it or not good enough?

keep, it's great!
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Can someone take a look and tell me what I should upgrade next? Can view my profile, but I will post gear below.


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