|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||

webas wrote:
Does burn gives us flask points? I have a suspicion that mobs burning from herald ash dont refill my flasks.. As a non legacy vinktar user I need to be sure if it does or not.

Anyone can confirm this?

Killing enemies give you flask charges. There shouldnt be any exception to Burning. I have absolutely no problem with Flask Charges with HoA up.
Would this build be efficient on Breach? I got a metric fuckton of currency without use and want to try something life based.
I dont know why breach has to be the problem if you have disfavor.. retch.. kaoms.. :) and vinktars :)

This build is super fun, massive aoe.
The only downside might be fps hit when you make all mobs explode at once... My gtx 1070 sometimes does weird lag which is not stutter but with 60fps. Maybe server side lag?
Poe 2.0 new trailers when?
Could you help me out a bit Dakoos, ive been reading your guide and I have to say I am in love with it! I have the money to afford all the gear you describe but I wont have a legacy vinktar because I am in breach league. Therefore I would need to go val pact and I am having a huge trouble tweaking your beautiful level 100 skill tree! every place I look is like perfectly planned and looks so good I cant think of a way to add around 10 skill points to reach vaal pact! Also if i cant get a +1 extra curse on daresso would that make or brake this build? I looked on poe.trade and no such thing exists. No one has tried to vaal it and I do not have the currency to just drop a nice amulet like that. Other than that every other item i can afford and purchase on breach.
Again this is truly a beautiful build, thank you so much for sharing!
Atomonic wrote:
Could you help me out a bit Dakoos, ive been reading your guide and I have to say I am in love with it! I have the money to afford all the gear you describe but I wont have a legacy vinktar because I am in breach league. Therefore I would need to go val pact and I am having a huge trouble tweaking your beautiful level 100 skill tree! every place I look is like perfectly planned and looks so good I cant think of a way to add around 10 skill points to reach vaal pact! Also if i cant get a +1 extra curse on daresso would that make or brake this build? I looked on poe.trade and no such thing exists. No one has tried to vaal it and I do not have the currency to just drop a nice amulet like that. Other than that every other item i can afford and purchase on breach.
Again this is truly a beautiful build, thank you so much for sharing!

Look at other people's trees, there are like 30 people who posted about their setups and trees and how they made it work.
+1 curse Daresson is a luxury.
Legacy Vinktar is just really awesome, build is still viable in temp leagues.
I would just say that at least from my testing guardians are a pain ( out of flask charges=dead), so if you want to tackle those guys , maybe roll somthing else.
Update: Due to popular demand, I've created a mini-guide for people playing this build in a temporary league. It contains skill tree and gear changes required to make this build work outside of standard.

I've also provided two videos of myself completing T16 maps in temp-league gear:

T16 Forge of the Phoenix (Temp League Edition)
T16 Maze of the Minotaur (Temp League Edition)

The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
Hi Dakoos, really nice build

I'm running a non-legacy version with VP and Disfavour. I'm trying to run cyclone as main clearing skill and single-target, but I don't think I'm reaching nearly as high as your cyclone DPS on your screenshot (stuck at around 100k single target).
Do you have a screenshot of your cyclone (or if not, static strike) DPS in hideout unbuffed? Then I can see how big the gap truly is and where I have to aim for
JYshadow wrote:
Hi Dakoos, really nice build

I'm running a non-legacy version with VP and Disfavour. I'm trying to run cyclone as main clearing skill and single-target, but I don't think I'm reaching nearly as high as your cyclone DPS on your screenshot (stuck at around 100k single target).
Do you have a screenshot of your cyclone (or if not, static strike) DPS in hideout unbuffed? Then I can see how big the gap truly is and where I have to aim for

The numbers in my screenshot were in combat with all buffs up. Cyclone in hideout is about 135k for iaoe.
The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
Dakoos wrote:
Update: Due to popular demand, I've created a mini-guide for people playing this build in a temporary league. It contains skill tree and gear changes required to make this build work outside of standard.

I've also provided two videos of myself completing T16 maps in temp-league gear:

T16 Forge of the Phoenix (Temp League Edition)
T16 Maze of the Minotaur (Temp League Edition)


Hey mate, I am playing on Breach SC and I wonder: isn't it better to use Disfavour with phys to light with static strike?

Also, what about going to the duelist leech nodes so we don't rely 100% on vinktars for leech?

Let me know what you think.
Dakoos how about a difficult question.. since you explained already everything else.

ATM im running bit different gear so im at 5k hp. Which is difficult situation. I still wear kaoms and its just way too painful to stack expensive life based gear and barely have that much. I can have max 6,5k life. But, f.. I want to have 8k life.

Thats why I got an idea to run es after skill tree reset.
If its achievable to get 10k es i will switch to ES gear. Check this build please. And maybe even test in real to see how much es a duelist would have please!

I can get on tree 240% ES.

Can you do it? Also I think it STILL would have enough deeps to run red maps, just not super bosses.
Poe 2.0 new trailers when?
Last edited by webas on Feb 1, 2017, 3:05:01 PM

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