(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

downhilldemon wrote:
Even in softcore I think it is worth taking the scion life wheel and to go for +7 endurance charges. Not having the extra life and endurance charges may work up to level 78 maps but the new upper echelon of maps are particularly challenging. Also, with these new high level maps people are often trying to roll 100+ quant maps which can become quite dangerous.

Here is my passive tree at level 86 in Warbands.

I was able to run a 150 quant 40 pack size 81 Maze with this build without losing a single portal. Clear speed is still high and my life is siting at around 6500.

Here is my gear:

Tooltip sits between 35-55k depending on onslaught and which flasks are up. I swap WED with LGOH for ele reflect maps and can do phys reflect with a problem. Only mod that gives me trouble is 60% less regen as it affects my life leech as well.

how many armour do you have when you dont have fortity?
IGN: TeamForDead
SRS all day everyday!!!
Don't you dare nerf my spirits again :(

Loving the build so far, would like some advice on what to upgrade next?!
Lighty I really like your Build I am a new player and your build has a lot of variations The reason why I am writing a post is I am asking permission to use your guide Some people are particular. I think it is nooby friendly and fits my play style I do not mean to advertise just want to use your Passive trees. I have played normal many time I have died more than I can count using both fingers and my toes. So with your knowledge of the game and detailed thread I am sure to survive. Thank You and I highly recommend your thread.
blingi wrote:
Lighty wrote:
Ceratoidei wrote:
just 3k? I'm on my phone, so I can't analyse, but you're looking for

Helmet: Devots -> 20% MS is huge + ias is giving a nice dps boost
Amulet: 1. Flat Phys 2. Life 3. Dex and then str or resis
Rings: 1. Life 2. ias 3. phys 4. resis
Gloves: Same like rings... you can add.ias at gloves with Haku lvl7 and phys on rings
Boots: 30ms Life Resis you can add up to 64 Life with Haku
Belt: Life Resis MS from Tora lvl6

you need 4.5k Life around lvl80 and at lvl90 you aim for 6k Life

I'm doing around 30k with a 5l and 450pdps sword

Is Devoto's really that great? I've been thinking about it but it ends up decreasing my damage as well as costing me a lot of resists (not overcapped for reduced elemental resist anymore) and no life roll so the only real advantage would be the movement speed, right?
Is that really worth losing resists, life and damage?

The lack of resists and life on Devotos become trivial when you have decent gear, The dexterity, chaos res and movement speed it offers is invaluable compared to other items. The attack speed more than cancels out the loss of physical damage.

The movement speed and dex would be very nice indeed, but Chaos resist doesn't seem that important.

Capping resists (especially with Lightning Coil and for maps with Elemental Weakness) seems like it would be not that easy with a Devoto's unless you have a lot of money and more life is always nice to have.
But I guess I'll go for it anyway, the movement speed seems too good to pass up on for fast map clearing as well as defensively.

Another question, how important would you say is the additional leech from the Hematophagy wheel?
I've neglected it so far in favor of more health and damage nodes, but considered adding 3-5 points there.

Chaos res becomes more important later on and lightning coil (legacy preferable) is the best option for physical mitigation. Hematophagy is very worth it and your leech and late rate later becomes more important, it allows for quick battles without requiring flask usage which can save you from deaths on certain things like atziri were flask management becomes very important.
Last edited by Lighty on Aug 6, 2015, 12:24:53 AM
micha2240 wrote:
hey , any improvements suggestions ? currently at warbrands league.

Helmet and boots are your "weakest" pieces but overall your gear is solid. Maybe work a Mings heart into the mix.
Bisrob wrote:
Hi, I'm a very casual gamer (I have never been at Atziri for example) and now I'm in merciless, Act 2.

I have a question to the bandits: "Help Oak = +1 Endurance Charge (Self Casting Immortal Call For Atziri)"
Why is an additional endurance charge responsible for casting immortal call?

I have read the text at "Apex of Sacrifice", but I can't figure out how this should work.
At first I have to cast manually Enduring Cry and after that I have to cast manually Immortal Call!? Can't figure out that "Selft Casting" ^^

I hope you understand what i meant ^^ (english is not my mother tongue)

Regards Bisrob

The Endurance charges = Longer immortal call duration ( roughly 1 charge = 1 second of immortal call ). The general series of actions is you cast enduring cry until you have reach your maximum amount of endurance charges, then you immortal granting you physical immunity to make certain phases of apex of sacrifice easier. This isn't required or needed for mapping in general and at a certain point when your gear is good enough its not even needed/suggested for doing Atziri.
Cador2 wrote:

is a tabula rasa useful with this build? (at least lvling till xx lvl)

what is our single target?

i´m lvl 30 now and have probs doing single target dmg.

so attack speed and movement speed is useful for cyclone?

1) Tabula Rasa is fine for leveling and i listed the gems & links in order of preferance in the guide.

2) our single target just like our multi target skill is cyclone

3) attack speed = more attacks per second which when using a high pdps 2h weapon scales higher than most weapons. Movement speed allows for a faster resolution of our cyclone and therefore will make re-attacking with cyclone a quicker process, overall movement speed is very useful for clearing maps quickly.
Dextarx wrote:
If i am using Kongor's can i Spec out of resolute tech? Does hits not being evaded only work for gems socketed into the wep?

Yes you can and it works, just remember to re-spec into RT when/if you change weapons later on.
Lighty wrote:

I figured out the area of effect nodes are for actual area of effect.

On a side note, where should I go from here with my DPS at the moment on the Cyclone is 2k and 3k with buffs. Do I need more resists? More life? I always have trouble with these things.

I'm really bad at picking up good gear, this was given to me by a friendly Guild member.

Your DPS is almost Impressively low at 3k. First off I would like to see your passive tree because you must have done something wrong unless you exclusively grabbed life nodes. Fro resistances you want capped 75% elemental resistances, ignore chaos res. Gear can be mostly self found although Marohi Erqi is perfectly fine for a weapon, try and 6 socket it then go for a 5 or 6l ( which ever you get first ).


Here's my passive skill tree.

Partially due to your lack or level and gear, mostly due to you forgoing most/all of the damage nodes and focusing on life and survivability. Your essentially speced for hardcore which is fine but that's the cause of your subpar dps.
Bisrob wrote:
Valmar wrote:
Bisrob wrote:
Hi, I'm a very casual gamer (I have never been at Atziri for example) and now I'm in merciless, Act 2.

I have a question to the bandits: "Help Oak = +1 Endurance Charge (Self Casting Immortal Call For Atziri)"
Why is an additional endurance charge responsible for casting immortal call?

I have read the text at "Apex of Sacrifice", but I can't figure out how this should work.
At first I have to cast manually Enduring Cry and after that I have to cast manually Immortal Call!? Can't figure out that "Selft Casting" ^^

I hope you understand what i meant ^^ (english is not my mother tongue)

Regards Bisrob

Im maybe not sure, but I mean he are talking about Atziri is a very hard battle, so you can't rely on autocasting immortal call. So, the trick would be self-casting Immortal Call whenever you need better (just before you are going to receive a big physical damage hit). Then, a +1 Endurance Charge means ywhen you use Immortal Call you receive more mitigation because you will have one more endurance charge.

Hope that helps-

Ah I see, I'm so dumb xD I thought "self casting" means, it would trigger itself. But thanks for your explanation, now it is clear ^^

Last edited by Lighty on Aug 6, 2015, 12:36:59 AM

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