Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

kubicka wrote:
I still got almost instakilled in T16 boss areas, is there any problem with my build or I just lack skill?

Your helm and boots in particular have low life rolls, but I would also consider upgrading some cobalt jewels to hypnotic eye jewels with 40-50 life and two useful damage affixes. Those would boost your health pool more since you have so much percentage based life affixes on your gear and passive tree.

You basically have no gems qualitied, which is a noticeable DPS/survivability loss. Vendor your lvl20 gems together with a Gemcutter's Prism to get a lvl1, 20% quality version of the gem. Run some low-level maps to level them up and in no time you'll be back to the same power level as you were before, after that you'll see your sheet DPS increase once again, you'll move faster with Whirling Blades and your golems/totem will survive more hits as well. Do this for all your lvl20 gems, starting with Arc's support gems.

You have your leech Watcher's Eye, you shouldn't need Mana Leech support or the mana potion anymore. I'd replace the gem with Culling Strike to make boss fights easier and the mana potion with a high penetration roll Wise Oak (make sure you have lightning as your highest uncapped resistance before switching to it).

After that, you should consider crafting multimod daggers, since they would provide a huge DPS increase compared to your current ones and the faster you kill bosses, the less chances they have to one-shot you.

If you're still dying to bosses all the time in T16 maps, you're probably either rolling them too hard (too many stacking damage mods or bad no leech/no regen combos) or you're not moving around to safety well enough. I very rarely stand still to cast Arc for more than 1-2 seconds in T16 maps - getting into the habit of constantly moving helps against abilities you might not see in time or ones that start off-screen.
Hi, this is my first post on the forum. This guide has been absolutely amazing, and has carried me from a total noob as far as t10 maps. Also helped me begin to understand the basics of this game.

I don't know if I can post questions here, so remove this reply if needed.

I seem to have hit a wall around tier 10 maps, I've started dying frequently and my XP loss is adding up. Could anyone recommend why this might be or what I should upgrade next?

Still can't afford Inpulsa 6L, am thinking maybe essence worm with wrath socketed might help?


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Oh whoops, done
Build is amazing. I am selling all my GG gear to build something more tanky. I have very, very good gear if anyone in standard has the cash and looking for items, hit me up. I am online or you can PM me here with what you're after.

Thanks to OP for the build, like to tip if you have a twitch etc.
Hello. I think I made this build better for endgame to a certain extent. The big drawback of Arc is that you need to be standing to cast it which made me die a bit more then I liked on bosses and betray events. So, I gave up the 6L arc and lightning dmg passive nodes and went for storm brand nodes with phase acrobatics and Spiritual aid. I got a 5L arc in my helm (with innervate) for mob clearing and mapping and I six linked storm brand in my inpulsa for bosses and tanky betrayal assholes. Between the two, it's a perfect match and feels a lot better. I also gave up whirling blades for phase run and lightning warp (lol, i felt like trying it).

I killed uber elder a couple nights ago - dropping storm brand and running around arc'ing, phase running and lighting warping like a monkey. Mostly clueless about whats going on. First time trying him and it felt great that I got the kill. Storm brand metls bosses like crazy. It took my about 13 or 14 deaths and three resumons. My gear is as good as it will get at this point. I would have wanted to hit lvl100 before the end of the league but I started playing a bit late and didn't have enough time to play. Feel free to inspect me and comment on my build.

Last edited by MetalGoose on Feb 22, 2019, 10:21:34 PM
Hi everyone,

I am playing standard and level 93 at moment, would like to know if anyone in the forum can help me craft the dagger or sell me daggers ready for multiple modifier craft.

Still looking for a affordable watchers' eye as well.

Many thanks
The belt isn’t worth it. Even a 1c belt will probably be better.
first of all I wanna say a big Thank You to Enki for this awesome guide. Been playing PoE for over 6 years and this was my first Spell-Caster ever. And I enjoyed it big time!

Currently I'm trying to craft a new dagger and would need some advice.
I managed to Alt-spam this beauty (got an imprint lying around just in case RNGesus isn't with me)

So i will have 2 prefixes and 1 suffix to work with.
Is there a better option for pure DPS-output than SpellDmg/Chaos + LightningDmg to Spells + Cast Speed?

Last edited by Raizinho on Feb 23, 2019, 2:10:56 PM
Will be nice for new players esp. if you could recolour or bold SKILLs in the Leveling Guide.

‣ Enter Lunaris Temple, kill Piety and get Skillpoint in town
‣ Get Imperial Gardens Waypoint and finish Trial of Ascendancy
‣ Go to Library and finish Siosa's quest
‣ You can now buy all unlocked gems at Siosa (currency needs to be in bag!)
‣ Get Lightning Penetration from Siosa and replace Added Lightning Damage with it

Something like that, because it's rly hard to see if u miseed any or not, or just Main points in each act, as quests game shows you itself.
Last edited by Tusk_Luv on Feb 23, 2019, 2:26:50 PM

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