Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

What prismatic catalyst are we supposed to use for the stygian vise?
Last edited by Rageoftofu on Aug 3, 2023, 11:20:44 AM
Hey, I'm trying to follow the guide but I must do something wrong, because I die instantly and deal no dmg to even yellow mobs, on yellow t10 maps.
On default red t14 maps I just perma die.

Beginner here

Thank you for the build and the sweet step by step guide.

I have been having a blast.
Last edited by Mistorik on Aug 8, 2023, 2:43:27 AM
Enki91 wrote:
This build won't be updated for 3.22

Though I have swerved away from this guide, I still check in regularly.

This saddens me.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
Last edited by Dspayre on Aug 11, 2023, 5:02:27 PM
It's time to finally say goodbye to this build! I can't see any realistic buffs coming to Arc in POE 1 that would make it comparatively good enough for a starter build. Maybe we'll be back in POE 2.
Enki91 wrote:
PS: Leaving the guide below up until friday for those that may still need it!

Enki, Thanks for all the great work you did for free. It helped many into the game, as the posts in this thread and the mentions everywhere show. If I read you correctly, you are thinking of deleting this guide? Should that be the case: Please consider keeping it up as a small - but valuable - part of POE history. Renaming it to "Memorial" seems very fitting though.
Last edited by Menegh on Aug 13, 2023, 4:25:24 AM
Enki91 wrote:
It's time to finally say goodbye to this build! I can't see any realistic buffs coming to Arc in POE 1 that would make it comparatively good enough for a starter build. Maybe we'll be back in POE 2.

thanks for updating this for years.
it was always the build/guide i recommended to friends that were starting new with poe
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
Thanks Enki. Loved your build, it was always my fallback. Loved it :) hoping to see it again in PoE2.
Sorry to read that, I just started playing 3 days ago, I feel sad for my Arc Witch RIP.

Thanks for the guide it was quite interesting, I've learned a lot.

I'll follow the new build you are working on.

See ya.
You're the reason I kept playing POE. I started with your guide and played it for several leagues. If it wasn't for this guide I very likely wouldn't have lasted past my first.

o7 to arc witch.

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