[2.6] Norse's Earthquake Slayer / Budget Viable / Guardian & Shaper Farmable

Im finding my self very squishy what can i do?
Any reason not to use added chaos dmg? seems it would be a huge boost in poison dmg and good for bosses when you need to dodge alot
could this build work with cyclone instead of earthquake?

edit:im trying it with cyclone atm and still seem pretty damn strong. dont know if it will be the same at end-game.

Last edited by zakariusqc on Dec 18, 2016, 7:36:56 PM
Ok, I need explanation.
How the hell can you use cospri's will with items you claim to have, and passive tree you have put on this guide??? It's impossible, it requires 183 dex, and there is no way that you have that much as a duelist with this passive, and the items you are wearing. IS there anything I am missing, because i spent half of my currency to buy cospri's.
Lighted one is in
walentaz wrote:
How big portion of damage is poison with this build?

I have 6L belly, so I'd rather go for more life, and not invest in poison at all.
How this would compare damage wise to EQ + melee phys + less dur. + weap. ele + inc. AOE + added fire/fortify?

For auras - Hatred + Herald of Ash. I don't think I'm gonna giving a take on ubber bosses (Ubber Atziri, Shaper, etc). Did 36challenges so intend to chillout.

But roughly, what would be the difference of damage output, since there is not much poison scaling in OP build anyways (apart from vulnerability and rapid decay)?

I pretty much have the same questions.

I don't have a Cospri's or a 6L and so am short a few things (no vuln or rapid decay), so poison seems to do literally nothing for me - basically a wasted gem slot as far as I can tell, although the OP still recommends using poison even without those items. Am I missing something?

Damage in general seems pretty lackluster and I'm more squishy than I would have expected to be, even through 7 endurance charges. How does this compare to a typical WED/added fire + HoA/hatred setup?

Was thinking of removing poison from totem links for a melee damage on full life or something, and removing it from EQ links for... idk really, added fire? Though without room for WED that'll probably be lackluster also.

Also, I'm finding endurance charge on stun pretty unreliable. Most of the time I use enduring cry anyway because I can't be 100% sure that I proc'd the stun. Probably going to swap that gem out for something else. Probably arctic armor?
Last edited by asmox on Dec 19, 2016, 2:43:38 AM
well, you can always drop the chest for something else like belly of the beast and go single curse+another aura and drop poison mechanic gems for another dps one.poison mechanic without added chaos gem and added chaos on gear+chaos dmg on passive isnt worth it imo. the poison probably do really really low dmg so why not grab a better chest(more life) and get higther raw dps.i will probably go with that.earthquake is a skill that is mean to do BIG RAW DMG.

stick to bleeding since the axe is still BIS and stay away from poison and get something better. poison can be insane IF you invest in it to make it good. your build doesnt.dont fall in the poison trend. poison is good far hight atk speed and multihit skill. earthquake isnt that

belly is quite cheap also :)

Last edited by zakariusqc on Dec 19, 2016, 6:34:37 PM
After some thinking I've came to a conclusion poison is not a good option for skill as earthquake. Sure you apply two stacks with one cast, but aftershock lags and is cut of with the attack speed you have with this axe. Besides, there is no poison scaling on the tree and that leaves you with vulnerability and rapid decay.

Also I think linking fortify is waste of socket, use it on leap since you leap a lot anyway.

So will stick with raw damage EQ + Melee phys + less duration + Area/conc + add fire + WED.
How much damage we gain with it? 36% cold (hatred) 44%+15% fire (Added fire + heral of ash) whish is then massively scaled by WED (both gem and gear). So there is 95% added as elemental, with just WED that gives us roughly ~150% of phys as extra elemental damage. No we add resist on monsters, which leaves us with a quarter of effctive damage, which is basically 37% of effective damage gain in worst case. I doubt you get much more with this low poison scaling and slow skill as EQ is, but you have to sacrifice chunk of life on a chest (40% you could get on belly is like 1k+ life.

For ubber bosses I think cyclone is better skill to use with this axe anyway.
Last edited by walentaz on Dec 19, 2016, 7:37:47 PM
between walentax, why are you still using bloodlust on your ancestral warchef when you dont have anything that cause bleed?isnt that support only usefull if you have the axe that cause bleed?you should swap it for conc effect.this gem add LOT of dps

between im really thorn between earthquake and cyclone atm....cyclone 20% with inc aoe gems is quite big so clear speed seem quite good but the single target dmg seem much higther....the possibility to avoid while doing dmg is pretty big also.cyclone usualy scale well with atk speed but we go for hight dmg and low atk speed so...will it scale well with this build?

Last edited by zakariusqc on Dec 19, 2016, 9:21:07 PM
walentaz wrote:
After some thinking I've came to a conclusion poison is not a good option for skill as earthquake. Sure you apply two stacks with one cast, but aftershock lags and is cut of with the attack speed you have with this axe. Besides, there is no poison scaling on the tree and that leaves you with vulnerability and rapid decay.

Also I think linking fortify is waste of socket, use it on leap since you leap a lot anyway.

So will stick with raw damage EQ + Melee phys + less duration + Area/conc + add fire + WED.
How much damage we gain with it? 36% cold (hatred) 44%+15% fire (Added fire + heral of ash) whish is then massively scaled by WED (both gem and gear). So there is 95% added as elemental, with just WED that gives us roughly ~150% of phys as extra elemental damage. No we add resist on monsters, which leaves us with a quarter of effctive damage, which is basically 37% of effective damage gain in worst case. I doubt you get much more with this low poison scaling and slow skill as EQ is, but you have to sacrifice chunk of life on a chest (40% you could get on belly is like 1k+ life.

For ubber bosses I think cyclone is better skill to use with this axe anyway.

That's probably what I'm going to do honestly.

I came to this build from fire cyclone and it's literally miles behind when trying to play poison with budget gear - does not seem worth it at all. Playing with WED/added fire and HoA/hatred seems to be a much stronger option until you can farm enough currency to actually support a poison + dual curse build properly.
I don't think poison is there for eq. It's for totem which hits hard and often. EQ is for clear. Cospri's will/poison means -1 curse, going full ele means dropping two. Removing rapid decay mean delaying aftershock until after next attack. Kind of a big trade off. For increase in damage that is not supported by any sort of penetration.

Cyclone might be better for single target. Replacing rapid decay with it and eq with something else, shouldn't be a problem for those encounters.
Last edited by GladiatorUA on Dec 20, 2016, 12:57:50 AM

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