Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp
I wanted to make this thread since we do not really have one to post our ideas for pvp. Grinding gear games are not the ones playing pvp, we are the ones playing it and only us can make GGG take the right decisions to balance everything out the way we all want. So i strongly encourage anyone reading this to post their point of view and ideas. Please refrain from writing hatefull post and keep this thread entirely based on what you think should be balanced and what needs to be fixed for pvp. Thank you. =========================================================================================== My point of view: Spells: They are pretty balanced at the moment, the elemental damage boost from earlier patch gave them a good push for now. Although it is still hard to go trought 75% block with them when combined with a good build they deliver great damage. How i see it is physical spell probably deals sufficient damage but i've done both myself and elemental always does less no matter all the spells i tried. Potential fix to balance everything together would be to create a cluster of nodes including a new Keystone. How it would look is [5%SpellBlockPen]->[5%SpellBlockPen]->[8%SpellDamage]->[20%SpellBlockPen]. Without this spells are bound to stack critical damage to counter block builds this making flat nodes useless and making spells very bad against block without penetration. Physical damage: Physical damage is currently the go-to when it comes to pvp, it deals the most efficient unmitigable damage of any skills in path of exile. When it comes to pvp we have resistances to mitigate spells but physical was built in a different way. How it works at the moment is that armor is useless in pvp this making physical damage extremely strong without any mitigation way. We need to get a way to reduce the damage or a way to atleast reduce it with a mitigation. Critical damage: I personally think it's too strong and it needs to have a X% reduction for pvp or either give crit damage reduction nodes like at the marauder tree. Block and block penetration: I think block should be reduced at 65% instead of 75%, and that block penetration should only be for 2handed swords and adding it for spells as well. 2 handed Swords should get their penetration reduced when block is reduced this from 55%->40% They need to implement spell block penetration by like 30% and should be at the top of the tree because it's really hard for spells to go trough 75% with our current cast speed comparing it with how fast melee attacks. Changing how block and dodge works: Maybe they should make it so it only reduces a portion of the damage instead of making you immune to the damage you are blocking or dodging. For exemple i have 30% dodge or 75% block, if i block or dodge an attack it would only reduce the damage taken by the % amount of dodge or block i have. 2handers: They should get their block penetration reduced to 40% as block cap gets reduced to 65% this seems perfect balance since you remain with 25% chance to block their attacks. Axes/Maces: I think they should be atleast given 25% Chance to crush enemies shield, this giving them atleast a way to fight against block. 1handers: I think 1 handed swords should have their block penetration reduced to 25%, they can stack block+dodge at the same time so why would you boost them up even more giving them the same amount of block penetration. Spells: Spells should be given a node on top of the tree that gives 30% spell block penetration, it's not balanced at the moment and way too hard for spells to go trough 75%. Compare how fast melee attacks and compare how fast a caster casts, the level is way bigger with a multistrike user. Acrobatics:I think acrobatics should change, it is meant for evasion builds who want to have an extra line of defense, it has a drawback for energy shield users which reduces their only defense which is their vital es pool. On the other part life builds are free to use acrobatics without any downside when it comes to pvp, let's be real armor is useless and it's not going to change anything. I think life builds should get a drawback from getting acrobatics, they should make it so it reduces STR by 50%. Why would ES get their only defense reduced where life doesn't have any drawback from getting it in pvp ? Puncture: It needs to get it's damage reduced, if righteous fire got a nerf from doing too much degen damage, i dont see why puncture would be excluded because it's on the same level of OPness. Remote mine: To me remote mine is too strong and effective, it should not be given a free % damage boost as it is suposed only down to tactical usage only, it gives a free damage boost this boosting anything linked to it and on top of that you can set up 5 mines. Temporal chain trigger lvl 1: the smallest amount of damage will trigger it constantly and it slows down too much. We lack flasks a lot in pvp and it makes it way too efficient, i personally think we shouldnt be able to use lvl 1 temporal chain quality 20 with a lvl 1 trigger, they should make it so you can only use it with a higher level trigger gem this making it harder to get it triggered. Curses in PVP: I think curses are way too efficient in pvp, we are so flasks dependant that anyone can just drain our flask in a match and make us take the full effect of a curse once we are out of flask and can easily abuse of that. It's very easy for anyone to just use 20/20 temporal chains which slows down so much that once you are out of flasks it's pretty much a death trap. On the other hand some curses are just too powerfull, even without crtitical weakness curse people can 1 shot players with a good crit, the curse just makes it worse in everyway. Curses should be way less efficient and easy to use in pvp, they shouldnt be so effective once we are out of immunity flasks. Conversion trap: Why is this even enable in pvp ? Anyone can easily abuse of this at anytime, simply use multiple traps linked to it with increased duration and you can convert everyone non stop forever. How bullshit is that ? it's honestly a troll trap when it comes to pvp and should be removed. Aegis max block tempest shield: To me the recent nerf to aegis did not change anything for pvp since anyone can just buy the legacy one. Like i said earlier reducing the block cap to 65% and giving spells block penetration by 30%, 2handers shield crushing chance and etc would help fixing the problem. Explosive Arrow: the explosion cant be blocked and i think you should be able to block it like any other type of damage. You can stack too many arrows and on top of that it cant be blocked. It scales up really high by just stacking critical damage, nerfing crit damage and making it blockable would balance it out. Passive damage reduction aura for PVP: To me the PVP is all about who 1 shots who at the moment, there is simply no balance between the two of them. I would personally love to have a fight where it doesnt just last two seconds and that is enjoyable. A passive aura that reduces all damage done by 15% in pvp would be an idea this making fights more down to tactical plays and less reliant on one shots, players would actually feel the competition and enjoy the fights lasting longer rather than dying instantly or killing instantly. The big part of why there's so many 1 shotters is because of critical damage, so in either way something needs to be adressed to make fights last longer. Ming's heart ring and chaos resistance: I think GGG should make it so you have more chaos resistance when it comes to pvp, most people cannot gear to mitigate chaos damage as everyone need specific gear like block, dream fragments, rainbows, phoenix shield, rathpith globe and much more other specific pvp items. So has of now physical damage is so strong that anyone that use ming's heart will just completely stomp people with no chaos resist and low end gear. Combine 2x mings heart and it's just game for anyone that tries to compete with that, i personally think we should all have 0% chaos resist in pvp not -60%. In pve monsters are nowhere near the point of dealing the amount of physical damage players deal in pvp and when they wear double ming's heart the damage is just crazy and most of us are not able to gear up to counter everything. It's extremely hard in pvp to even get to 0% chaos resist without dropping off something else that is important. Shield protection to cast auras before matches: I personally think this is a very good idea because we all need to cast our auras before matches start. A shield that lasts for 3-5 seconds so you can cast your auras would be great, it would be removed if you start moving or after 5 seconds. Casting auras should not remove the shield and it would continue to be on until you move or when the 3-5 seconds are passed. In tiny arenas it's quite annoying how someone can rush you and prevent you from casting any of your auras to get ready. My eyes hurt playing sarn arena: I personally think the arena is way too bright and after a while my eyes start to hurt and i have to turn down the brightness to fix this, either change the luminosity of the map or change the theme. Sarn arena has bugs: I often see myself getting disconnected, screen freezes and the entire instance gets disconnected and everyone is logged out. I also find myself getting lag spikes i do not know why, sometimes i cant even exit the arena without logging off because i cannot click on the exit door. Party's in sarn arena: I would be really cool if we could party up to enter sarn arena, sometimes i want to team up with my guild mates and it would make team's vs team's possible in the arena. Right now whenever im trying to team up with someone if i miss a shot i can hurt him and it's really annoying. ============================================================================================= I encourage you guys to post your point of view and ideas just like i did here ! ============================================================================================= Regards, Hauntworld. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 25, 2014, 1:27:14 AM
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I am speechless, cuz you already said what I want to say!
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hi hauntworld,
im a pvper that just want to do pvp. if i was a rich player like you, all the fixes you suggested were right. But im a poor player, being able to buy shavronne just recently, and speaking with shadowthefall he suggested me to make the build i use atm. the main problem is that i know i will never be able to afford mirrored items and/or legacy kaoms etc because i can play 2-3 hours per day. you are 100% right when you say that changing certain things for the best might affects low end players... so im thinking that we are at a dead point. pvp now suck cause is a 1 shotting war, but even now with my remote ek build i cant kill tanky ppl with aegis aurora, spell block, 15k armor; imagine if you reduce my dmg. i really want to give some suggestions, but nerfing a thing might cause another thing to be more useless or more powerfull... you think a solution can be found to make pvp more skill based and less gear dependent so even ppl like me with a mediocre wealth can compete? because i cant see the light in this dark tunnel, and i might ending giving up, because no matter what build i do, there will be always an opponent standing still and doing nothing getting his life saved just because he use gg items. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by tempallo#5614 on Mar 8, 2014, 6:20:54 AM
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lol. It is very hard to compete RMT.
Last edited by behakungfu#2429 on Mar 8, 2014, 6:45:36 AM
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" this is exaclty what i'm thinking... so sad :( PvP Team Omniscient
IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] |
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Add RF in.
RF: It used to be very OP in pvp. But now it is like a joke to people. It is not fair at all to just completely take down all RF. It is like you are from heaven and you fall to hell you know? RF from top tier now = worst tier. That is really frustrating, and I am very sad and mad about it. And lets be clear about RF: ES base RF is stronger than HP base RF, ES base RF should not be dealing too much damage because the spell damage is good already, It should just work as an extra buff, not like a killing tool. And it is ok to keep ES base RF like this patch (this nerf). HOWEVER, It is not ok to tear HP RFers apart by completely bringing them down like this! HP base RF pays their life to run RF, and there are many hp nodes in mara area to take anymore, it is already a big nerf. I used to have 10k hp and now ? just 7k. I am be easily kill by dps players. And with 7K life 95 lv mara, I kill a 72 lv shadow with 75 fire res in 20 sec. This is a joke right? I dont think HP base RF should be this badly nerf. And I think ES base RF is ok like this, since it should work more like a buff not like a killing tool for high spell dmage sharvonne players. |
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I'm glad some of you agree with my ideas, i read your post about RF being over nerfed. You are probably right, they over nerfed it when it comes to life version.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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What a meaningful thread!
I have an idea to prevent people from RMT in PVP. That is: All legacy items and mirrored items WILL NOT WORK in PVP Areas. They can only work in PVE areas. Doing so will make all people equal. Legacy players are equal to new players. Legacy players can not get any benefit from legacy items in PVP, they can only get benefit in PVE. Mirrored items can only work in PVE areas. They can not work in PVP areas so that people are forced to create their own gears to PVP, not copying anyone else' gears. This idea may reduce the price of legacy items and mirror of kalandra, which is not good for me. However, I love fairness. I don't feel like a hero when I defeat people with nerfed gears. Last edited by Impetius#0715 on Mar 8, 2014, 9:52:11 AM
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A lot of the changes you want would make the pvp gameplay so .. vanilla. I personally think swords having block pen vs a staff having block makes sense, especially since Staves have more damage. What i do agree with is that the damage output from certain weapons is a bit too much, but nerfing physical damage would only make elemental damage the new "GO TO" thing.
MY IDEAS: 2h Swords should keep the 55% Block Reduction 1h Swords [using a shield] should only be given a portion of this (25%) Spell Block Reduction should be Implemented at the top of the tree (25%) Acrobatics should lower Strength by 50% [It was meant for Evasion builds] Team Omniscient
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" Great ideas, i encourage everyone else to post their point of view like shadowthefall did. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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