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Keeps getting better and better. I can honestly say that I agree on every point - fantastic work.

GG isn't enough to describe you, I'm not surprised you added a third G.
Thank you so much for this post. I'm not sure why I ever had doubts. :P

^(*_*)><(^_^)^ So no time limits on daily quests? I hate time limits.

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
I really like the 1500 fus for a guarantee 6L. To all these casual and not posts i have to say one thing. You might had the luck to get a 6L with 50 or 100 fuses but there is a side that the majority of playerbase use more than 3000 fuses to get their 6L.

I know guys that used 5000-6000k fuses to get their 6L. Personaly my 1st attempt was at 3150 or so fuses used AT ONCE and i didnt 6L my chest. In the end i sold my 5/6 top tier chest as it was and bought a ready 6L.

I was so pissed at the time and i made a hateful thread. So i am very thankful for this change.

6L feels end game and not something you must get easy. Farm and get it if you want it so bad and i am talking to the "troll" playerbase who want to buy a ready 6L 6/6 top tier with 10ex.

Farm/Grind for it or you dont deserve it. You can also gamble your 10 ex worth fuses. Be lucky or get frustrated.

Good luck on Finding 1500 fuses. Fuses will be even More scarce than it was in the recent league. Fuse prices will sky rocket so the ones who will be able to use this ''guaranteed'' thing will still be the 1%'ers. Nothing will change.
Wow, this is gonna be an amazing update! Thank you GGG! Keep up the good work! :D
Fly you fools.
"Almost all skills have dropped in mana cost."

fuck. yes. ive been waiting for this for a long time

like the first thing a build has to do is fix the goddamn mana problems after getting a lot of life, and this can be hard if ure unlucky with item mods

hope this will make it easier
NeroNoah wrote:

Why do you think you deserve a 6-L?

No, seriously. What time do you think it's fair to get one? Do you use the vendors?

EVERYONE deserves to have a 6L eventually (and by eventually, I mean EVERYONE deserves to have one before the last 2 weeks of a challenge league, which is currently the life-cycle of a PoE toon. If the life-cycle was 6 months, then I can understand maybe 700 fusings...but this is a 3mo league, where 350 is still OTT for 95% of people).

EVERYONE deserves to play the game at the ultimate level. No game should ever be like real life, where the rich hoard all the goodies for themselves. Especially one that wants to make money since the rich gamers won't necessarily keep a game afloat. (and by rich, we are talking about in-game wealth, not RL wealth)

EVERYONE deserves in a game to not feel like they are being locked out of playing it the way they want to.

Eventually GGG is going to come around on this, just like every other MMO/aRPG has. The elitist attitude that since a person plays all the time it means they are the only ones who should get to experience the ultimate game is a mindset that needs to be shown the door on every game ever created. There is no justification for someone who plays 16 hours/day to have any better experience than me in the end, or the new guy who just started who wants to go win the game. The only benefit people who play all the time should get is they get to the end faster. That doesn't mean they should get exclusive access to the end game. (and high-end gear is required to get to end game)

Very very few people can play the game more than 2-3 hours/day and those that do will eventually find real life (or real life find them) and then they will be in the 2-3 hour group (for the rest of their lives BTW). People who think the casuals are ruining their game need to realize they themselves are the future casuals they loathe so much.
Last edited by jaredh on Aug 1, 2014, 2:24:17 PM
Will we be able to make trades with other players in our hideout? Instead of flooding a1n.
If you don't have anything nice to say, zip your lip!!!
I believe cost for crafting things should be based on item level and rarity.
For example 6l for an ilvl70 rare should cost 1500 fusings, but for an ilvl30 white, it should be more like 500, etc...
Maxwells wrote:
Good luck on Finding 1500 fuses. Fuses will be even More scarce than it was in the recent league. Fuse prices will sky rocket so the ones who will be able to use this ''guaranteed'' thing will still be the 1%'ers. Nothing will change.

you know you can buy fuses from the vendor, right? You start with tele scrolls and go all the way to the almost-top-tier currency (it stops at alchemists, if i remember it correctly)

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