(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

If you want more dps as a jugg get the + 1000 accuracy ascendancy instead of the move speed one, with small investment I'm getting 45% inc attack speed which scales really well with cyclones 50% more attack speed modifier and can drop RT because chance to hit is 94% saving a point, letting you evade reflect and giving 5% chit chance for shock

Hey Guys. I started playing last Sunday so i am pretty new to the Game. Today i reached Lvl81.
My question: What Gear do i buy first? Is a 6L recommended first? Do i get a Chest or a Wep as a 6L?
Currently i have only around 60ish Chaos. My current Gear seems pretty bad.

My Characterprofile if needed: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Pure89/characters
Would love, if you could help a Newcomer out. :)
Pure89 wrote:
Hey Guys. I started playing last Sunday so i am pretty new to the Game. Today i reached Lvl81.
My question: What Gear do i buy first? Is a 6L recommended first? Do i get a Chest or a Wep as a 6L?
Currently i have only around 60ish Chaos. My current Gear seems pretty bad.

My Characterprofile if needed: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Pure89/characters
Would love, if you could help a Newcomer out. :)

Your char profile is set to private. Else it is much cheaper and quicker to get a 6l body armour than a good weapon that is 6l. Astral plates are relatively cheap (cause of 6x set Celestial Justicar div cards that sell for 25-30c). So you should be able to get a 6l astral which can provide good life, res and armour with decent stats to get you rolling. Else you could look into a 6l corrupted armour that fits your gem colors, can often get quite a good one for relatively cheap until you get something better.
Last edited by Ridman on Aug 18, 2017, 8:54:00 PM
Ridman wrote:

Your char profile is set to private. Else it is much cheaper and quicker to get a 6l body armour than a good weapon that is 6l. Astral plates are relatively cheap (cause of 6x set Celestial Justicar div cards that sell for 25-30c). So you should be able to get a 6l astral which can provide good life, res and armour with decent stats to get you rolling. Else you could look into a 6l corrupted armour that fits your gem colors, can often get quite a good one for relatively cheap until you get something better.

My Profile is no longer set to private. Thanks for your Answer i will look into it and try to find a 6l Chest.
varkotix wrote:
EvanEyolf wrote:
EvanEyolf wrote:
So after leveling a pizza sticks im really thinking about going back to cyclone, for my play style it is hard to beat the ability to do damage on the move and never really slow down, I know there are faster clear speed builds but I don't really like the jerky game play of stop and go.

I made my first real attempt at end game under breach league and started with Lightys guide then Moprhed it in to a Berserker Ngamahu fire build with vaal pac. With a lot of trial and error I got to a point were I could easily do 90% of the content and with some effort could have done the other 10% only thing I didn't do was guardians and sharper which was mostly do to lack of boss fight knowledge I only attempted them once . My one and only complaint was the unavoidable insta kills. With all of the 3.0 changes I have been thinking about giving cyclone another go.

with the 3.0 How do you think it compares with Ngamahu flame version as far as clear speed and boss killing goes?

I'm thinking of going Jug this time just for the defense. but I had some thoughts

How do think this would do if you went zerker and picked MoM instead of vaal pact or with?
It would give 30% dam reduction and with zerk you could heal the mana instantly with Ngahamu I never felt like I needed the damage I think I only took maybe 3 or 4 damage nodes that weren't on the way to something I wanted even on every thing but named mobs and bosses every thing died before the flame balls hit the ground.

on the jug side what about taken more bleeding damage in the tree also what about fitting ruthless in with cyclone hitting so fast you can get a lot ruthless ticks in which increases both instant and bleeding dam?

Im trying to figure out how to balance damage of Zerk with the defense of Jug

I have no issue sacrificing kill speed for survivablity at least with in reason. My thought is I can do more for cheaper with jugg even if takes longer to kill

so I tested MoM out. I don't recommend it we don't have enough mana/manaregen to make it worth while it worked ok for spike damage so long as you were already leaching but constant damage after cyclone ended made it so you could not recast. I died twice before I speced out of it. If I get bored I will respec out of beserker and into jug just to see how it feels its now a standard league char I dont really care about costs

I'm doing a MoM cycloner this league and it's working well. 7,7k life, 1200 unreserved mana. Due to the boss hp changes I wanted a character with sustainability and not being reliant on flasks. My solution was a scion raider/slayer going full phys so I could get away with just vulnerability as aura. This way I have perm frenzy charges/onslaught, gearing is cheap because we don't need accuracy or elemental damage and I have good lifereg and leech to sustain longer/tougher encounters. Just make sure to get jewels with mana leech (I had 2 but 1 is sufficient now) and some mana reg on rings/amulet. Also the lab enchant for life/mana reg is super important. I'm still keeping leap slam on blood magic so I can escape if I go oom though.

Feel free to check it out. I just bought my Starforge but I did down all Guardians with a 5-link cyclone and a 470pDps rare axe.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I went Scion because of the 5 extra passive points, making MoM more affordable skillpoint-wise.

I can see that working i was using what I had which was vaal pact fire cyclone. the bigest thing is having enough mana regen to cyclone after a big hit. I noticed were it got me was with in breach were I had several big mobs hit me drop my manna to 0 and left me stuck in the center with no manna to escape or start my spin against they did little damage to health. the one thing I would do is probably grab a mana flask I did not which would have totally saved me.


Let me start of by saying thanks for the guide :)

I have a few questions with regards to your 6L gem choices.

- Is chance to bleed better dps then maim? (poe builder shows that maim gives more dps)

- Also how about ruthless support?

According to poe builder highest dps 6l combination i can get is:
cyclone > melee phys > added fire > ruthless > maim > conc effect

Am i not using poe builder correctly?
Can you explain more clearly about the leveling? Like when to change gems
Stupid ? Question: How to you make enemys bleed with this build / in this game?

Is pure phys. the best DPS way to go? If so, what links? Thanks
There's some discrepancies between your poeplanner tree and your "Here's two basic default skill trees Marauder/Duelist/Scion & Ranger Tree" mind clearing those up or something, poeplanner doesnt seem to have most current tree according to your links
How are you supposed to generate the Endurance Charges for the Immortal Call utility setup?

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