[3.4.0][Consecrated Path / Reave / BF] [BERS - dual crit] (Uber Elder / Aul / U Atziri - videos)

So i have question Why use boots that gives you frenzy charge when you dont use frenzy gem or skill at all ? and second how do you achieved so hight attack speed ? ty
Last edited by Daff370 on Aug 15, 2017, 11:34:15 AM
Hey, why shaper's touch in sword gear and accuity in claw variable without kaom's roots?
I did kaom + accuity with sword and it's going on.

bloodrage generates frenzy charges


only reason i can think off is accuracy
maybe claw nodes give some or there are good ones close by? diddnt checkd the build for claws yet
Vallenhael wrote:
Hi, maybe I'm just being blind and stupid, but I kind of missed how to choose between claw and sword? Is it just price difference? If so, I'm just switching from srs with 20-25 ex budget so I should be able to afford a halfway reasonable weapon anyway. Thanks!


ALSO, in the guide it says to use enduring cry as a skill, whereas in the gear description he has rallying cry as a skill, so...which one is the real one? Or is it enduring cry for though content and rallying for oneshotting and facerolling?

Sword = damage (global crit as implict)
Claw = defence (trough life leech implict)

Dagers btw available too.

as for Enuring vs Rallyng - feel free to use both, just what u feel what u need right now.
defenetly Enduring cry is better for uber lab running.

GodlySwamp wrote:
How do you deal with bleed without Death's Door? Pantheon and potion? Only looked at claw build.

All you need - dont sleep controling your char and peress flask in a right moment. Also he has manual controled immortal call.

Jowofbeco wrote:
Hey, why shaper's touch in sword gear and accuity in claw variable without kaom's roots?
I did kaom + accuity with sword and it's going on.

Shaper's touch provide much better benefits then Acuity, so both sword and claw should use it.
Main benefits from Kaom's root - its anti-stun and anti-freeze item, so if u find a way to medigate this - u could use any boots u want. Me personaly use "Soul of the Brine King" pantheon with two updates instead of recomended and feel good, but dont run guardians yet.
Last edited by Mikes_Mekazukatoto on Aug 15, 2017, 3:17:45 PM
Does the phys dmg of the Doryani's catalist mattter at all?
Hannuman77 wrote:
Does the phys dmg of the Doryani's catalist mattter at all?

nop bflurry will only attack with mainhand and will only take the stats from the offhand(aslong as its a weapon the bflurry gem itselt cannot use aka mace's for example)
attackspeed,crit the leech the ele dmg and so on
basicly a stat stick like ppl used in all kinds of games
Last edited by Rufnet on Aug 15, 2017, 5:19:48 PM
evilmindcz wrote:

Wow, you did Shaper with this? Open your char please... :)

Not going to set profile to public, but I can elaborate on gearing. The gear I listed is my current one with ~370pdps sword (I am doing physical+cold, no conversion). Shaper kill gear was worse, lol. In general elemental conversion will scale higher in the very end, but at my gear level it's better to stick with physical damage for shaper (due to boss elemental resistance). My 5L no abysuss path of building damage without buffs/charges/flasks on shaper is 410k. This is more than enough damage to kill shaper.

My tree is identical to Mahsepp's, his tree is completely optimized for offense/defense already. The main difference is in chest armor + jewels.

Lightning coil has resistance penalty and Mahsepp had to stack resistance on jewels. I crafted chest armor with essence of horror for physical damage mitigation, I have over 125% total resistance from chest armor (so that's 185% resistance difference between this and lightning coil). This allows me to stack life + damage on jewels. In the endgame if you have money, you can get life + 3 damage mod jewels. This is partly why my life pool is much higher (6.8k at level 91).

I'm also using Doon Cuebiyari as the "off-hand" weapon (it's in the main hand for damage bonus). Doon gives me 100 life (from +strength), 50% increased generic damage, and another 30% elemental damage bonus from implicit.

Herald of ice + assassins' mark gives you power charges for mapping. I tried running HoI+ice bite to get frenzy charges (without blood rage), but bladeflurry kills too fast for ice-bite to consistently get frenzy charges.
Last edited by CrusaderSean on Aug 15, 2017, 6:20:17 PM
Как выбрать подходящую рапирку? На какие статы в первую очередь обращать внимание?
CrusaderSean wrote:
Doon gives me 100 life (from +strength), 50% increased generic damage, and another 30% elemental damage bonus from implicit.

But the range for Strength bonus on this weapon is "+(50-70) to Strength" so you can get 35 Life max from it. How did you get 100?
I am wondering, most probably missing something, but how does he have Purity of Elements, Herald of Ash and Hatered ? I cant use all of them at once, do you prioritize them depending on fights ? If so can you give priority on which is best to use ? Currently i am using only Purity and Hatered, dont know if its the best choice.

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