[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Kezz123 wrote:
i've tried the uber labs yesterday and had no issues making it to last boss. But I find that the boss fights just take FOREVER by which point I usually die from some mistake or another.

Is it normal that my dps feel so low on that boss?

I use doryani, I am 80 and have the same build as you suggest except i skipped 3x 5% hp nodes for the 3 curse improvement nodes to try to up my dps a tad.

I dont have the carcass still which would help a bit with the totem range on this mobile booss but even when he sits in it his life barely moves.

How big an impact is the doedre helmet? I dont use it for now but wondering now if thats considered a huge upgrade or not? My helm has 100 hp and some chaos resist so I wouldnt lose much resists swapping it but I would trade away a chunk of health.

On packs stuff generally goes down pretty fast except in groups stuff seem to take a while to die typically.

Any advice?

I dont know how to link my gear yet.
I also use shield for a good chunk of hp and armor. 1000armor shield seems to help a lot with survivability.

Keeping izaro in range of the totem can be tricky (I've toyed with using a decoy totem for bosses, but don't really have the links spare), but you should be doing decent damage.
Are you making sure that you are using traps to trigger EE? It's a big part of the ele resist reduction against bosses.

Did you let him keep bonuses? If he has elemental essences, that's going to make things trickier too.

Doedre's scorn is one of the few places you can get increased damage on gear, so is a great choice for the build, but isn't necessary.

What level is your spell totem too? That's a huge part of the damage. Plus do you have totem life jewels?

If you can go into your profile on the forum, and make your character tab public we can have a look.
1) I dont say Vulnerability is meh, its just worse than flammability and ele weakness in terms of damage. Ofc the benefit of the flask is that you dont need any reservation or curse on hit, but are limited to 2 uses. For packs it doesnt matter since the mobs instantly die anyway, for some bosses the duration might not be enough tho. selfcast enfeeble is indeed a solid option in that case.

2) Gemlevel help A LOT, especially a lvl 20 or 21 spelltotem gem. This is what the dmg is based on. Izaro or daressa are indeed bitchy bosses with their mobility, wouldnt swap in conc effect for those. A mix of decoy + rft + searing bond might help there. Keep elemental equilibrium up all the time and move.
Playing a bladefalltotemer this league (my own creation again) and it plays similar, except the radius issue (but lower dmg at this state as i would have with rf).
No problems at all in surviving, running in circles and let the totems do the job, keeping up endurance charges all the time etc.

Doedres with a top roll and triple curse has the value of a 2nd weapon (daressos at least). On top the +2 curse level give decent survivalbility or dmg, depending on the curses. If you wanna stay really safe (Hc), you can also use a high armour/life helmet. I used two helmets in 2.2, one doedre with my curses and one high armour helmet + life (no resists needed, because with doedre you need to be capped without em on that slot) for curse immune maps. Socketed determination + arctic armour in there.

Also there is a new ring crafting base afaik with elemental damage as a base, which is pretty interesting ;)
I will add some stuff to the guide in the next days, once everything is discovered and i have the time for it

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Im in act 4 Cruel, What weapon are we supposed to be using Daderos Passion has a VERY VERY high dex require.
Upskirt wrote:
Im in act 4 Cruel, What weapon are we supposed to be using Daderos Passion has a VERY VERY high dex require.

a spectre with high elemental dmg implicit + fire dmg% if possible OR laviagnas wisdom. Those are the cheapest options. Alternatively we have wideswing which has a lvl 20 aoe gem included, which makes a nice pseudo 5l with a 4l ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc

Dont know how to make my profile public. In privacy, I have no checkmark on making my profile private so I assume it is public?

My spell totem is 19
my rf is 18
Been using Rallying cry for extra dps
trying to keep ice trap down whenever possible but feels slow and clunky so maybe im failing here sometimes to keep it up but I barely notice a difference in dps when I do against the boss.

Not sure if this help narrow down the issue. Sounds like my hat should be swapped to doedre for sure and ill take hit on hp and armor. I didnt see anything about totem life anywhere? is RF damage based on totem life instead of my own since its in spell totem?

I dont play hardcore so dying is not a huge huge deal but I also want to ensure I dont fail uber labs or atziri when i run them.
Also thanks for taking the time to answer some question guys! much appreciated.
I wrote it down several times in the guide that rf totem damage is based on totem life, not player life (general information, read first - section, for excample).
Totem life is by far the most desired stat on the skilltree and jewels.

For izaro i would use doedres, the earlier hes dead the better it is. To compensate use a basalt flask instead of one lifeflask in sketchy situations.
On one of my coc barrage chars i just factanked him with basalt + rumis + jade + stibnite all the time :p


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Sep 7, 2016, 2:29:33 PM
I used your build a few seasons ago and i guess i skipped over some content when redoing it this season....totally forgot about totem life and the unique jewel for totems.

made a few changes and although I feel a lot squishier, the dps seems to have improved. I wrecked atziri twice so ill have to try uber labs again soon and see if it makes a big difference.
Kezz123 wrote:
Also thanks for taking the time to answer some question guys! much appreciated.

If you go to your profile page, then privacy settings in the right hand column.
There is a 'Hide Characters' checkbox - untick it and we should be able to see your actual character.
Kezz123 wrote:

Dont know how to make my profile public. In privacy, I have no checkmark on making my profile private so I assume it is public?

My spell totem is 19
my rf is 18
Been using Rallying cry for extra dps
trying to keep ice trap down whenever possible but feels slow and clunky so maybe im failing here sometimes to keep it up but I barely notice a difference in dps when I do against the boss.

Not sure if this help narrow down the issue. Sounds like my hat should be swapped to doedre for sure and ill take hit on hp and armor. I didnt see anything about totem life anywhere? is RF damage based on totem life instead of my own since its in spell totem?

I dont play hardcore so dying is not a huge huge deal but I also want to ensure I dont fail uber labs or atziri when i run them.

Well your gear looks fine - you should be a bit tankier than me anyway.
If you haven't been thinking about totem life, that could be the issue, I have totem life in every jewel socket including spire of stone unique jewel.

You need to think of totem life as the base damage, same as a weapon on an attack build. Adding damage to the base gives you a lot more than increased damage on the tree/gear.

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