3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

I'm thinking of making a dual striker for the new league to farm uber lab. with minimal gear, do you think izaro is tankable? I'm thinking bringer of rain + kaom's roots, but honestly with the new life buffs on helmets and armors where +150 is available, I think it might just be worth getting a 135+ life helm + chest

Anilogas wrote:
I'm thinking of making a dual striker for the new league to farm uber lab. with minimal gear, do you think izaro is tankable? I'm thinking bringer of rain + kaom's roots, but honestly with the new life buffs on helmets and armors where +150 is available, I think it might just be worth getting a 135+ life helm + chest

Izaro is tankable with budget gear already, rest assured
Anilogas wrote:
I'm thinking bringer of rain + kaom's roots, but honestly with the new life buffs on helmets and armors where +150 is available, I think it might just be worth getting a 135+ life helm + chest

I am unaware... Is there a post about this somewhere or something?

Edit: Oh, I saw the ES & Life Manifesto and the screenshot of the chest with 153 life... that was it though.
Last edited by PhreEkGarden on Jul 10, 2017, 2:20:32 PM

If you have a 1.90 APS rare axe and decide to settle on a Soul Taker, for example, that is 1.80 APS instead of 1.88 APS the DPS drop will be horrific. Same goes for pDPS. The difference between pDPS 300 and 350 and 400 and 450 (mine) is increasingly catastrophic due to APS and pDPS multiplication. My build is painfully synergistic and small increases and decreases in one area can have heavy effect in another area.

I do not use Added Fire. It is inferior to Melee Damage on Full Life. Take whatever DPS tooltip you gain from Added Fire and lop off 75%. Remember that only Kaom and rare/unique enemies indicating that they have armor have physical damage reduction. So full physical is extremely reliable when tracking average damage outputs. You;re also losing a huge damage synergy with Melee Dmg on Full Life for the potions my build synergizes with. Using Melee Dmg on Full Life cranks DPS even more when you potion since they take melee phys dmg to multiply for additional dmg of other types.

Please keep in mind it's dumb to use two Soul Takers as they do not have great damage and offer no other benefit really. They also max at 1.88 APS. Also keep in mind my gems are corrupted usually lv21-23q my rings have some added dmg which is results in 10k DPS increases or more and my gloves are 16% APS and so on. My jewels also give me 11-16% APS on 5 jewels plus like another 30-40% melee phys dmg.

I'm not sure why I understand you would complain your DPS is low when you are not even fully geared and not even using lv20 gems at least and so on when you test your DPS. It'd be like me complaining that my magic damage is low when I am using none or that enemies won't die using dual strike when only having one axe equipped. I just don't get it.

oh no, you mis-understand.

https://pastebin.com/jPCDKsaa this one is YOUR build, that I MODIFIED. i removed 1 jewel socket. I REMOVED YOUR AMULET, RINGS AND BELT, AND GAVE YOU TWO (2) MINIMUM ROLL SOUL TAKES to try and lower your dps.
https://pastebin.com/85A1WTkJ this one is the one with exact same tree as your modified build (the one right above) but with my gear. i am using much better soul taker and a varunastra and steel rings.


more points : i have replaced BLOODLUST with added fire, since im not using a VOIDHEART. i AM using MDOFL.

i KNOW this is a phys build and relies heavily on good weapons. and i plan to use 2x soul takes since, simply put, they have highest 1H axe pdps for any unique, and are cheap to get.
only the rigwald item has more dps and THAT is a league exclusive.

also, im NOT complaining, im inviting you to go thru the build i made in path of building based closely (but not exactly) on yours.

i know you might not have time, but your build looks awesome and i want to play it next league, so im trying to do my homework before league starts!

PS : sorry for the wall of text.
Izaro on merciless and uber lab is extremely tankable with 7k life, like I can't stress how you just need to be above 6600 life to tank him. 7k life you will literally never ever die no matter how recklessly you tank him. His stupid lab is much more dangerous than he is. Same with uber argus, very easy. In the video section under Shaper/Uber/2x Malachai there's Uber Izaro and Uber Argus which Soup recorded using budget gear only, and he butchered them utterly.

Budget striker can tank up to t16, and with a good memory and steady hand you can take on Shaper, first video by Supporthotline he took on Shaper deathless with budget dual striker 5ex or less gear value. Sky is the limit!

2x Malachai was done with Soup with budget dual striker as well, just avoid the 20k hammer slam and 25k teleport explosion. You can block them fairly often with Bringer of Rain setup + Rumi pot when you see em about to do it as a safety measure. Just don't play the odds on purpose though lol

I've also had it confirmed in comments that all Guardians are fully tankable with budget striker as well 5ex or less gear, as well as tested by Soup with budget gear. Just watch damage mods like Vulnerability which seem innocuous but can really make a map run hell.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on Jul 10, 2017, 3:43:33 PM
Disconaut wrote:

If you have a 1.90 APS rare axe and decide to settle on a Soul Taker, for example, that is 1.80 APS instead of 1.88 APS the DPS drop will be horrific. Same goes for pDPS. The difference between pDPS 300 and 350 and 400 and 450 (mine) is increasingly catastrophic due to APS and pDPS multiplication. My build is painfully synergistic and small increases and decreases in one area can have heavy effect in another area.

I do not use Added Fire. It is inferior to Melee Damage on Full Life. Take whatever DPS tooltip you gain from Added Fire and lop off 75%. Remember that only Kaom and rare/unique enemies indicating that they have armor have physical damage reduction. So full physical is extremely reliable when tracking average damage outputs. You;re also losing a huge damage synergy with Melee Dmg on Full Life for the potions my build synergizes with. Using Melee Dmg on Full Life cranks DPS even more when you potion since they take melee phys dmg to multiply for additional dmg of other types.

Please keep in mind it's dumb to use two Soul Takers as they do not have great damage and offer no other benefit really. They also max at 1.88 APS. Also keep in mind my gems are corrupted usually lv21-23q my rings have some added dmg which is results in 10k DPS increases or more and my gloves are 16% APS and so on. My jewels also give me 11-16% APS on 5 jewels plus like another 30-40% melee phys dmg.

I'm not sure why I understand you would complain your DPS is low when you are not even fully geared and not even using lv20 gems at least and so on when you test your DPS. It'd be like me complaining that my magic damage is low when I am using none or that enemies won't die using dual strike when only having one axe equipped. I just don't get it.

oh no, you mis-understand.

https://pastebin.com/jPCDKsaa this one is YOUR build, that I MODIFIED. i removed 1 jewel socket. I REMOVED YOUR AMULET, RINGS AND BELT, AND GAVE YOU TWO (2) MINIMUM ROLL SOUL TAKES to try and lower your dps.
https://pastebin.com/85A1WTkJ this one is the one with exact same tree as your modified build (the one right above) but with my gear. i am using much better soul taker and a varunastra and steel rings.


more points : i have replaced BLOODLUST with added fire, since im not using a VOIDHEART. i AM using MDOFL.

i KNOW this is a phys build and relies heavily on good weapons. and i plan to use 2x soul takes since, simply put, they have highest 1H axe pdps for any unique, and are cheap to get.
only the rigwald item has more dps and THAT is a league exclusive.

also, im NOT complaining, im inviting you to go thru the build i made in path of building based closely (but not exactly) on yours.

i know you might not have time, but your build looks awesome and i want to play it next league, so im trying to do my homework before league starts!

PS : sorry for the wall of text.

No worries on the wall of text, and sorry I misunderstood. I definitely was like waa? He's testing with no gear on lol

Anyway, much of what I said stands firm. You deviated from my build enough regardless that even if you had my axes you'd still have much less DPS.

Added Fire is sh*t. Just don't use it.
2x Soul Takers is still low pDPS but if that's what you can afford then you are immediately in the budget striker class
Losing a jewel socket is madness, one of my jewels alone has
-7% max life
-12% melee phys damage (while dual wielding or in general)
-11-16% APS (while dual wielding, for axes or in general)
-and either 12% increased AoE or 12% dual resistances or something else like 12 Intelligence/Strength

That's one jewel. I have 5 or 6 of them that are all like that, only the last mod is different for each of them

And again, my one rare axe literally has a pDPS of 3 or 4 of your Soul Takers. The best 2H axes in the game at the moment do less damage than my one axe.

Lastly, Voidheart grants like 100-200k damage, bleed alone is 93k plus you should account for the poison plus the (albeit limited) stacking. I'd go on but you get it.
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Izaro on merciless and uber lab is extremely tankable with 7k life, like I can't stress how you just need to be above 6600 life to tank him. 7k life you will literally never ever die no matter how recklessly you tank him. His stupid lab is much more dangerous than he is. Same with uber argus, very easy. In the video section under Shaper/Uber/2x Malachai there's Uber Izaro and Uber Argus which Soup recorded using budget gear only, and he butchered them utterly.

Budget striker can tank up to t16, and with a good memory and steady hand you can take on Shaper, first video by Supporthotline he took on Shaper deathless with budget dual striker 5ex or less gear value. Sky is the limit!

2x Malachai was done with Soup with budget dual striker as well, just avoid the 20k hammer slam and 25k teleport explosion. You can block them fairly often with Bringer of Rain setup + Rumi pot when you see em about to do it as a safety measure. Just don't play the odds on purpose though lol

I've also had it confirmed in comments that all Guardians are fully tankable with budget striker as well 5ex or less gear, as well as tested by Soup with budget gear. Just watch damage mods like Vulnerability which seem innocuous but can really make a map run hell.

Ok seriously, Sin's Rebirth alone is more than 5ex. His 425 pdps would cost over 100 ex if anything close to it were for sale. His gear is probably closer to 150ex.

It's a fine build but you are really overselling it.
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :

Rusherboy wrote:

Ok seriously, Sin's Rebirth alone is more than 5ex. His 425 pdps would cost over 100 ex if anything close to it were for sale. His gear is probably closer to 150ex.

It's a fine build but you are really overselling it.

Watch the videos and pretend you read my budget guide before calling me and friends liars
your comments have no weight

Sin's is for elite endgame only as written in my guide, same with axes like mine
Shaper defeated deathless ~5ex of gear by a buddy Supporthotline unless you want to call him a liar

git gud scrub, save the forums for adults
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on Jul 10, 2017, 9:48:59 PM
bump this terd
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Rusherboy wrote:

Ok seriously, Sin's Rebirth alone is more than 5ex. His 425 pdps would cost over 100 ex if anything close to it were for sale. His gear is probably closer to 150ex.

It's a fine build but you are really overselling it.

Watch the videos and pretend you read my budget guide before calling me and friends liars
your comments have no weight

Sin's is for elite endgame only as written in my guide, same with axes like mine
Shaper defeated deathless ~5ex of gear by a buddy Supporthotline unless you want to call him a liar

git gud scrub, save the forums for adults

I guess you should watch it yourself?

He's using Sin's Rebirth in the video and a 425 pdps Axe.

No one is calling your buddy a liar but I question your ability to watch videos and read posts in your own thread. I guess it's easy since you didn't do any of it yourself.

Quoted from his post :

Shaper Done on Lvl 89 with Dualstrike. No Death only one port out the dmg is still kinda low for the adds. 13min for not an Speedrun(could be a bit faster without hanging around) its decent.

425pdps axe(1.85atkspeed) and almost max non legacy soul taker

But i think for Uber-Atziri i really need those levels ;)

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_KR_3GKuEI&feature=youtu.be

DPS - http://imgur.com/a/ePnx7
Defensiv - http://imgur.com/a/mDWkg


Btw i should record oftener over 20 shaper runs one flask and two swords thats all now i got ruby while recording xd


I avoided the Beam to risky for me without using flask´s
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :


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