More Forsaken Masters Information

I hope cyclone and dominating blow are going to have reduced mana costs.
I'm so god damn hyped for this *0*
Good read, thanks for the information.

just wow first :)

then the daily full brain spam comment like:

Weslie wrote:

amazing...but i understand... really a long text to read...

can you pls change the comment rules for posting spam?

ok now back to text:

finally you can do your own living room home base. a kind of "batcave". sounds amazing, my chars will have it very comfortable, and will feel really real.

he just needs some social skillz like dancing, and interacting wif other gamers in a lounge.... like in the sims.. also hoping for more social stuff like... templar on holiday

the idea of the daily quest will be interesting too, what about pricing it with the daily mtx if you manage to win it?

our goal:

To allow the highest of players to modify the sockets on corrupted items.

dis sounds again really dangerous, cause its again like today, if your are just a weekend gamer, you will never ever reach to this level.

wow! 1000$ for tshirts? i think you mean hongkong dollars....

Almost all skills have dropped in mana cost. that is a really good info... hope you did tweak to mana reserving costs also.
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Last edited by loCurnus on Aug 1, 2014, 5:46:44 AM
mazul wrote:
Pulsahr wrote:

I'm playing since early closed beta, I got max 4 exalted, all leagues and chars included. With other currencies I might rise up to 8, maybe 10. 6L is still unreachable for non hardcore gamers, bought or crafted.

You can easily farm 1 alt per minute. That would mean 200 hours to get 1500 fusings needed for 6-l. It is reasonable.
200 hours is hardly 'non harcdore' which is who he was talking about...
"so you can see who has more PvPenis" - Chris Wilson
Chris wrote:

Many MMORPGs have left people with a bad feeling towards daily quests because they feel penalised if they don't log in to do the quest each day. That's not the case here - you can just do an extra one the next day by finding the Master in the wilderness. There's also no limit to the number of missions you can do in a specific day.

Seems like you're avoiding the downsides to a daily rep system so looks good.

Chris wrote:

To allow the highest of players to modify the sockets on corrupted items.

Much welcomed change, especially as the rare re-roll part of it changed socket configuration for the most part.

Chris wrote:

Each pair of challenge leagues contains eight challenges. Completing all eight difficult challenges earns you an exclusive t-shirt (which some people value enough to offer $1000 to other players for on the black market, it seems).

WTF...Need to get a safe to stick mine in then. =)

Chris wrote:

This incentivises pushing for at least five of the challenges and also allows us to pitch the difficulty of the hardest one to be slightly easier, so that ideally hundreds rather than dozens of players can complete them all. The fastest 50 players will still receive t-shirts.

Looks good and will hopefully allow you to avoid the issues from the last challenges where there was just to much RNG involved in order to limit the number of people completing it. Time will tell if you hit the note this time but I'm optimistic at least.

Looks great all in all...even to a cynic like my self.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Very nice content and you always manage to change/overwork/add the right things which we all thinking about aswell :) awsome job

Looking forward to all the new stuff!
I love all of you GGG
Dizrupt wrote:
mazul wrote:
Pulsahr wrote:

I'm playing since early closed beta, I got max 4 exalted, all leagues and chars included. With other currencies I might rise up to 8, maybe 10. 6L is still unreachable for non hardcore gamers, bought or crafted.

You can easily farm 1 alt per minute. That would mean 200 hours to get 1500 fusings needed for 6-l. It is reasonable.
200 hours is hardly 'non harcdore' which is who he was talking about...

really 4 ex? i just farmed catabombs the last weeks and nearly found all 2-3 days one ex :)
its for solo, and often in guild party...
so, maybe its about your build?

and info that you will never reach L6 as standard gamer is wrong, btw...
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Last edited by loCurnus on Aug 1, 2014, 5:53:16 AM
Dajmstrut wrote:
1500 fuses for doing a 6l? I fear I didn't read that wrong. That's 25 exalted at 1:2 1:30. Still unobtainable. More currency than I've made in all of my PoE, starting from very early open beta...

Sorry bro, but you are doing something wrong then? I already earned 25 exalts in One Month HC race so far. And i played about 5 hours per day.

There are few ways of making currency, the simplest is to grind Piety or any other boss, grind few hours a day with guildmates, friends or somebody. You can earn tons of alts, plus good uiques sometimes, plus notable rares sometimes.

You can reach 25 exalts in a week, if you grind Piety 3 hours a day with 2 friends.

It is not that hard.

But you should not aim for a 6 Link, if you can't play effectively like that, sorry bro. :)
Proud Crusader of Hardcore Leagues.

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