More Forsaken Masters Information

Chris wrote:

How Hideouts Work
Each Master has a Hideout in a different tileset. Once a Master reaches level 3, he offers to take you to the Hideout to preview it. If you like it, you can make it your Hideout. There's no cost for this.

If you choose a Hideout, then later find you prefer a different one from a more recently found/unlocked Master, can you change your base Hideout style for free too?
Sanaubia wrote:
so nothing about desync?

Desync whining is alive and well i see. Do you people ever get tired of doing that?
I didn't want to read through 29 pages of replies, to find out if anyone had already said it, but you might want to fix:


Each pair of challenge leagues contains eight challenges. Completing all eight difficult challenges earns you an exclusive t-shirt

so that it says that this is not a reward that everyone who achieves this will receive. I know it's stated more clearly lower down (that's where I got my info from) but some people may get excited and then disappointed needlessly.
I really like the 1500 fus for a guarantee 6L. To all these casual and not posts i have to say one thing. You might had the luck to get a 6L with 50 or 100 fuses but there is a side that the majority of playerbase use more than 3000 fuses to get their 6L.

I know guys that used 5000-6000k fuses to get their 6L. Personaly my 1st attempt was at 3150 or so fuses used AT ONCE and i didnt 6L my chest. In the end i sold my 5/6 top tier chest as it was and bought a ready 6L.

I was so pissed at the time and i made a hateful thread. So i am very thankful for this change.

6L feels end game and not something you must get easy. Farm and get it if you want it so bad and i am talking to the "troll" playerbase who want to buy a ready 6L 6/6 top tier with 10ex.

Farm/Grind for it or you dont deserve it. You can also gamble your 10 ex worth fuses. Be lucky or get frustrated.
add a new craft system will give us options to decide if go throught the RNG or just get what we want to get wasting more currency which is the most important thing.
also making quest is better that just farm for weeeks and weeks without a single reason so I think GGG is doing great and I trust them .
Chris wrote:

Skill Balance and Mana Costs
We've rebalanced many skills in 1.2.0. Some of the less-frequently used skills have received power buffs. Almost all skills have dropped in mana cost.

Could Elemental Hit become viable? Looking forward to see this.

Thanks for all the info, regarding masters, put some worries at rest ^^
Note that the odds of rolling this naturally have always been slightly lower than 1 in 1500 anyway

So much lol. Keep perpetuating that myth.
To improve crafting options while not making it too easy to get the best items.

Given that 99% of the items I loot is crap... huh... LOL !
i don't know if this has been answered before, but are these masters and their
levels per character? or seperated by leagues and hc/non hc?

the point is .. if they are say per league, couldn't one just make lots and lots
of characters and then level the masters with getting the daily? which they said
is an easier way to get the mission as opposed to having to find that master
you want to level up? thus .. i don't know .. cheating the leveling process?

hope someone can answer this for me,


can't wait to get my hands on all the awesome stuff, excellent work
Changing leagues to three months is great idea, thanks!

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