Summon Raging Spirit

Totem nerf really killed SRS, I feel. Early on it's great against solo bosses, but it scales really poorly and isn't really worth the cast time in Merc, even as a full-on Summoner. For now I'm still using it, but I'm thinking I'll drop it for Fireball.
Minion damage values can be temporarily found in this document.
Balance & Design
It says it is spell but it is also a minion...Will spell damage nodes increase its damage?
Rory wrote:
Minion damage values can be temporarily found in this document.

"Temporarily" meaning what? Because I bet it's been downloaded a thousand times already. :p

Nothing listed there really surprises me. Indeed, it just kinda confirms for me that, for summoners, SRS is the spell you use in Normal (lower requirements and better DPS per gem level early), and then somewhere in the middle of Cruel you switch over to Skeletons (better scaling and more minions that can screen for the summoner). There are a lot of little things going for Raging Spirits like Increased Duration mods raising the limit on how high your SRS DPS can go, no less elemental damage for Aura synergy, and getting boosted by +Fire Gem affixes.

That said, if you're just a generic summoner, you're way better off just using Summon Skeletons. If you specialize in Summon Raging Spirits, you're not going to have very good AoE damage and will need to bring a backup skill for that, and there aren't any particularly amazing AoE skills that synergize well with SRS. I mean, Flameblast and Spectral Throw are as ridiculous as ever, but there is little overlap in things that boost those two skills and things that boost SRS.
Rory wrote:
Minion damage values can be temporarily found in this document.

Thank you =).
IGN: DatInternet
Rory wrote:
Minion damage values can be temporarily found in this document.

So, the tooltip numbers are just misleading placeholders. I suspect this contributes to more'n a few players binning this skill. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
XCodes wrote:
If you specialize in Summon Raging Spirits, you're not going to have very good AoE damage and will need to bring a backup skill for that, and there aren't any particularly amazing AoE skills that synergize well with SRS.

I don't see how Skeletons are any better at using Melee Splash than Raging Spirits.

johnce6 wrote:
It says it is spell but it is also a minion...Will spell damage nodes increase its damage?

The Spell you cast raises a Minion. That Spell deals zero Damage.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Mar 20, 2014, 9:00:43 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
XCodes wrote:
If you specialize in Summon Raging Spirits, you're not going to have very good AoE damage and will need to bring a backup skill for that, and there aren't any particularly amazing AoE skills that synergize well with SRS.

I don't see how Skeletons are any better at using Melee Splash than Raging Spirits.

Well, Skeletons don't need Faster Casting and Increased Duration supports, so there's that...

Not to mention that I'm not even talking necessarily about a Summoner in this scenario, but rather comparing a Summon Raging Spirits build to, for example, a Fireball build or an EK build.
So on gem level 20, the Raging Spirits deal way more dps than the skellies and even have more HP, while benefitting from the same summoner nodes as skellies. Their only problem is that they have a short duration.

Time to rethink my build :)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
SRS can't (or rather, won't) tank for you like skellies can.

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