Mechanical Questions Thread

And another "order of calculations" question. What happens first: application of "more/less Maximum/Minimum Physical Attack Damage" modifiers from Ryslatha's Coil or damage conversions?

Example: I have 100-200 flat physical damage, fully converted into fire. And i have 40% more maximum PAD and 40% less minimum PAD. Will i have 100-200 fire damage or 60-280? (with attack or course)
Last edited by trympyrym2 on Oct 28, 2020, 3:42:19 AM
I've got a question about The Admiral unique body armour.

It has a modifier "Elemental Damage you Deal with Hits is Resisted by lowest Elemental Resistance instead".

Does this get inherited by traps/mines?

I'm currently using an arc miner where the "hit" procs Elemental Equilibrium, which would then give less resistance to cold and fire, so would each hit from mines proc EE, then subsequently take the unique modifier into account and do damage according to the lowest resistance?

It uses the term "you Deal", the same as EE, and mines proc EE as far as I can see, so I assume this works? It's hard to test this stuff without damage numbers/multiboxing/a training dummy!
I have the same setup (Blazing Salvo instead of Arc, but also Admiral, EE and Mines, and also Cold Exposure from Frost Bomb) and it seems to work just fine. I haven't done back and forth comparison, but I think I'd notice if enemies had 100 more resistance than they should have. The general convention is that modifiers that apply to a skill's effect on enemies (Blind on hit, Wither on hit) work with traps, mines, and totems, but modifiers that don't specifically apply to enemies (create Consecrated Ground on hit, gain Arcane Surge on hit) do not.
trympyrym2 wrote:
Hello. My question is: what happend first: damage roll or damage conversion calculations?
It's interesting in interaction with "lucky" mechanics.

Example 1: I have only physical flat damage, fully converted to fire. And I have modifier "Elemental damage with hits is lucky" (The Fulcrum). Will my fire damage be lucky?

Example 2: I have only fire flat damage, fully converted to chaos. And I have modifier "Elemental damage with hits is lucky" (The Fulcrum). Will my chaos damage be lucky?
Damage conversion occurs before damage is rolled. So in this case, your phys-to-fire damage will be lucky, and your fire-to-chaos will not.
trympyrym2 wrote:
And another "order of calculations" question. What happens first: application of "more/less Maximum/Minimum Physical Attack Damage" modifiers from Ryslatha's Coil or damage conversions?

Example: I have 100-200 flat physical damage, fully converted into fire. And i have 40% more maximum PAD and 40% less minimum PAD. Will i have 100-200 fire damage or 60-280? (with attack or course)
Converted damage is affected by modifiers to damage dealt of its former types, so Ryslatha's Coil's modifier does apply here.
Last edited by ekaye on Oct 30, 2020, 10:03:31 AM
Hey there! Happy halloween! I have a question about the crest of desire helmet in regards to plague bearer.

Simply, I'm wondering if the "double damage" modifier affects plague bearer damage since plague bearer has its own damage mechanic?

(In short, am trying to figure out if it'd be better to stick plague bearer or my herald into the helmet)
VoidDragon437 wrote:
Hey there! Happy halloween! I have a question about the crest of desire helmet in regards to plague bearer.

Simply, I'm wondering if the "double damage" modifier affects plague bearer damage since plague bearer has its own damage mechanic?

(In short, am trying to figure out if it'd be better to stick plague bearer or my herald into the helmet)
Plague Bearer can't deal Double Damage for two reasons: Double Damage only applies to hits, and Plague Bearer's damage isn't affected by your damage modifiers (the ones on you, that is; modifiers on the enemy, such as Wither and Despair, still apply). So your Herald would be a better choice.
And I've got a whole bunch of questions again.

Zealot's Oath. Does that apply all the time, or only during ES recharge sequence that triggers when you haven't been hit recently? And mathematically, how's it converted? If I have 1000 HP, 2000 ES and 1% life regeneration, will it convert it to 20 ES/sec (1% applied on ES) or 10 ES/sec (original 1% applied to life, then converted to ES)?

Does DoT from same element sources, e.g. Blight, Death Aura, Bane and Soulrend, stack?

Scorch. How exactly is that triggered? Is it only through some specials like Secrets of Suffering passive or Rolling Flames jewel?
Can single hit inflict multiple ailments, e.g. Ignite and Scorch, or Ignite and Freeze if under effect of conflux?

When Arc is supported by Chain support, will the extra potential chains count for damage bonus?

Does Crackling Lance gain intensity when it's triggered by Cast while Channeling?

Edit: do unique boots Death's Door provide immunity to corrupted blood?
Last edited by ExiledSarin on Oct 31, 2020, 8:18:25 PM
Thanks for doing this! Recently there was a change that allows talismans to drop with Annointments on them. Does this mean if I have an amulet with an annoint, and I upgrade it to a talisman via Jorgin on Reaserch (I think thats who does it, but it doesn't matter who) - that I get to keep the anoint now? Please let me know, as I don't want to ruin a priceless amulet trying to upgrade it.
IGN EnderInExile
Its ok if my summon die when i try to convert his hp to es
with that. if they have 49% chaos res - all ok. but when they have 50% or more - they just die.
ExiledSarin wrote:
And I've got a whole bunch of questions again.

Zealot's Oath. Does that apply all the time, or only during ES recharge sequence that triggers when you haven't been hit recently? And mathematically, how's it converted? If I have 1000 HP, 2000 ES and 1% life regeneration, will it convert it to 20 ES/sec (1% applied on ES) or 10 ES/sec (original 1% applied to life, then converted to ES)?

Does DoT from same element sources, e.g. Blight, Death Aura, Bane and Soulrend, stack?

Scorch. How exactly is that triggered? Is it only through some specials like Secrets of Suffering passive or Rolling Flames jewel?
Can single hit inflict multiple ailments, e.g. Ignite and Scorch, or Ignite and Freeze if under effect of conflux?

When Arc is supported by Chain support, will the extra potential chains count for damage bonus?

Does Crackling Lance gain intensity when it's triggered by Cast while Channeling?
Zealot's Oath has nothing to do with ES recharge, so your ES will regenerate even while it's recharging. Percentage regeneration will be based on your maximum ES, so you'd regenerate 20 ES/s.

Yes, DoTs of different origins do stack, in that e.g. an enemy can take damage from Bane and Death Aura at the same time.

Scorch comes from sources that specifically apply it. It isn't inherently applied by critical strikes the way e.g. Ignite is.

A hit can apply multiple ailments even without conflux, if it applies multiple damage types. Conflux doesn't prevent a hit from applying its "natural" ailments in addition to the conflux ailment.

Any source of chains counts towards Arc's damage bonus.

Only skills you use yourself gain Intensity; triggered skills are not "used", so they don't.

Corrupted Blood is a form of Bleeding, so yes, Death's Door does make you immune to it.
meloman766 wrote:
Its ok if my summon die when i try to convert his hp to es
with that. if they have 49% chaos res - all ok. but when they have 50% or more - they just die.
Yes, converting 100% of a Minion's life to Energy Shield will cause it to die immediately.
Does Ailment conversion from items such as Stormfire and Three Dragons apply to damage from Mirage Warriors/Chieftan? I keep researching and it is still unclear. As I understand they do not utilize my more damage from prepared exerted attacks, but in this situation I only care about the ailments aka ignite.

Ie. if I slam lightning damage with Tawhoas Chosen, and I have a Stormfire equipped, can both slams ignite?
Hello Fellow Exiles!

I was wondering whether the doom gain and doom effect is applied to curses cast alongside (linked to) bane?

If not bane looses a lot of potential.

Any idea how this works?



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