3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

bazu wrote:
is this build viable with swords?

Axes bro, viable with swords but inferior for endgame
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
bazu wrote:
is this build viable with swords?

Axes bro, viable with swords but inferior for endgame

thanks, Umbra :)

One last question: will this build viable on 3.0?
Last edited by bazu on May 11, 2017, 1:34:30 PM
The legendary jewel for dual strike. Should we use just 1 or more of them ??
bazu wrote:
bazu wrote:
is this build viable with swords?

Axes bro, viable with swords but inferior for endgame

thanks, Umbra :)

One last question: will this build viable on 3.0?

Yes it will be, from all I've read and heard my dual striker will absolutely tank the new boss and the content should be a breeze
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Stex92 wrote:
The legendary jewel for dual strike. Should we use just 1 or more of them ??

You can only use one in the description of the jewel. As far as I can tell, the benefits would be very low for two Might and Influence jewels as you would lose a total of 14% life. F*ck that! One jewel is by far enough.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Hello, I just switched to this build.
Level 94, 8 ascendancy points. 7.5+ k Life. 120k dps. I am running HoA, Hatred, Arctic Armour.

I have problems with survivablity. When I don't hit with dual strike, my life is getting down so fast !
I cannot facetank phoenix and the core boss.
The AoE of dual strike seems weak too :(

What is wrong with my char ?

You are using Immortal call. How do you generate endurance charges ?

Thank you !
Last edited by NemesoK on May 11, 2017, 4:05:28 PM
NemesoK wrote:
Hello, I just switched to this build.
Level 94, 8 ascendancy points. 7.5+ k Life. 120k dps. I am running HoA, Hatred, Arctic Armour.

I have problems with survivablity. When I don't hit with dual strike, my life is getting down so fast !
I cannot facetank phoenix and the core boss.
The AoE of dual strike seems weak too :(

What is wrong with my char ?

You are using Immortal call. How do you generate endurance charges ?

Thank you !

Umbra here via Soup's account

Leap slam to stun enemies with stun gem
Get 16% iAPS and 0.4% leech on gloves

Bringer of Rain offers endurance charges on block

Use Rumi to get high or max block and Bringer of Rain will love you like a fat puppy

Get 0.4% leech on your rare ring or amulet, I only managed to finagle some life on hit

Make sure res are overcapped to 100%
Lag from poor internet will kill you. It kills me super fast also and I have 9227 life 400+k DPS

Don't run around or dodge EVER EVER. Stand your ground in mobs and keep attacking or else you will die. Watch my Overgrown Ruin video top of my page to understand. At 19 seconds I lagged and suddenly drained 8000 life in a half second! I survived not by fleeing but by pounding on my enemies and attacking all the more. That's how you must fight.

Only Shaper and Uber Atziri require some footwork. Facetank the Uber Trio.
Last edited by triwesterki on May 11, 2017, 5:06:31 PM
Thank you for your answer.

BoR is better than belly of the beast for survivability if I understand right ?
What is better ?
Last edited by NemesoK on May 11, 2017, 5:33:07 PM
I am at lvl 84 right now , got a 6l belly and crafted myself a decent 67max life + 32 str and 40% dual striek damage enchant helmet.. tho made some mistakes , either way , at lvl 84 i m at 6.6k Life , should i just make it liek 7k and stop getting life nodes and get dmage nodes?? Since , is there any point on stacking so much life?
Hello @triwesterki and @Umbra_the_Wolf

Have you played some T16 Vaal Temple maps?

If yes yes, plz post a video, I would like see how this "Belly of the beast" version of the build destroy T16 uber trio.

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