|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||

moooff wrote:
what is your dps in hideout (no flask) ? mine is only 70k on IAOE cyclone :(

have similar gear level to dakoos, just got 100 yesterday, fun build, my stats here, the screenshots tell u the buffs i have up.

Baked Beans - Meme Dreams
Last edited by PoE17 on Feb 3, 2017, 7:51:09 AM
Thxs ... can you link your gear also for reference ?
Knuckledust13 wrote:
I was thinking here.. Wouldn't be better to drop Headsman and take Brutal Fervour? That way you can drop Deaths Door for decent boots with more resistances and life, also replacing resistance jewel for more dps.

Brutal Fervour also increases max life leech rate which is what funnels The Retch damage. And gives stun immunity.

though Dakoos wrote this about 100 times in this thread, max leech rate does nothing if you have insta leech, immune to stun anyway if you cyclone, why give up 20% MORE dps and increased aoe for basically nothing? you decide

Because that only applies when clearing, and when clearing it is irrelevant since you are already 1shotting 2 screens anyway? Lmfao

I am level 84 now in Breach SC and trying a slightly different version, without Vaal Pact and with brutal fervour instead, also modified the tree. It has been working great! Will check back again once I get to endgame around level 90.

PoE17 wrote:
moooff wrote:
what is your dps in hideout (no flask) ? mine is only 70k on IAOE cyclone :(

have similar gear level to dakoos, just got 100 yesterday, fun build, my stats here, the screenshots tell u the buffs i have up.


nice ... gear ! thxs for posting !
Knuckledust13 wrote:
Knuckledust13 wrote:
I was thinking here.. Wouldn't be better to drop Headsman and take Brutal Fervour? That way you can drop Deaths Door for decent boots with more resistances and life, also replacing resistance jewel for more dps.

Brutal Fervour also increases max life leech rate which is what funnels The Retch damage. And gives stun immunity.

though Dakoos wrote this about 100 times in this thread, max leech rate does nothing if you have insta leech, immune to stun anyway if you cyclone, why give up 20% MORE dps and increased aoe for basically nothing? you decide

Because that only applies when clearing, and when clearing it is irrelevant since you are already 1shotting 2 screens anyway? Lmfao

I am level 84 now in Breach SC and trying a slightly different version, without Vaal Pact and with brutal fervour instead, also modified the tree. It has been working great! Will check back again once I get to endgame around level 90.

Headsman is one of the best Ascendancy nodes in the game. Many bosses have little monsters that you can kill to proc the "Killed Recently" effect.

If you insist on taking Brutal Fervour for bleed immunity, and if you are already using an AOE ability like Cyclone, I recommend dropping Impact instead of Headsman.
The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
Dakoos wrote:

Headsman is one of the best Ascendancy nodes in the game. Many bosses have little monsters that you can kill to proc the "Killed Recently" effect.

If you insist on taking Brutal Fervour for bleed immunity, and if you are already using an AOE ability like Cyclone, I recommend dropping Impact instead of Headsman.

Thanks for the hint, I did what you said and damage/clearing speed went up skyrocket. SO far I like having dropped vaal pact, doing lab is much more comfortable and can do no leech maps with 0 issues. I took the duelist leech nodes as well and going to take golem's blood at 92. Currently lvl 89.

Im using static strike as main skill, with leap slam linked to FA - Fortify. Using only Inc Burning damage and prolif on HoA, that way I can also use hatred without enlighten and got my helmet sockets free to use CWDT - IC - inc duration - vaal haste.

Build is consistent and lots of fun! Static Strike is amazing.
Excellent and fun Build i upgraded my gear to "medicore" levels now at 120k hideout dps with 6.7k life (non legacy kaoms).

The only thing which troubles me are "freezes" from boxes or enemies ;( Any suggestion to handle that ?
moooff wrote:
Excellent and fun Build i upgraded my gear to "medicore" levels now at 120k hideout dps with 6.7k life (non legacy kaoms).

The only thing which troubles me are "freezes" from boxes or enemies ;( Any suggestion to handle that ?

If you don't already have a swap weapon, keep a queens decree on swap for opening boxes.
The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
Hey, great build. Is the league version still viable with other skills such as cyclone instead of just static strike and leap slam?
any hints for doing HOGM ? or is this build not ideal for it ?

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