|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||


Ok i got the last flask i was missing!Much better now...bought also some better jewels!
My items need any improvement or anything else u think i need to make hign end bosses(Shaper,guardians,uber Atziri etc)
Also is there any chance this build works in uber lab?

ok noticed a few things. first off, why do you have curse on hit on your cwdt setup with two curses? you cant even use two curses, and your cwdt doesnt need a curse on hit gem anyway. i'd drop that, try to get gloves w/ curse enemies with lv* elemental weakness on hit, and rearrange some of your gems. for your helm i'd reccomend having vengeance/endurance charge on melee stun/flicker strike/fortify; and boots i'd move your hatred/vaal haste/vaal cyclone(optional)/increased duration(or enlighten). failing that (if you cant get gloves with the correct color/link/stats corrupted. i'd change the gems to cwdt/ele weakness/enhance/summon golem* of your choice. this setup will have a much better curse on it, and will summon the golem for you fairly often.
Additionally, on your skill tree there are two points in str nodes on the templar area that dont lead to anything yet. if youre going for the life next to it, it's more efficient to grab life nodes next to things you already have, such as the scion life wheel or the node by witch. Eventually it will pay off to use those, since you'd be 2 nodes away from a jewel slot, but atm it's wasted. so either level up some more or change that until youre ready to grab both of those.
Last thing, i'd play around with changing out your increased burning damage on HoA, see how much difference it makes. its additive, and i dont know exactly how much you already have toward it. if its a big deal please let me know so i can adjust accordingly, but i suspect it wont be noticable to remove it, thus freeing up mana/helm enchant for more useful things.

and no, sadly. the atziri/shaper fights are staged, and you cannot sustain flasks well in them. so this build is not for those. lab might work, but only if you can burn him down before running out of flasks.
Last edited by Toxic_Abyss on Feb 14, 2017, 3:10:57 AM
Toxic_Abyss wrote:

On a separate note, i am currently gathering the items to build this in breach also, and i wanted to run an idea past you guys. Given that i'm in breach, i have non-legacy vinktars, and want to use the ascendancy for bleed immunity while leeching. this frees up the boots slot.

I am theorycrafting how to best use my flask slots, since this build revolves around them. I was thinking to use vinktar's, taste of hate, ruby of grounding, lion's roar, and atziri flask. this will give fire/cold/lightning/phys/chaos resistance, without sacrificing too much clearspeed.
What do you guys think about using dusktoe boots to cap chaos resistance while flasks are in use? and possibly swapping ruby of grounding for quicksilver of grounding, if movespeed is more important than the extra fire resistance.

also if overcapping resistances like that, i was thinking about using lightning coil to convert incoming phys even further, along with the taste of hate, for 50% phys conversion along with the extra armor that lion's roar gives. the only downside (that i've thought of so far) is that vinktar's will then be REQUIRED to cap lightning resistance at all times.

(EDIT) i forgot about the flask efficacy nodes for phys conversion on taste of hate... any idea what the phys conversion is after the nodes?
(EDIT 2) on second thought, chaos is probably not enough of an issue to warrant using dusktoe, with the exception of doing specific bosses. will probably just keep one for said boss swap.

Well, problem is, if you oneshot an entire screen, of corrupting blood for example, you won't have anything to leech and if you are not fast enough or have no bleed removal flask, you are basically dead. That's a big reason for me to use Doors. If you feel like getting another flask still, Atziris is probably the best option. Would not recommend this though.
Chaos Dmg is not a problem most times, you can swap it for bosses, but in my case, I just burn them down fast enough.
Lightning Coil hits your life kinda hard, you get a high life pool to avoid getting oneshot basically, also it puts a big strain on your gear and that way the build will cost a lot more.
About Uber Lab and Atziri, well, I have a legacy Vinktar, so I don't have Vaal Pact, but even then Uber Lab is a gamble. Izaro is no problem at all however, even with charges, the 20% cull comes in handy on the last stage.
Normal Atziri I just flask and hit her till I die, Trio and Oversouls are no brainer.


first off, why do you have curse on hit on your cwdt setup with two curses? you cant even use two curses, and your cwdt doesnt need a curse on hit gem anyway.

That was mistake yes.changed some things yesterday and forgot to remove CWDT!

i'd drop that, try to get gloves w/ curse enemies with lv* elemental weakness on hit

this is really difficulty to find a good one!ill try but hard to find one!my economy also is rly bad atm :D

for your helm i'd reccomend having vengeance/endurance charge on melee stun/flicker strike/fortify;

Done but added blood rage instead of melee stun

and boots i'd move your hatred/vaal haste/vaal cyclone(optional)/increased duration(or enlighten).

i'd change the gems to cwdt/ele weakness/enhance/summon golem* of your choice. this setup will have a much better curse on it, and will summon the golem for you fairly often.

Here u mean to do it on gloves?and what about Her of Ash!Which golem u suggest?

Additionally, on your skill tree there are two points in str nodes on the templar area that dont lead to anything yet. if youre going for the life next to it, it's more efficient to grab life nodes next to things you already have, such as the scion life wheel or the node by witch. Eventually it will pay off to use those, since you'd be 2 nodes away from a jewel slot, but atm it's wasted. so either level up some more or change that until youre ready to grab both of those.

I gonna lvl up more!I hope i can reach 93 soon!Going for Devotion passive there!

Last edited by etien4 on Feb 14, 2017, 11:49:52 AM

Well, problem is, if you oneshot an entire screen, of corrupting blood for example, you won't have anything to leech and if you are not fast enough or have no bleed removal flask, you are basically dead. That's a big reason for me to use Doors. If you feel like getting another flask still, Atziris is probably the best option. Would not recommend this though.
Chaos Dmg is not a problem most times, you can swap it for bosses, but in my case, I just burn them down fast enough.
Lightning Coil hits your life kinda hard, you get a high life pool to avoid getting oneshot basically, also it puts a big strain on your gear and that way the build will cost a lot more.
About Uber Lab and Atziri, well, I have a legacy Vinktar, so I don't have Vaal Pact, but even then Uber Lab is a gamble. Izaro is no problem at all however, even with charges, the 20% cull comes in handy on the last stage.
Normal Atziri I just flask and hit her till I die, Trio and Oversouls are no brainer.

I thought i read several pages back, that if you have non-legacy vinktar's you get bleed immunity from the mana leech, which is not instant with vaal pact...

I do wanna try both the lightning coil and the kaoms variables, and i have very good rings for resists, and a boot slot to fill. the only thing thatd be difficult is lightning resist, which probably would not be capped when my flasks are down. might be able to cap it with a self-crafted two toned boots, but i also want the +crit chance if you havent crit recently enchant. i figure using lightning coil would put me somewhere around 3.5k-4k life, and considering we have 82% all resists, and (58?)% phys conversion i don't think the life difference will matter that much. the main thing is it'll make large elemental hits scarier, but we'll see. It really depends on what does more damage to you more frequently, phys or ele dmg? another thing im not really sure on regarding this is how the %fire damage affects our HoA setup, if at all. and of course if i choose to go with lightning coil after testing, thats more gem slots to play with, which the original build is very tight on.

as for the traps (im assuming youre referring to those being a problem, particularly with vaal pact) i agree. theres nothing in those areas to kill/leech, and unless you bring hp pots (which this build frowns upon) you are most likely gonna die in there. even with the massive movespeed and atk speed for leapslam, some of those traps are iffy. the random trials in maps however should be fine, you just have to learn how they function.

and @ Etien,
etien4 wrote:
i'd change the gems to cwdt/ele weakness/enhance/summon golem* of your choice. this setup will have a much better curse on it, and will summon the golem for you fairly often.

I was referring to if you cannot find/buy a set of gloves with curse on hit, to use this setup in your boots instead of what you had at the time. and i like thunder golem for offence, chaos for defence.
Also, ive noticed a LOT of snakebite gloves in breach have been corrupted and put up w/ that. idk if thats the goal corruption or if theyre trying for a different one, but i picked up a pair for 10c... and they work pretty well with the build as long as you run blood rage. the tricky part was finding a pair that was colored correctly. so if its an option for you, snakebite are dirt cheap in standard, buy some, fuse and color them, and do the corruption yourself. you should get it in 10-15 tries at the most.
Last edited by Toxic_Abyss on Feb 15, 2017, 7:39:48 AM
Toxic_Abyss wrote:

I thought i read several pages back, that if you have non-legacy vinktar's you get bleed immunity from the mana leech, which is not instant with vaal pact...

Correct, if you take Brutal Fervour.
The Endless Retch: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655814
true, Fervour and legacy vinktar don't function together.
About the build change, if you plan to cap lightning res via vinktars only while wearing coil, this could prove fatal as soon as vinktars is down.
guys... i think this gem would make any of the "staged" bosses doable. flask charges ftw.
Toxic_Abyss wrote:
guys... i think this gem would make any of the "staged" bosses doable. flask charges ftw.

Vaal Breach spawns mobs that give flask charges, you can kill them to refill your flasks if you don't have the dps to burn down guardians in one go for example.
Vaal Breach spawns mobs that give flask charges, you can kill them to refill your flasks if you don't have the dps to burn down guardians in one go for example.

u tested?

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