[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

So my claw that has tri dmg (~360 edps), but lacks attack speed and crit how much edps is worth losing to get does stats instead?

With assassin's mark gone I assume we're not supposed to be running with power charges up during mapclears - only ST?
JompaN wrote:
So my claw that has tri dmg (~360 edps), but lacks attack speed and crit how much edps is worth losing to get does stats instead?

Not going to crunch numbers or give an exact count, but losing a good chunk of EDPS to get attack speed + crit will suit you a lot better.

MakuWasTaken wrote:
With assassin's mark gone I assume we're not supposed to be running with power charges up during mapclears - only ST?

Correct. Eleweakness replaces power charges. Not like it really matters on map clears because everything is one shot anyway, but ele weakness does a lot more damage, than 3 power charges gives us.
Last edited by g00fy_goober on Sep 3, 2017, 1:29:33 PM
for how much H/o Dps should i aim more
got new claw and my best dps:
Old set - Old set of gems - 2 new jewels and new claw

my old champion on trade now
this is old dps

tip- right click on screen -> open in new for full size :)
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
Last edited by Jedi_blr on Sep 3, 2017, 2:42:50 PM
hey there, i would appreciate some advice.

it seems that somehow CoH-Ele Weaknes-HoI isnt working anymore for me. cant explain y.

besides, wouldnt it be useful to replace Coh-EleWeaknes with something else, because the damage is enough already and on bosses we have OoS ?
Hello everyone! I would like some tips for my gear please, I'm having some trouble beating the second lab (the boss can 1 shoot me basically), thank you! :)
hekkktorr wrote:

wouldnt it be useful to replace Coh-EleWeaknes with something else, because the damage is enough already and on bosses we have OoS ?

I have thought this many times as well, definitely not needed on general map clear, but not much you can do with 2 more gem slots. Only thing that comes to mind is CWDT - IC which I like even less since no endurance charges...

So for now I just get some extra dmg and such via curse which not needed but better than nothing.

I run vinktar's, dying sun, taste of hate, and wise oak. All my gear as + all resist so all my resistances are even. Build is really fun so far.
works really well with this build.
PST(GMT -7:00)

I've reached level 90 with this build and have only managed to hit around 42k with auras and golems, what do I need to improve on?

Last edited by perceivest on Sep 4, 2017, 12:50:16 AM

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