Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

I'm relieved that it's only a minor nerf. Looking forward to playing Arc again after 4 years.

I think the lower cast time nicely offsets the added damage effectiveness change, and hopefully the passive tree changes will make it overall better than before. :)
blg_RealiZe wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

Now has a cast time of 0.7 seconds (from 0.8)
0.1 second is a typical "buff on the paper" and not visible stuff in the reality

12% of base cast speed is not visible?
If cast speed goes from 5 casts per second to 5.6 - it is pretty visible

You felt in the obvious trap.

This is not 12% cast speed buff.

This is 0.1 sec cast speed buff, that, with added Spell Echo and other cast speed buffs (yes, with Onslaught too) would be turned to 0.02 sec or even less.
That would be visible only on a pretty long range if casting stationary.

As an Arc selfcaster - would you be able to stay at place for a long time?
GL with it, then...
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Last edited by SilverWF on Mar 5, 2019, 9:29:22 PM
I have faith that Enki91 will make the build better than ever with passive skill tree changes, and some tweaks here and there.
I guess since Inpulsa was not touched, it's now 100% completely totally mandatory for this build though. There are no alternatives, even just for higher tier mapping.

Well, I say that and forget that you can get explosions on that mace too. So that's the (only?) alternative to Inpulsa in this build.
Last edited by ScaryAtheist on Mar 5, 2019, 10:31:09 PM
Hey Enki, when you work on the new tree, can you consider an Energy Shield route for building. I don't even know if it's even possible as I look at the setup, but perhaps we might be able to find a way to pull it off?

Energy shield this league is going to be top notch I think. I don't know if the immortal call bug fix will end the random one shots, but it will help.

On my witch from 3.5, I sat at 5.2k hp with 2.3k mana and I found it to be comfortable for most content, but still had those odd What the heck just happened deaths.

Thank you for your work! Like many, I anticipate it will work out in the end even after the arc nerf (which isn't too bad considering how lab enchants will have their own slot now and stack with existing implicits).

I am still curious how halving the range units is going to work. If this just means I can't kill things 3 screens away, I'm ok with that.
Achievement hunter!
Besides all nerfs, Bone Helmets only having 20% damage but allowing a lab enchant on top of that seems huge.

I an really looking forward to the new PoB to see the numbers.
Last edited by nukular on Mar 6, 2019, 2:39:10 AM
Verrilo wrote:
I am still curious how halving the range units is going to work. If this just means I can't kill things 3 screens away, I'm ok with that.

For selfcast it (mostly) means this yes. This nerf mainly seems to target arc mines which honestly was superior to selfcast prior to this because of the huge chain range. Now that's not the case, so this is actually a buff to selfcast vs. mines & traps.

So relax, selfcast arc will still be fine this league. You'll have to cast more and clear speed will be somewhat less than before, but clear speed used to be absolute god tier even with crap gear. Now it's just a very good skill that'll still be autopilot mode with good gear (Inpulsa in particular). Definitely still a worthy league starter imo.

Heck, it might even be more fun with less clear range since you get more interaction with regular packs. Previously they just got deleted, often before you could even see them...
Last edited by ScaryAtheist on Mar 6, 2019, 4:13:02 AM
Verrilo wrote:
I am still curious how halving the range units is going to work. If this just means I can't kill things 3 screens away, I'm ok with that.

From reading various replies, I believe the range of the standard Arc spell itself shouldn't be affected, only the resultant chained hits that proc afterwards.

If that's the case, the feel and power of the spell shouldn't feel drastically different (if at all), it will just mean that your Arc hits won't hop between enemies that are too far away from each other (ie. hitting offscreen enemies before you see them), but regular clustered packs should always be close enough together to zap them all just as we're used to doing.
For reference this is what is meant by "units":


So arc chains will no longer connect if the distance is > 25 units, but the initial cast is unaffected. You can see that the 50 units range was pretty big. We used to be able to basically clear multiple packs of regular mobs with a single cast, that's now gone.
Last edited by ScaryAtheist on Mar 6, 2019, 5:00:13 AM
Verrilo wrote:
I am still curious how halving the range units is going to work. If this just means I can't kill things 3 screens away, I'm ok with that.

That means, that Arc would be able to expire even on the same pack.

Arc never was able to kill something "3 screens away". Maybe only for that ones, who plays 640*480, but this isn't the reason for nerf.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!

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