3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

YT_HB wrote:
Caridor wrote:
Looks amazing. Think I've got my build for going through the story (as soon as the passive tree links are fixed).

Anyone know the first few nodes on the tree? I'd rather not start out on the wrong path.

Go to Resolute Technique first. Then to duelist area and up to Vaal Pact.
roguemjb wrote:
Here's what I whipped up tonight. I got rid of Blood Drinker in Shadow area, too many points for not enough gain. Both these builds are for mid 90's characters. Go with axes if you love Soul Taker to get full mana reservation and use Arctic Armour. Go with swords if you want slightly higher damage (lots higher without Legacy gear) and life and want to use Whirling Blades to zip around. Swords are the easy choice if you want to use Brutality, since you won't be using Hatred or Herald, otherwise it is up to preference. I will keep these updated when needed.

BANDITS! Oak gives phys damage and phys mitigation, Kraityn gives attack speed, dodge, and move speed. Path of Bulding shows the dps as .5% lower with Kraityn, but I value speed more. The choice of just taking 2 passive points is actually a solid idea also. I think passives will be better at higher level, but Kraityn will give the best upgrade when you first get it.

Don't worry guys, Rogue and I are combing over everything very carefully. I advise not to plug into the tree til I officially update on the thread. Posting a bad tree costs you time and money, it'll get done in the next half of a day. Rogue is in charge of all the testing and is being held back by my schedule to comb over the new tree xD

Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
ROCK ON! The horde of dual strikers is coming!
kokozko wrote:
ROCK ON! The horde of dual strikers is coming!

I've already received so many emails haha
DUAL STRIKE THESE EMAILS YO! Where my axes be at???
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
banana done updated the thread
3.0 info section
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Do you have a link to your character? Both on your profile are naked Would love to see your current gear and also 3.0 skill tree (poeplanner is down)
intered14 wrote:
Do you have a link to your character? Both on your profile are naked Would love to see your current gear and also 3.0 skill tree (poeplanner is down)

Roguemjb has gear, look at his. My gear is on the GEAR section of the thread. Most of it is so old, so epic, impossible doesn't even come close to describe how impossible my rare axe alone was to find even 2 years ago. Rogue's gear is far more realistic for build goals unless you have 500-600ex and play on standard. I'll be re-posting my gear hopefully before long, links like to expire so it's coming time to do that anyway.

Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Great work Umbra & Rogue!

Understand time is required for the passive tree to be tested. Just wana check if Rogue's advice on starting towards Resolute Technique still stands?

If it's valid, at least we can work towards something while waiting for the rest to be up.

Oh and bandits is now Kraitlyn or passives? Both viable?

Again, tks for the hard work and effort in building this up! Have tried a dual striker gladiator previously, so really wanted to try berserker to see the difference!
Last edited by Halu78 on Aug 5, 2017, 9:40:29 AM
I'm finding the gem description in the main post quite confusing. Could you please show us some clear cut images or writeups featuring the gems we need, linked in the manner needed? A clear list would be nice, as well as a clear guide for how they should be linked.
Thank you!
Awesome work so far guys!! I know youre busy as hell with this build but please update bandits
Thank you! I got Oak for first bandit, I hope thats good!
Last edited by shaneisaghostt on Aug 5, 2017, 12:07:41 PM

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