(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

I was following this build, but now I'm really lost. First time into mapping and I'm not sure if I should get better weapon(I don't need culling now) and which gem links are better for me as I'm wasting slots on blood magic. Is the hatred + HoA good or should I swap for something better, is the 4link AW relevant or waste of slots? Thank you.
Krysacz wrote:
I was following this build, but now I'm really lost. First time into mapping and I'm not sure if I should get better weapon(I don't need culling now) and which gem links are better for me as I'm wasting slots on blood magic. Is the hatred + HoA good or should I swap for something better, is the 4link AW relevant or waste of slots? Thank you.

since you went into the vitality void notable, you can take off your blood magic gem and swap in an damage on full life which will bump up your dps significantly. the 4% mana leech will be enough to sustain your cyclone mana cost even against one enemy. the gem works well since our leech effects don't get removed when we hit full life so we are almost always at full life.

as for the weapon, try looking for an axe in the 450+ pdps range for your upgrade with the end goal being a disfavour if you want to keep using axes.
Pretty much done with my build now. all that's left are incremental gear upgrades, six-linking my starforge, getting gems to 20/20, and getting more life from the trees if needed. I was able to get a gloves with a mana leech mod which allowed me to free up 3 passive points which i allocated to a life node and a jewel node. quite happy with how this one turned out. based on POB's computations, any suggestions on what item to upgrade next?

POB stats

with lion's roar up, i can hit 480k dps

current gear

pastebin code for those interested in taking a more detailed look.

Steel rings with at least T2 phys as a primary affix, gloves with attack speed.

Belt with Tora crafted 5% MS....

Amulet with good corruption (movement speed, attack speed)

All these will help your clear speed out.
Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 17, 2017, 10:41:01 AM
schnitzel17 wrote:

Higher dps. Endurance charge on melee stun is a lazy way to generate it against mobs. Against bosses u still need another way. And there are some.

First off, Jugg vs Berserker is not a question of which is "Better". It's a question of play style and content you want to do .

Berserker is going to always have more damage, but needs more micromanagement with incoming damage. It also relies on leech to survive, meaning it has to stay in combat, meaning it is a riskier play style. It is good for stuff like Guardians, Pale Council, and Atziri where you can maybe die 1 or 2 times but still get the encounter completed.

If you want to actually level more easily, or do uber lab, Juggernaut will have an easier time, because the entire way to do these things is to NOT DIE. The trade off will be that you get about 60-70% of the damage of a Berserker.

Its not a black and white issue, there is no "Better" or "Best" ascendancy. Each one is good at a few things, and it's up to you to decide what you want out of the build. I look at your build and I will never play it because for what I want to do (Uber lab, Shaped T11), it has way too much damage but will still die if I have a lapse in attention.

I should also point out, at a certain point, you are bottlenecked not by damage, but by movement speed. The juggernaut offers 14% movement speed where the Berserker doesnt because he relies on getting hit. Also, Berserker needs to itemize or flask freezes and stuns (you cant rely on Rite of ruin). Juggernaut doesnt - he can run deaths door and 5 unique flasks.

Krysacz wrote:
I was following this build, but now I'm really lost. First time into mapping and I'm not sure if I should get better weapon(I don't need culling now) and which gem links are better for me as I'm wasting slots on blood magic. Is the hatred + HoA good or should I swap for something better, is the 4link AW relevant or waste of slots? Thank you.

First off, Primacy is an intermediate weapon. It's not going to get you to final end game.

Secondly, your gear needs massive improvements. Crafted life rolls everywhere means you will be extremely squishy.

Finally, you're level 75... this build really comes into its own at 82-85 when you can pick up all the available damage and life.
Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 17, 2017, 10:55:46 AM
Not sure if my post got lost in the pages but can anyone give me any pointers as to how to help my build? I'm dying quite often at T6-8 maps as Jugg.



Hey guys, total (almost) noob here - started the build looking at the first page, and the game on 3.0.

I'm currently level 75, doing t4-t5 maps. The issue is that, while having pretty good damage (at least from what it feels like), it feels like I am very squishy, even though my res are all about 70% and have 3.3k life - I can sometimes get randomly one shot.

Can somebody please take a look over and give me some tips on what could be done to improve the current state?

Thanks :3
Just reached lvl 20 quality cyclone. What gem better to upgrade next: add fire damage \ melee phys damage \ faster attacks \ chance to bleed?
Last edited by Kliops144 on Aug 17, 2017, 4:54:13 PM
So after leveling a pizza sticks im really thinking about going back to cyclone, for my play style it is hard to beat the ability to do damage on the move and never really slow down, I know there are faster clear speed builds but I don't really like the jerky game play of stop and go.

I made my first real attempt at end game under breach league and started with Lightys guide then Moprhed it in to a Berserker Ngamahu fire build with vaal pac. With a lot of trial and error I got to a point were I could easily do 90% of the content and with some effort could have done the other 10% only thing I didn't do was guardians and sharper which was mostly do to lack of boss fight knowledge I only attempted them once . My one and only complaint was the unavoidable insta kills. With all of the 3.0 changes I have been thinking about giving cyclone another go.

with the 3.0 How do you think it compares with Ngamahu flame version as far as clear speed and boss killing goes?

I'm thinking of going Jug this time just for the defense. but I had some thoughts

How do think this would do if you went zerker and picked MoM instead of vaal pact or with?
It would give 30% dam reduction and with zerk you could heal the mana instantly with Ngahamu I never felt like I needed the damage I think I only took maybe 3 or 4 damage nodes that weren't on the way to something I wanted even on every thing but named mobs and bosses every thing died before the flame balls hit the ground.

on the jug side what about taken more bleeding damage in the tree also what about fitting ruthless in with cyclone hitting so fast you can get a lot ruthless ticks in which increases both instant and bleeding dam?

Im trying to figure out how to balance damage of Zerk with the defense of Jug

I have no issue sacrificing kill speed for survivablity at least with in reason. My thought is I can do more for cheaper with jugg even if takes longer to kill

What should I upgrade next?

And what about my tree? Should I take iron reflexes?

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