Viper Strike

Scol91 wrote:
thrilled wrote:
Farvel wrote:
is viper strike working with 2x1h handers ?
I mean is it using both weapons to stack damage?
Is it worth it to use this spell in a 2x 1hand situation or a 1h+shield is better?
Thanks for informations.

I also want to know about this...

Most melee skills that are used with 2 melee weapons alternate between those weapons each swing. You also get innate 10% more attack speed while dual wielding.[...] and generally sword & board is better than dual wielding(unless you're using dual strike/cleave).

Thats something I really want to know too!
I thought most melee skills use only the main weapon for the attack while dual wielding. Only specials like cleave do this.
I really dont know why there isnt a list yet. Imho this is the most important thing for a dual wield build.

to 1H/shield vs. dualwield:

1H/shield is definately more safe and more easy. But with godly gear (e.g. with 8-9k Life from Kaom...) you could prefer more dmg.
With viper strike I definately would do dualwield, because 15% MORE IAS is really insane and helps a lot with stacking viper strike and shock stacks.
I really wanna try a low life dual wield redbeak viper striker build (or +2 melee gems sword + redbeak)
I made a short guide on my chaos damage build and thought you guys might be interested.
Last edited by PhreEkGarden on Apr 7, 2013, 4:55:09 PM
Is this skill intended to go through block? Right now one of the best skill to use in merciless PvP because not as close to easy as stacking ele resist... and anyone with a +2 melee weapon/shield can use this and win without effort

Is this skill still not working with Melee Splash?

IGN: Azatooth or Xploding
Yep, and it's working as intended. The splash damage penalty cannot apply to the DoT at the moment, so it would be inordinately powerful.
Only problem with using it with multistrike is that you still need to use it twice to get the max stacks of 4 (vs a single target).

You'd be doing 6 attacks in the time it takes to do 3 in order to apply the 4 debuffs, whereas with faster attacks, you could easily do the 4 attacks in significantly less time it would take to normally do 3.

I guess overall someone running viperstrike would generally be running both multistrike AND faster attacks, but still, multistrike is not optimal considering the 3 of 4 stacks it puts on per use.
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At 4 charges, any additional applications of Viper Strike will refresh the duration on the current charges and also deal a flat amount of Chaos damage.

I like this idea. "Applying Viper Strike to a an enemy already at the maximum number of charges will apply an additional DD% of damage as Chaos." This would help it immensely as a sustained primary attack.

As a side note, I noticed Viper Strike doesn't have much of a graphical effect. It wants some acid-like green angry something or rather, no?

The splash damage penalty cannot apply to the DoT at the moment, so it would be inordinately powerful.

Someone's worried about melee becoming 'inordinately powerful'. That'll be the day.
Last edited by Courageous on May 21, 2013, 10:41:36 AM
Courageous wrote:
Someone's worried about melee becoming 'inordinately powerful'. That'll be the day.

Level 18 Viper Strike, Splash, Vuln and Increased Duration.
378.7 * 1.4 = 530.18 DPS per Charge
7.4 * 1.81 = 13.394 second duration
Four Charges adds up to 2120 DPS, nearly 30k total damage. In an AoE.

Don't need a strong weapon or anything, just a fast one. Heck, if you do have a strong Sword, you can even use Puncture as well, because you're using the perfect Curse for that. More DoTs! Walk around and watch everything turn into loot!

For fun times, stack Crit (you don't need anything from the Passive tree anyways) and get some Shock EP in there.

Can use a single Multistrike attack as well. Gets you three out of four Charges in just a second or so.

It's not strictly my concern; I'd find it hilarious and would abuse it so much. It's GGG's concern though.
Four Charges adds up to 2120 DPS. In an AoE.

You say that like it's a lot. I have lightning strike on multistrike for over 4K. AOE.

Although I can see a certain positive virtue in being able to apply quickly and then walk away. However, if you're not walking away: yawn.

Anyway, you'd think they'd do some damage effectiveness thing on such were they to put it on multistrike/splash.

Last edited by Courageous on May 21, 2013, 10:24:19 PM
lightning strike hits at most 4 foes... a splash (AoE) can hit as many foes that can fit in the radius...

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