3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

spookyswag wrote:
Swords are better imo, but yeah it's all preference in the end. I like the whirling blades aspect. But with prismatic 3 green sockets ups your global attackspeed, making it more than a 2.1 AS sword and gives block
But It has abysmal DPS, right?
spookyswag wrote:
Swords are better imo, but yeah it's all preference in the end. I like the whirling blades aspect. But with prismatic 3 green sockets ups your global attackspeed, making it more than a 2.1 AS sword and gives block

No it doesn't. If it did, it wouldn't cost an alch. The stats mean the same as having 12% increased attack speed on a jewel.
Xoph's Blood is that good item for this build ?

GrabLtys wrote:
Xoph's Blood is that good item for this build ?


With Avatar of Fire you'll basically be dealing half physical damage since with it, you can deal no non-fire damage and only 50% of phys is converted. The stats on it are nice otherwise.
Should I be using movement skills in boss battles to keep up Fortify? I feel like Leap Slam is to slow, missing out on that valuable VP leech.

Also would 35k tooltip DPS, 5.2k HP be enough for Uber Lab?
Last edited by IllusiveGuy on Sep 21, 2017, 9:44:09 AM
IllusiveGuy wrote:
Should I be using movement skills in boss battles to keep up Fortify?

I feel like Leap Slam is to slow, missing out on that valuable VP leech.

I started using whirling blades -> fortify -> leap slam set up. Most movement I do is with whirling blades with leap slam reserved for getting over stuff. Only works if you use swords and not axes. But it's kind of rare that I move at all - only if I think I'll die to a special attack or to get out of something damaging me. Whirling blades is also good at skirting past traps.
Hey guys!

Im getting ready to take on the shaper and was wondering, am i ready?

Please have a look at my gear and give me some pointers if there are anything i really need to upgrade.
Currently sitting just shy of 7k HP, PoB DPS at about 200-250k with flasks i think.

I think i made my character open so you can go ahead in and check my tree as well, it should be pretty much identical to the build notes for sword users i think.

Thanks in advance!

I just tried taking on Shaper and it didn't go so well, got him to the last phase but my dps and leech seemed lacking. I have seen many different gem set ups and combinations. I was wondering if you could take a look at my character and tell me where I am going wrong. Am I suppose to be using Might and Influence jewel and melee splash support? Am I suppose to be using Bloodlust or Maim support instead of Damage on Full Life support? Any tips would be appreciated.

wartortrle wrote:
spookyswag wrote:
Swords are better imo, but yeah it's all preference in the end. I like the whirling blades aspect. But with prismatic 3 green sockets ups your global attackspeed, making it more than a 2.1 AS sword and gives block
But It has abysmal DPS, right?

Alright so that's asinine, I sniped a 380 2.1 aps sword for 4 ex got offers for 10 ex with it just chilling in my bank. it's good, you get more attack speed which is good quality of life in my opinion and the whirling blades helps. There are swords listed at 440+dps and more attack speed than axes but yeah, like I said... and has probably been said 100 times or so in this forum history it's prefference
Regarding above, kellewic is correct, that amulet would be awesome without Avatar of Fire. AoF is only good for full conversion builds, I believe, which is worth researching, but bad for this build as is. Swapping in that amulet on my character reduces dps by nearly 2/3.

nem8 wrote:
Hey guys!

Im getting ready to take on the shaper and was wondering, am i ready?

Please have a look at my gear and give me some pointers if there are anything i really need to upgrade.
Currently sitting just shy of 7k HP, PoB DPS at about 200-250k with flasks i think.

I think i made my character open so you can go ahead in and check my tree as well, it should be pretty much identical to the build notes for sword users i think.

Thanks in advance!

Solid gear mostly, but there is no reason at all to use 2 voidhearts. You have 25% bleed chance from the passive tree, 48% on one Voidheart, and Chance to Bleed is 25% bleed chance as well. Voidhearts stats suck compared to a good rare. Since you likely have res cap already with all the tri res gear, replace one voidheart with a really high life high strength ring with flat phys on it.

Replace Apocalypse Thirst, 248 dps is super low, you can get a 300 phys dps fairly cheaply. That will boost your dps a ton.

As for passive tree, I'd suggest getting rid of the Duality cluster by the scion life wheel and either getting your missing life nodes, or getting Berserking instead for more attack speed.



I just tried taking on Shaper and it didn't go so well, got him to the last phase but my dps and leech seemed lacking. I have seen many different gem set ups and combinations. I was wondering if you could take a look at my character and tell me where I am going wrong. Am I suppose to be using Might and Influence jewel and melee splash support? Am I suppose to be using Bloodlust or Maim support instead of Damage on Full Life support? Any tips would be appreciated.


Yes, always use Might and Influence, it amplifies both single target and aoe damage. Never use melee splash support gem. Use Bloodlust with Chance to Bleed on totem, or use Maim, but not damage on full life. Also, you may want to swap some damage nodes for life nodes on your tree. And get a new amulet immediately with 80+ life on it. Lastly, none of your flasks will do much for Shaper. Get yourself an Atziri's Promise flask for a chaos, and maybe a Lion's Roar also. Good luck on your next try, you'll get there!

spookyswag wrote:
wartortrle wrote:
spookyswag wrote:
Swords are better imo, but yeah it's all preference in the end. I like the whirling blades aspect. But with prismatic 3 green sockets ups your global attackspeed, making it more than a 2.1 AS sword and gives block
But It has abysmal DPS, right?

Alright so that's asinine, I sniped a 380 2.1 aps sword for 4 ex got offers for 10 ex with it just chilling in my bank. it's good, you get more attack speed which is good quality of life in my opinion and the whirling blades helps. There are swords listed at 440+dps and more attack speed than axes but yeah, like I said... and has probably been said 100 times or so in this forum history it's prefference

Prismatic Eclipse is vendor trash. Buy 2 of them if you want and see how your dps fairs. They're not endgame weapons. Spooky, that is a sick find, I hope you keep it (or sell to meeeee)

Again, to make sure you see when your posts are replied to, check the box for 'Notify when quoted' in account preferences. I always kinda wonder if people even read my posts when I answer questions :P
Last edited by roguemjb on Sep 21, 2017, 9:09:51 PM

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