(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

unlucky_child wrote:
you wrote:

yeah 100% phys, fire damage does nothing. Belts the next big upgrade and dorayni or a better rare is fine

I dont think doryani is good. 20-30% phys dmg is almost same as any rare belt. Trio res is nice, but almost all rares can provide dual 40+ res.

So in the end, it is 0.2% life leech vs 80 belt hp + weapon elemental dmg.

ANd one more question, do you think my 5L cwdt + cold snap is good? I was planning to change it to vaal slam

Yeah 100% a rare with wed and life would be better; but a wed , life tri res belt can be easily 50ex+ even with shit rolls; so dorayni is the cheap side-grade often.

Ive tried to run ele prolif cold snap cwdt setups since the prolif nerf and found the aoe to just be tooooo small. Its a solid thought but if your looking for additional chill or sideways mitigation; gmp + cwdt + arctic breath is the best option at the moment.
Last edited by Lighty on Nov 29, 2015, 5:16:36 PM
Anonoo wrote:
Hi, wondering what the purpose is of running arctic armor
since you aren't really stationary as cyclone,
is it worth it just for the chilled effect?
Also wondering what to run instead of it
Hatred+Haste/Wrath/Anger or Hatred+HoA + another herald?.

Edit: also wanted to know why you run a blood magic gem in your helmet
in the gear section
since cwdt doesnt cost mana I think.

Yeah it is for chilled ground alone (slows the movement, attack, and cast speeds of the affected target by 30%). It is the best option we have at the moment and It will be replaced with a blasphemy + cusre setup come Talisman League. I wouldn't run another herald as our lack of crit, shock or freeze would prevent us from triggering them and anger just isn't good compared to grace, determination or haste.

The Bloodrage is 20/20 and I prefer to manually cast it; so I have it linked in the cwdt setup. Cwdt doesn't trigger it and I cannot self cast the 5/20 warlords marks; its simply for conversing space. After Talisman I will be removing the Cwdt + Curse and adding lv4 enhance and another spell (endurying cry or something) for a more effective setup.
died too much because of blood corruption, so i decided to tweak it into HC...
here is my passive tree, help me check pleaaaaaaseee....hehe



the jewels im currently using is

cold and lightning resistance as well as intelligence is what i need the most currently..

thanks in advanceD!!

current life pool 6.1k life, 520+ life regen per sec, 6k armour:40% physical damage reduction,
Last edited by aMIgolala on Nov 29, 2015, 10:54:05 PM
aMIgolala wrote:
died too much because of blood corruption, so i decided to tweak it into HC...
here is my passive tree, help me check pleaaaaaaseee....hehe



the jewels im currently using is

cold and lightning resistance as well as intelligence is what i need the most currently..

thanks in advanceD!!

current life pool 6.1k life, 520+ life regen per sec, 6k armour:40% physical damage reduction,
Tree looks perfectly fine and maybe invest the remaining points into the scion lifewheel.
To give you some perspective in HC darkshrine now im sitting at 6.1k life at lv87 and I feel Squishy with similar regen and armour to you; 7-8k life seems like a good benchmark. The 4 mod crimson jewel with all good mods is super nice, definitely 8-10ex
Last edited by Lighty on Nov 30, 2015, 2:30:33 AM
crimson jewel do you meaen btw? the 1 with the life nodes??
or the other with dual res??

besides, which 1 is the scion life wheel? i dun get that...

oh yea, and also, i've changed my aura setup to grace and hatred.
Last edited by aMIgolala on Nov 30, 2015, 10:05:19 AM
Lighty wrote:
k0pfschuss wrote:
Hey Lighty, continuing to have fun with your build, and it served me well again in the 1M. Ultimately though I'll be consolidating everything to my Standard character (originally from Warbands), so I've been playing him again the past few days

It's pretty clear to me that my next upgrade needs to be a 6L Atziri's Disfavour, and I'm currently grinding for the currency. My question though is what should come afterwards. Is it really going to be worth it to lose 1.2k armor plus resists for a Lightning Coil? Or should I be looking elsewhere for that next upgrade?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that, and my setup overall. I hit level 92 a couple of days ago.

Okay so let me explain how Lightning Coil works and why its insane. So 30%/40%(legacy) of physical damage taken is converted into lightning damage which is mitigated by your lightning resistance. So you take 75% less of that 30%/40%(legacy), this effectively mitigates 22.5%/30%(legacy) physical damage taken. The amount of armour you would need to mitigate 22.5%/30%(legacy) of physical damage taken is way higher than the ease of running Lightning Coil. Now this operates the same way for Taste of Hate and Redblades Helmets and stacking these types of backdoor mitigation is extremely strong. The main thing you want to be aware of is that if you ever get cursed below 75% lightning res you will get chunked for more than the normal amount due to the conversion. Also ( but less often ) you can be shocked since your receiving lightning damage but it seldom occurs from personal experience.

Now regarding your gear; its mostly all very nice. Maybe try and upgrade your jewelry and work your way towards a rare rustic sash with a high WeD roll. Both of these things will/can be expensive but you've gotten to the "true endgame" of poe; the min/maxing. Atziri Disfavour is a great investment and the price should go down with the addition of the Last One Standing card and the general lack of removal/destruction of the current axes out there. im curious to what ilevel your weapon is and if its 73 or 83 there may be some merit to self crafting it given the already 6L.

let me know what questions you have and progress you make!

Haven't been able to play too much so saving for the Disfavour has been slow. But got bored and worked in Lightning Coil. Picked up the Lightning coil for 10c and 6 Socketed it, and the Topaz ring that replaced the Amethyst ring for 3c. It will need to get upgraded though as I'm only capped for res, not overcapped. But I could definitely feel the difference for physical damage immediately

im trying vaal ground slam setup now and was wondering, if increase aoe is better than weapon ele dmg?

edit: ohh, sword doesnt work with vaal ground slam :(

do u think its worth to get a mace for that vaal ground? Or Axe + 1 range is worth?
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Last edited by unlucky_child on Nov 30, 2015, 12:18:46 PM
Lighty, I was wondering how exactly wed is calculated on the gear. Recently my buddy and me found this one
which I thought would give me a nice damage boost (I swapped it with Meginords). However after changing the damage barely increased. Does this mean that I need as much phys damage as possible on rings and amulet? Right now I am using these from the depths of my forgotten crap stashes

I am constantly switching them around though, trying to find the best combination of damage life and capped resists, right now not using Mings because life pool starts to get alarmingly low when Meginords is not equipped. Sitting at around 5,7 k now, want to try to reach 6 k in the future.

Basically should I look for jewelry with as much phys dmg as possible so wed really starts to shine? For now the damage is really fine (50k with buffs) but you can't get enough, right?

Oh and I had a luck streak yesterday and vaaled me both a 21/20 and 20/23 cyclone. Which one should I use - the 23 quality one gives 1% more area and the 21/20 one slightly more dps.
Last edited by Nascha on Nov 30, 2015, 11:03:12 AM
aMIgolala wrote:
crimson jewel do you meaen btw? the 1 with the life nodes??
or the other with dual res??

besides, which 1 is the scion life wheel? i dun get that...

oh yea, and also, i've changed my aura setup to grace and hatred.

The jewel with life and the scion life wheel is the large wheel of life nodes south west of scions starting area. hatred + Grace is fine however determination would give you more armour if that's your goal.
k0pfschuss wrote:
Lighty wrote:
k0pfschuss wrote:
Hey Lighty, continuing to have fun with your build, and it served me well again in the 1M. Ultimately though I'll be consolidating everything to my Standard character (originally from Warbands), so I've been playing him again the past few days

It's pretty clear to me that my next upgrade needs to be a 6L Atziri's Disfavour, and I'm currently grinding for the currency. My question though is what should come afterwards. Is it really going to be worth it to lose 1.2k armor plus resists for a Lightning Coil? Or should I be looking elsewhere for that next upgrade?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that, and my setup overall. I hit level 92 a couple of days ago.

Okay so let me explain how Lightning Coil works and why its insane. So 30%/40%(legacy) of physical damage taken is converted into lightning damage which is mitigated by your lightning resistance. So you take 75% less of that 30%/40%(legacy), this effectively mitigates 22.5%/30%(legacy) physical damage taken. The amount of armour you would need to mitigate 22.5%/30%(legacy) of physical damage taken is way higher than the ease of running Lightning Coil. Now this operates the same way for Taste of Hate and Redblades Helmets and stacking these types of backdoor mitigation is extremely strong. The main thing you want to be aware of is that if you ever get cursed below 75% lightning res you will get chunked for more than the normal amount due to the conversion. Also ( but less often ) you can be shocked since your receiving lightning damage but it seldom occurs from personal experience.

Now regarding your gear; its mostly all very nice. Maybe try and upgrade your jewelry and work your way towards a rare rustic sash with a high WeD roll. Both of these things will/can be expensive but you've gotten to the "true endgame" of poe; the min/maxing. Atziri Disfavour is a great investment and the price should go down with the addition of the Last One Standing card and the general lack of removal/destruction of the current axes out there. im curious to what ilevel your weapon is and if its 73 or 83 there may be some merit to self crafting it given the already 6L.

let me know what questions you have and progress you make!

Haven't been able to play too much so saving for the Disfavour has been slow. But got bored and worked in Lightning Coil. Picked up the Lightning coil for 10c and 6 Socketed it, and the Topaz ring that replaced the Amethyst ring for 3c. It will need to get upgraded though as I'm only capped for res, not overcapped. But I could definitely feel the difference for physical damage immediately

Well there's nothing wrong with making progress when you can, Let me know how it goes and if anything comes up.

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