1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

it sucks imo
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
p0t wrote:
They nerf anything that becomes too widely used, causing some people to adapt and others to qq. It keeps the game fresh and opens up build diversity instead of stale repetitive builds. Who builds HP and doesnt get the scion life wheel? It forces you there by being too good to ignore which alienates other specs or parts of the tree. God forbid the build you used last 4 month isnt as viable now and you have to think.

That sounds nice. BUT

They nerf the life wheel, they nerf Bor, they nerfed kaoms

Who is the winner of this. The RMT sites or player who have this items.

If i have a legacy kaom wtf interest me the life nodes nerf

If i have a legacy bringer. I still have tons of more life than the players without it.

I like the idea of legacy items.

BUT if they have a resonable strategie, they bring NEW items with more life or with teh same life as the legacy AND let the monster make more damage.

then i dont need to nerf items AND i dont discriminate new players.

I have no problem with the nerfs at all because i dont use any of this items.

But i see the problem with that. If you have a kaoms or a bor you can reach the laddy much faster then ervery other new player exept RMT players.
So the design phylosophi chris wrote in his first idea for this game is dead.

With money you can BUY ADVANTAGE in this game.

With the other solution you can have a kaoms for sentimental reasons but you have no advantage of it.
Sorr chris the way your company go is a verry good way for players who give you money in the beginning of game (that i can understand)
but for new players its a wrong or bad way.

thats pity

GGG defines the new 4 month softcore challenge league as default, why are you worried about a legacy league that isnt updated with new content and is clearly not the main game?
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Undead - aka living dead. Yea. Leeching life from zombies, THAT is the primary issue we should focus on here. Good call man.

comm_il_vec wrote:
Wow, still can leech life from undead?

a side note

i have 4 frinds who played the game a while with me. But then they realized that they will never have the same chance to grow up then players who played this game since one year.
Exept they buy from rmt what they dont like.

One of my frinds played hardcore and died often in maps. Now 3 changed the game and the hardcore one buyed a legacy kaom and is verry happy to make maps without problems now.

If THAT is the new game philosophie i will also go.
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
a side note

i have 4 frinds who played the game a while with me. But then they realized that they will never have the same chance to grow up then players who played this game since one year.
Exept they buy from rmt what they dont like.

One of my frinds played hardcore and died often in maps. Now 3 changed the game and the hardcore one buyed a legacy kaom and is verry happy to make maps without problems now.

If THAT is the new game philosophie i will also go.

Its not a new philosophy its rather old actually, GGG has prioritized 4 month leagues as the main default game and legacy is just a place where old heros go to not be erased. How did you miss this?
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
EAKZOI wrote:
All I can see on this "big" expansion on PoE is:

Nerfed this;
Nerfed that;
Nerfed those;
Nerfed yet? oh yeah, so nerf that too;
Nerfed these too...;
Nerf, i love those;
Nerf the hell out of the game =);
Nerf ;)...

I was absolutely afraid of the patch notes when they announced the SotV, so here i am confirming my fear, it's sad to see that they only want to see people struggling to be alive on the game. We want a challenging game, but when we can surpass the challenge you guys "update" to a point that we can't even deal with the challenge that we've already surpassed. New challenges are welcome, but remove our efforts like this is just a bullshit.

The game is still the same. Same boring maps but more difficult as hell, same items, but yeah, nerfed. Oh ! New vaal items !? Who cares, they'll get nerfed on some another future expansion.

But hey, we got a new area with a new boss ! 1 Area. 3 Acts + 1 new area ? Not even an new whole act ? But i don't really care for it, i was hoping to see things that would make the old players feel safe on they current builds and gears, and make the new players to feel determinated to play the game, but when i presented my friend this game he said "this shit must be raging as hell...", i mean, who cares for my friend right ? but how many people though like him ?

This new expansion made everyone rebuilt their characters from scratch, on passive tree, on gear, and on spirit, considering the efforts of everyone.

Answer to your last question: a lot of people thought like your friend, but not nearly as many as you think. I would conjecture that like me, the vast majority of players are fine with the changes and excited by them. Unlike me, most of them feel no need to post about it because they don't have anything to whine about. (I found something to whine about: whiners.)

This isn't surprising, but this post is kind of a microcosm of the entire thread. GGG makes a number of re-balancing decisions, some involving undoubted nerfs, some involving "nerfs" that aren't really nerfs at all, some involving buffs. The end result has been considered and crafted over a timeframe of months, as opposed to your uninformed kneejerk reactions about the world falling down around your ears.

The buffs get completely ignored because everyone likes to complain about nerfs. I can understand why! Then you don't have to blame yourself when you fail! "It wasn't me, it was the nerfs!"
Last edited by Barandis#1573 on Mar 4, 2014, 2:08:04 PM
p0t wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
p0t wrote:
They nerf anything that becomes too widely used, causing some people to adapt and others to qq. It keeps the game fresh and opens up build diversity instead of stale repetitive builds. Who builds HP and doesnt get the scion life wheel? It forces you there by being too good to ignore which alienates other specs or parts of the tree. God forbid the build you used last 4 month isnt as viable now and you have to think.

Ok, sir, then I challenge you to read my post and explain to me exactly how the ST nerf accomplishes anything. It's just absolutely pointless. You will have to accept the fact that GGG sometimes don't balance their game correctly, as is evidenced by the cleave nerf 4 months ago, which made the gem unusable for racing.

The ST nerf was clearly targeting race balance. Except that GGG have completely missed the point.

Last season was dominated by Spectral Throw and Leap Slam. Both using 2-handers.

Now they "slightly" nerfed Spectral Throw and left Leap Slam unchanged, but this accomplishes exactly nothing.

Spectral Throw classes will still be going Spectral Throw, because there are no other viable alternatives. And Leap Slam is now the absolute go-to skill for all classes that can use it in races (Scion, Marauder and Duelist).

There is no skill diversity, everyone uses the same 2 skills and why? Because GGG don't know how to balance skills for racing.

The right thing to do would have been a nerf to Spectral Throw and Leap Slam (ideally via nerfing the base damage of 2 handers that can drop in normal) and buffing other skills for classes at a lower level.

Nerf ST and LS (by nerfing base damage of 2 handers in normal), buff cleave, buff roa (early game), buff other skills, so that people have options that can actually compete with Spectral Throw and Leap Slam.

As is, this change accomplishes exactly bupkis, because people are still pidgeonholed into using the same 2 skills, which are leap slam and spectral throw, because everything else is just infinitely worse for speed-leveling.

I don't really care about any of the nerfs, but given that this nerf specifically so clearly targets early leveling efficiency and race balance I will just say that their approach is about the worst I could possibly imagine.

It really is just a bandaid fix, but everyone who is somewhat invested in racing or speed-leveling can easily tell that this change accomplishes exactly nothing.

Sometimes, GGG just makes mistakes, they aren't perfect and some of their balance decisions have a serious impact on especially race balance. I couldn't care less about endgame balance, but to state, that there is always a point in what they are doing is complete and utter nonsense.

It's harder to identify problems in endgame focused patches, because there is alot of diversity, but when you look at race and early leveling balance, the problems are so much more obvious and people simply can't hide behind bullshit arguments to rationalize nonsensical patches.

I've done a fair bit of racing and ST was far too good in a race for other reasons you failed to mention, mainly the utility aspect. ST is high range and high aoe, can kite with it, effective from lv1, has a low mana cost, effective with any 2H you find, but mostly its safe. Its safe because you never have to get close to mobs, its safe because you dont run out of mana in the middle of a pack, its safe because you dont have to touch a dangerous mob to kill it. You can't mule leap slam in 1 min for any char. Its not that long after somebody finally gets slam that ST gets LMP and aoes the entire scren. I prefer leap slam personally and it offers mobility utility, but in a 12 min burst its not even viable, same with endless ledge.

Look at some of the one weeks, how easy is it to gear a new ST char and get to maps compared to a Leap Slammer? Throw is too good in PvE also, with a few chaos of unique 2h you can throw easily into merci without even specing dmg.

Scion(and ST)was a little too good, because as a new hyrbid class it needed something to shine, and now its being adjusted. Theres no question that racing doesnt favor every build and skill and its impossible to have that. Its not like the teams that win the party races are going 6 spec throwers or 6 leap slammers either. Also you hardly spec defense in a race so the 2h which obviously has to have more dmg than a 1h and shield will be optimal in shorter races. Since CB in races and pve the strong builds specs have rotated so often, its not like 2h phys racing is here for ever, there will be shifts. The best racers will win with suboptimal character choices and specs, its about poking the majority or racers and making them rethink and try new stuff instead of defaulting to ST for another 4 months just like Spec throw did to cleave, and im all for that.

No it doesn't change anything. That's my point. ST and LS are still infinitely better than any alternatives, so this nerf was absolutely pointless.

The right thing to do would have been to nerf 2-handed damage across the board and buff skills that mainly use 1-handers such as cleave, or bows (early game)so people can go RoA with ranger.

But as is, this will be the third season in a row dominated by the same 2 skills, there is 0 diversity and this change doesn't accomplish anything.

At least if they had nerfed ST into the ground (like they did with cleave), there would have been other options for ranger or shadow to play competitively (RoA or caster), but with this bandaid fix, they haven't improved build diversity, they only made an overpowered skill slightly worse, which is absolutely pointless.

If they are going to nerf things, their intent should be to bring other things up to par, this nerf however doesn't accomplish that at all.

So it's a pointless bandaid-fix, you are missing the whole point of what I'm saying.

I'm not saying ST shouldn't have been nerfed, I'm saying it should have either been nerfed into the ground, so that way people can try out other alternatives, OR other skills (such as cleave or RoA) should have been brought up to par with it. But as is, this change accomplishes exactly nothing. It's still going to be the same yawnfest of everyone just going LS and ST every race and I'm sick of it.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Mar 4, 2014, 2:08:49 PM
Wow.. much crying... Ok. Time for the players with some reading comprehension to stand up and say: GGG way to go! Good job. Loving your stuff. (Or criticizing in an intelligent polite way...)

To whiners (and apparently people that cant read):
-Life leech got BUFFED (yes buffed, use your brain a bit...)
-Barrage got BUFFED
-Desecrate got BUFFED
-Burning Arrow got BUFFED
-All support gems got BUFFED
-ST got rebalanced (about time)

->There is more loot available in SC/HC through the new unique bosses. In Ambush through strongboxes. And in Invasion through the extra invading bosses.

->There are 13 NEW uniques that we dont know how they are going to play yet.
->There are OP version of skills called Vaal gems (30 If I recall... Seriously how ppl only scream "nerf bohoo Im quitting" is like a joke to me). We barely know a few.
->Vaal pact is now usable with life builds. The 60% life leech reduction is because of the leech mechanics buff.

Seriously, show some support and/or adult intelligent argumetation. Crying and blaming is a gimmick used only by spoiled man-babies. PoE players are better than that. Im politely asking all the interested players to keep the forums a high level place.

Again thank you GGG for the constant effort you put in this game and in the interaction with the community.
Skill tree please!

Been going nuts waiting for the new league.

GGG is being conservative with "balancing" and that is a good thing. If last league had anything at all that truely needed some balancing though it would be every single melee build using BoR late game.

New league, new things to min/max, hints about elmental damage and ES getting buffs, all is good.
Barandis wrote:

Answer to your last question: a lot of people thought like your friend, but not nearly as many as you think. I would conjecture that like me, the vast majority of players are fine with the changes and excited by them. Unlike me, most of them feel no need to post about it because they don't have anything to whine about. (I found something to whine about: whiners.)

This isn't surprising, but this post is kind of a microcosm of the entire thread. GGG makes a number of re-balancing decisions, some involving undoubted nerfs, some involving "nerfs" that aren't really nerfs at all, some involving buffs. The end result has been considered and crafted over a timeframe of months, as opposed to your uninformed kneejerk reactions about the world falling down around your ears. The buffs get completely ignored because everyone likes to complain about nerfs. I can understand why! Then you don't have to blame yourself when you fail! "It wasn't me, it was the nerfs!"

Buy the ticket, take the ride.

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