Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

OneTrickJohny wrote:
Due to 3.6 path notes (base crit chance 0% instead of 5) Any suggestions what to switch controlled destruction with ?
Ndragon88 wrote:
Also bump with the controlled destruction question.

I see no reason to replace it. Nothing has been said that the base crit for Arc has been changed, only the minimum value of crit in general. CD reduces crit by 100%, not 100% less. If you have 0% increased crit chance in gear/gems, the formula would be:
.05 + .05 * -100 =
0% crit chance

That would have previously been overwritten by the minimum crit value. Now currently we get 40% from the tree and have 2 daggers with 30% each, and the formula is:
.05 + .05 * (-100 + 40 + 60) =
5% crit chance

If we were to say wield scepters instead of daggers and only have the 40% from the tree, it would look like:
.05 + .05 * (-100 + 40) =
2% crit chance

If we take 50% crit daggers instead of 30%, it looks like:
.05 + .05 * (-100 + 40 + 100) =
7% crit chance

This doesn't even factor in that we can proc crit from SB or any other damage source that hits. Basically it hurts early game when we don't have all the goodies, but by the time you reach maps and get your first 2 daggers, you shouldn't notice any change at all.
Last edited by Aldonés on Mar 5, 2019, 7:08:57 PM
Ouch on Arc.


Mana Cost at gem level 1 is now 8 (was 9).
Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 23 (was 26).
Now has a cast time of 0.7 seconds (from 0.8).
Now deals 6 to 33 Lightning damage at gem level 1 (from 7 to 37) and 133 to 754 Lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 152 to 862). (12.6% dec)
Now has an added damage effectiveness of 80% (from 90%).
Lowered the range at which Arc can chain from 50 units to 25 units.
Well, Arc just got deleted.

What's the backup plan? :P
Last edited by ScaryAtheist on Mar 5, 2019, 8:04:55 PM
That doesn't look like a big enough nerf for arc to be deleted by any means. I am going to leave it to the people smarter than me to crunch the data.
Last edited by Ajaxin on Mar 5, 2019, 8:08:23 PM
Ajaxin wrote:
That doesn't look like a big enough nerf for arc to be deleted by any means. I am going to leave it to the people smarter than me to crunch the data.

The flat damage reduction isn't much of a downgrade with the right supports, but that chain range nerf is substantial. Decreased cast time & mana cost weighs up somewhat, but avg. clearspeed will still be quite a bit worse than before.

Okay, maybe 50 units chain range was a bit ridiculous to begin with, arc could clear two screens of mobs with 2-3 casts while you weren't even looking. Now we'll actually have to pay attention to what's happening. Selfcast Arc builds now need to become much tankier to be safe.

Storm Brand did not receive much of a nerf though, so it'll still be as good as it was last league for supporting this build.

Last edited by ScaryAtheist on Mar 5, 2019, 8:25:02 PM
Static Blows has been moved west one passive. It has been mostly reworked and no longer grants any increases to Lightning damage. It now grants 20% increased Shock Duration on Enemies, 40% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies, 30% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently, and 30% increased effect of Shock. The other passives grant a total of 15% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies, 10% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently, 15% chance to Shock, 20% increased Effect of Shock, and 30% increased Shock Duration, spread across 3 passives.

This could be usefull for us right now. But it depends on the exact position on new tree.

Bone Helmet is nerfed too, but now you can have implicit + enchant, so it is not so bad i think.
Last edited by Piccaso on Mar 5, 2019, 8:37:53 PM
Nooooooo... my beloved Enki's :'( R.I.P.
Doesn't look bad, mostly buffs for things I had planned. The planned tree will need some adjustment but I should get that done tomorrow.

The chain range nerf isn't as bad as it sounds, the initial cast is not a chain so that shouldn't be affected. But we will have to see how it plays.
Mana Cost at gem level 1 is now 8 (was 9)
Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 23 (was 26)
Who the hell cares about mana cost?

Now has a cast time of 0.7 seconds (from 0.8)
0.1 second is a typical "buff on the paper" and not visible stuff in the reality

Now deals 6 to 33 Lightning damage at gem level 1 (from 7 to 37) and 133 to 754 Lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 152 to 862).
This is a bold "15% less damage" nerf.

Now has an added damage effectiveness of 80% (from 90%).
Even more "10% less damage" nerf

Lowered the range at which Arc can chain from 50 units to 25 units.
Check this
Now Arc would be able to expire even on the same pack.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
SilverWF wrote:

Now has a cast time of 0.7 seconds (from 0.8)
0.1 second is a typical "buff on the paper" and not visible stuff in the reality

12% of base cast speed is not visible?
If cast speed goes from 5 casts per second to 5.6 - it is pretty visible

Onslaught Support
Now grants supported skills a 10% chance on Hitting a Unique Enemy to grant Onslaught for 3 Seconds.

storm brand + onslaught = permanent onslaught vs bosses
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Mar 5, 2019, 9:22:38 PM

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