(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

schnitzel17 wrote:

Unyielding and the 3 Endurance Charges :P

xD Thank you!
I didnt mentioned the 3 Charges that much.. so much power now :D
And way more tanky than before!
Thank you once again :)
New player here, currently struggling with T7 maps.
Can someone give me advice on what should I improve?
My gear:

Hey all, iam new to the game, been playing since half a month or so. I wanted Melee character so i decided to go with marauder. Was leveling with ground slam but now i dont like it so much and decided to switch to something else, was wondering for EQ but dont like that skill much either. So cyclon looks much cooler and also reminds me of D2 Barb ww.
The problem i have is that i feel too squishy and i die very fast, the dmg is fine for now around 40-50k buffed and gems are not leveled yet.
For auras i use hatred + HoS. Ress are almost capped only chaos res are bad -20. Armor is bad too 4k (lol), HP 4k. I have around 14 reff points so i could change a little bit my passive tree, but not sure how and iam still lvl 76. For Ascendancy i choosed Berserker, maybe is mistake but its too late i have 6 points alrdy in and will cost me much to respect.

Here is my gear so far. Atm using this amulet, coz i drop some dex nodes last night and needed it for gear req but will change it. Some gem links are mess too i was using AP totem with gs but now will remove it maybe. Thinking to make Curse on hit with devoto and move helm gems to chest.
Help! :D :)

My passive tree

Last edited by megadethbg on Feb 5, 2017, 5:00:35 AM
Ant1mater1a wrote:
New player here, currently struggling with T7 maps.
Can someone give me advice on what should I improve?
My gear:

Get rid of ur Mace, the Attack Speed is not that great. U can buy a Hezmana Axe. 5link 50c right now.

And u can get ur last Ascendency - Unyielding.

Getting ur Gems to 20/20 should be another way to improve.
elp_ wrote:
schnitzel17 wrote:

Unyielding and the 3 Endurance Charges :P

xD Thank you!
I didnt mentioned the 3 Charges that much.. so much power now :D
And way more tanky than before!
Thank you once again :)

I see what u did there. Get Unyielding. Not that double Armour thing. U are running Fortify Gem so it works perfect.

Also think about if u need life gain on hit gem. U got leech from bloodrage and if u are running a kaoms way u get also enough life regen. Life leech is also on ur tree together with some dps nodes. (Cant see the whole tree.. fk mobile phone)

I am watching you :P
Hey there, this is the first league I have actively participated in and I have no idea how to upgrade from here. I am self-found, no trade or grouping, but I'm starting to struggle with tier 7-8 maps.

Character should be visible with all gear on, any help is greatly appreciated.
itsgreylolol wrote:
Hey there, this is the first league I have actively participated in and I have no idea how to upgrade from here. I am self-found, no trade or grouping, but I'm starting to struggle with tier 7-8 maps.

Character should be visible with all gear on, any help is greatly appreciated.

Ok, where do i start...

U dont take Blood Rage into ur Cyclone Setup. Increased Area of Effect for Clearing, Concentrated Effect for Bosses. Get Bloodrage instead of Vengeance. Its the easiest way right now. And if u like Vengeance, take it instead of ur Golem. U dont have any Mana left to use it. (or Bloodrage instead of the Golem. Switch it how u like it)

Cast when Damage taken with Vulnerability and Enfeeble only works, if u can get 2 Curses on the enemy. U dont have any items or whatever for it. So get 1 out.

Helmet... U dont need Cast on Death, Mana regen, Energy Shield, Increased Damage on Low life. Kick it out. Devoto's Devotion for 3c right now should be fine.

Ur Sorrow of the Divine Flask give u Zealot's Oath. Wiki: Zealot's Oath ... that applies life regeneration to energy shield instead of life. No, pls no :) If u only want that Dps Boost, Lion's Roar Flask: 14c

Your tree is fine. Just get ur Ascendencies.

Improve ur items when u can afford it and if u want and need it. But with these changes u should be fine for now. :)

Just ask if u need anything else.

Ah and u said u dont do Trading.. So for the Helmet u can also take a Rare one. Increased Area of Effect u can buy at Act 4. As Marauder u cant buy Concentrated Effect at the Vendor :(
Last edited by schnitzel17 on Feb 10, 2017, 8:20:50 PM
Hi Guys,
i switched a bit around with my cyclone build, just give me a hit if you got smth to improve for me.
current setup with 4 auras determination,grace, purity of ele,herald of ash.

thanks for any advise
Last edited by _Gambo on Feb 12, 2017, 6:22:40 AM
schnitzel17 wrote:
itsgreylolol wrote:
Hey there, this is the first league I have actively participated in and I have no idea how to upgrade from here. I am self-found, no trade or grouping, but I'm starting to struggle with tier 7-8 maps.

Character should be visible with all gear on, any help is greatly appreciated.

Ok, where do i start...

U dont take Blood Rage into ur Cyclone Setup. Increased Area of Effect for Clearing, Concentrated Effect for Bosses. Get Bloodrage instead of Vengeance. Its the easiest way right now. And if u like Vengeance, take it instead of ur Golem. U dont have any Mana left to use it. (or Bloodrage instead of the Golem. Switch it how u like it)

Cast when Damage taken with Vulnerability and Enfeeble only works, if u can get 2 Curses on the enemy. U dont have any items or whatever for it. So get 1 out.

Helmet... U dont need Cast on Death, Mana regen, Energy Shield, Increased Damage on Low life. Kick it out. Devoto's Devotion for 3c right now should be fine.

Ur Sorrow of the Divine Flask give u Zealot's Oath. Wiki: Zealot's Oath ... that applies life regeneration to energy shield instead of life. No, pls no :) If u only want that Dps Boost, Lion's Roar Flask: 14c

Your tree is fine. Just get ur Ascendencies.

Improve ur items when u can afford it and if u want and need it. But with these changes u should be fine for now. :)

Just ask if u need anything else.

Ah and u said u dont do Trading.. So for the Helmet u can also take a Rare one. Increased Area of Effect u can buy at Act 4. As Marauder u cant buy Concentrated Effect at the Vendor :(

Thank you for the help! I totally forgot I left Blood Rage in Cyclone, thanks for pointing it out.

I actually have a Conc Eff gem from a Ranger before, so I'll keep that around for sure.

I just failed merci lab before I made this changes, I'll work with these and see if I can get that knocked out.
Last edited by itsgreylolol on Feb 15, 2017, 1:18:24 PM
_Gambo wrote:
Hi Guys,
i switched a bit around with my cyclone build, just give me a hit if you got smth to improve for me.
current setup with 4 auras determination,grace, purity of ele,herald of ash.

thanks for any advise

Hey, i will look into it tomorrow.

But for now i can say, that Blasphemy on ur boots make 0 sense.

And i would also switch punishment. U curse them and u only get the buff when they hit u. I dont want to get hit. Maybe for bosses it can be nice.

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