(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Thanks again for the guide.

How important is the amplify node to this build? Am I better off choosing another damage node, or should I go for the amplify node?
Baldrick wrote:
Anyway... I have been having a lot of fun with this build. Up to about 50k dps when fully buffed and around 4.4k health.

Decided to try Apex. Died 4 times on vaal smasher guys, and then the trio finished me off. I killed two of them though!

I guess it's all about practice eh?

You got it, it's all about your practise ;)
I did 3 tests on Apex yesterday too, I got around same dps/hp as you do (it's very short in term of hp) and had the same troubles. The three are ok until the very last boss stay with its awfull corrupting blood and all the ranged trash hitting you from inside the chaos area. With some experience you learn to run a lot to have the ranged move outside of the area so you can kill them and thus replenishing your anti-corrupted blood flask. And to cross the last boss, not staying too close to him for too long or you'll run out of flask very quickly.
Watch some videos, and practise. Wait for 3-4 sets before making a session so you'll learn better than making one run every 6-7 days.
About Vaal Lightning Strike. Again.

You make sure that your cursor is over a gold [or orange] enemy. hit VLS. your hero will run to enemy and launch attack. If successful you will notice bolts of lighting striking from him. If NOT, you will see a burst of lightning falling from the sky.


You launch 1 charge on a yellow and move away. wait 4 seconds and get back to be amazed.

You launch 2-3 charges on boss AFTER you drink all flasks, and move the hell away for 4-7 seconds.You come back to collect and laugh maniacally.
Thank you for this guide mate, it is so fun to play :)
Also, i noticed cyclone can past thru frost wall, so i guess its a good cwdt option....
PS If you have time take a look at my gear for suggestions.... im currently farming t8 maps..i use hatred and HoA... thanks
Last edited by nasdravi on Jan 4, 2016, 2:13:07 PM
So, thats my gear right now and i have 7 ex, what should i buy?

How do I get endurance charges? Is it worth using Hatred + Warlord's Mark Blasphemy instead of Hatred + HoA + AA? Or do I use CWDT Warlord's?
Can this be run without blood magic and use Spirit void or is blood magic required?
theVirQ wrote:
How do I get endurance charges? Is it worth using Hatred + Warlord's Mark Blasphemy instead of Hatred + HoA + AA? Or do I use CWDT Warlord's?

You can use CWDT Warlords Mark OR you can manually cast Enduring Cry to maintain charges.
I use both setups, mainly because I use 7 Endurance Charges total so I feel it is definitely worth it to be able to manually keep them up all the time. In high mob density areas, it's probably enough to just run CWDT and Warlord's Mark. Both work quite well, IMO.

Hope this helps.

In one map I get Kaom's AND Hezmana.

Of course I have a Disfavour. Kaom is low end and vendored. Hezmana is near perfect. 169% increased PhysDmg. Anybody interested?

Based on POE trade BO: 4.5 ex.
Last edited by Ravenshield11 on Jan 5, 2016, 6:32:00 AM
Hey Lighty,
cheers for the amazing build write up. Using it currently in talisman and having a blast. Would anyway be able to give me some advice on what gear I need to upgrade to help push maps? I'm quite new so I'm still learning whats good and that.

Im still working on getting some better flasks, just trying to save up the currency for some.


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