[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

ResidentHippy wrote:
jhahn812 wrote:
Is it worth holding onto the anvil for the extra 8%? Playing this in HC and debating whether i should drop it for more life/damage.

Anvil adds alot of tankiness, if you can try and get a corrupted anvil with something usefull, attack speed, +1 curse + charge.
I think that in HC you would want to keep the anvil
Especially the +1 curse with enfeeble+ temporal chains can save your life in my experience.

I just feel like id rather have life/res/dmg instead on the extra block. Eventually ill get hit and id like to be able to absorb it.

Anybody running this in hc? Curious what tweaks people are making you the gear.
How abaut relic The Bringer of Rain green one same one test it?
jhahn812 wrote:
ResidentHippy wrote:
jhahn812 wrote:
Is it worth holding onto the anvil for the extra 8%? Playing this in HC and debating whether i should drop it for more life/damage.

Anvil adds alot of tankiness, if you can try and get a corrupted anvil with something usefull, attack speed, +1 curse + charge.
I think that in HC you would want to keep the anvil
Especially the +1 curse with enfeeble+ temporal chains can save your life in my experience.

I just feel like id rather have life/res/dmg instead on the extra block. Eventually ill get hit and id like to be able to absorb it.

Anybody running this in hc? Curious what tweaks people are making you the gear.

Sup. I'm using this build on HC and without anvil (used anvil till lvl 88) look my profile :). So far the only thing that scare me is degen like bleed or chaos damage, bleed almost killed me several times. Infact I'm thinking of adding death door cause of bleed IS a real danger.
Hey, this guide looks really great and can't wait to try it out!

I was thinking of using this build come 3.0, and was wondering how you thought it might change by then. I guess the changes would mostly be the bandit rewards and ascendancy points and possibly(hopefully not) skill points from quests?

Let me know what you think!
Last edited by TeslaFalcon on Apr 20, 2017, 12:54:48 PM
Pls help. My black is 70 when tempest shield active. What am i missing ?

Last edited by Daron on Apr 21, 2017, 6:51:01 AM
Nikae wrote:
This guy uses a variation to this build


Check his Gladiator.

-a lot of +HP when block
-a lot of life leech
-Check his glove gems
-What about his belt? Doesn't Meginord do more?

Please let me know what You think about his build! Is it "better" than "normal" max block Gladiator?


That seems interesting. Someone tried that build?

EDIT: for now i will go with the normal guide since im new and its easy to follow. I fear that if i start to jump around with to many nodes and different gear i will just end up in a disaster :)
Last edited by iiss on Apr 21, 2017, 2:34:22 PM
Can I replace Blood Rage on the CWDT setup to Immortal Call?
It is possible to obtain 3 auras 50% 50% 25% mana rezorved with 4 lvl enlighten suport?
Can I use it lacerate ?
Can someone look at my gear and give advice on where to go from here?

The few things I know I need are:

Spiked Gloves
+Life on boots
Relic Soul Taker

Any other advice please? All of these are expensive upgrades for me right now so i'm not sure how else to progress from here.

Stats in hideout:

5.4k HP
94K Tooltip /w Auras

I am mostly just farm T12-T15 right now but I want to finish 36/40 before season end, I need currency and progress.

Last edited by dieh on Apr 23, 2017, 10:40:23 AM

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