(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Trying to decide between berserker or juggernaut for ascendancy as marauder, is there anyway to equate a value to those to see where you benefit the most or is it roughly the same?

One is more tanky with some utility, while the other is dmg with some utility. Either way I imagine it would be successful or it would not be suggested, but I am just curious.

Also, any recent high end farming with this build? I am just recently coming back to the game after being gone for a long time, but WW Barb has always been close to my heart since the good old days.

Thanks for your time!

btw a level 20 vulnerability curse gem takes 155 intel, in the guide you say 110 intel so may want to edit that up :)

which means in your final item build you need 91 dex and 121 intel, seems like a boat load of int, but I don't see a lot in your gear... where do you get it all from?

Last edited by Neflak on Jun 11, 2017, 3:01:55 AM
Neflak wrote:
btw a level 20 vulnerability curse gem takes 155 intel, in the guide you say 110 intel so may want to edit that up :)

which means in your final item build you need 91 dex and 121 intel, seems like a boat load of int, but I don't see a lot in your gear... where do you get it all from?

Do not go out of your way to get int only for the curse gem. If you can get the int and not lose anything else (damage, life, etc.) on your gear, fine. If not (most likely) use a lower level curse. Simply not worth it for a few more % on the curse if you lose life and base damage.
Trying out the build in the Legacy Hard Core 1 week race.

Just finished Normal and i am level 45. went kind of slow to start out so i didn't die early...

used ground slam and then sunder and also ancestral protector and then warchief as main attacks. no issues there and switched over to cyclone at level 32.

using standard gems except for blood magic which i bought with 12% quality. also kept an eye out for good deals on the trade.

so for normal i was pretty over powering. no issues with any of the bosses or bosses from the leaguestones...
use a lot of the essences to make gear. it actually worked out very nice and picked up an item or two off trade for cheap... never spent more than 1 chaos for anything and usually just an alc... gear below has now been optimized to kill the act 4 boss and to go forward...
got my int and dex up for now and should be good for a few more levels...

using the stone golem and took out the life on hit and added phy damage. no life issues at all doing that at this level. war chief kills a lot...
My current Tree

not sure where to go next right now... haven't gotten any good jewels yet or seen any cheap enough so haven't done any of those...

running hatred and herald of ash.

playing the cyclone is pretty fun! clears everything nicely but keeps it interesting! Thanks for the build!

Edit: went with Juggernaut for the asc class and took unyielding first...
Last edited by Tallion99 on Jun 12, 2017, 9:42:50 PM
if that's really your tree, the next place you should go is pick up resolute technique.
Can you please describe the differences of Ascendancy classes?
(The style of the game - the most reliable,
who is most effective for endgame content,
who most reveals the potential with the expensive gear
and who is good for league start or cheap?)
Thanks in advance for the answer.
is it possible to play this Build with Sunder instead of Cyclone without many changes ?
Do you think the two new gems Brutality and Chance to Bleed (would help) (could be added to the link for a non elemental version of the build)...

Done some small testing and it seemed fine on Path of Building (the dps on boss seemed a little bit higher than the elemental version most of the time)

Last edited by MunsuLight on Jun 15, 2017, 2:49:11 AM
greeting dude im also following your build recently and here is my question
usually how much is the normal dps for this build? i got 60K dps without any charge and aura is that good?
so far im having 4.3K life coz im focusing for damage taking and how much usually jugg cyclone life have on your build?
im using atziri's sacrificial garb the 1,4K armour version is that good?
thx b4 :D
MunsuLight wrote:
Do you think the two new gems Brutality and Chance to Bleed (would help) (could be added to the link for a non elemental version of the build)...

Done some small testing and it seemed fine on Path of Building (the dps on boss seemed a little bit higher than the elemental version most of the time)

Brutality will be fantastic for non-elemental setups like Starforge, its main issue is that it loses Herald of Ash which is a tremendous clear speed boost in my opinion. I regularly map with Herald of Ash + IIQ linked and its quite efficient for mapping and trash where damage is not a limiting factor. But yeah, in terms of raw tooltip, its definitely a great option and you can make a full phys clone with it by swapping out Hatred for Grace or Haste or Determination and HoA for Blasphemy + Vuln. Or just go blood magic and stack life % on tree.

I tested out the new gloves Haemophilia which in theory could make up for Herald of Ash with their on death effect but I found the AOE to be... a bit lacking. Still, for a pure, raw damage focused version of the build there`s no doubt brutality is a strong choice.

Maim, I think will be better utilized on a Warchief because of how bleed works. Bleed is a single physical degen stack, based on the largest hit a mob recently took. Cyclone hits 5+ times a second even on a slow 2 hand setup, it only refereshes the bleed. If you put it on a warchief, you will get the extra damage debuff on mobs and you can use a gem slot that front loads you damage a little better. I would rather use Melee Damage on Full Life if I am running cyclone off mana, or faster attacks or added fire if I am running it off blood magic.

B3Xter wrote:
is it possible to play this Build with Sunder instead of Cyclone without many changes ?

Yes, the tree works for most melee skills including Sunder, EQ, Ground Slam, etc. What may change is the gearing. With Sunder, you dont need to use gearing that supports weapon range. This is very minor overall. Lighty's tree can be thought of as a generic melee 2hd RT tree with generic scaling.

Lefezza wrote:
greeting dude im also following your build recently and here is my question
usually how much is the normal dps for this build? i got 60K dps without any charge and aura is that good?
so far im having 4.3K life coz im focusing for damage taking and how much usually jugg cyclone life have on your build?
im using atziri's sacrificial garb the 1,4K armour version is that good?
thx b4 :D

DPS is entirely dependent on gear, since we all will use generally the same tree. Not to mention the DPS never includes debuffs, penetration or secondary damage you might have. I've done this build many times in many leagues, with DPS ranging from 20k to 110k. The best way to know if the DPS is fine is to just play and see if you seem like you are OK with it.

This build will never be a DPS powerhouse, its designed to be cheap and accessible and mechanically fluid. To make cyclone into a DPS powerhouse, you need to go crit which is altogether much more expensive, or use gimmick uniques like Ngamahu which is much stricter in terms of gear (like, to be good, that needs two 6 links, xophs blood, etc).

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