Summon Raging Spirit

TiamatRoar wrote:
SRS can't (or rather, won't) tank for you like skellies can.
Also, you cast 2 skellies at once, as opposed to one raging spirit. 2 skellies deal more DPS than 1 raging spirit.
XCodes wrote:
TiamatRoar wrote:
SRS can't (or rather, won't) tank for you like skellies can.
Also, you cast 2 skellies at once, as opposed to one raging spirit. 2 skellies deal more DPS than 1 raging spirit.

They do not, they just die. Skellies are "tanks" and boss annoyance at best, fps killers at worst.
skeletons DO kill. it is just a matter of self casting them. spell totem cuts the dmg in half and this is a hefty price.

you have to decide: annoyance and meat shield OR damage

i decided to self cast and im happy with the result and my gem is lvl 18 so a lot more hp/dmg ahead of me
Allnamestaken wrote:
XCodes wrote:
TiamatRoar wrote:
SRS can't (or rather, won't) tank for you like skellies can.
Also, you cast 2 skellies at once, as opposed to one raging spirit. 2 skellies deal more DPS than 1 raging spirit.

They do not, they just die. Skellies are "tanks" and boss annoyance at best, fps killers at worst.
From the document posted by GGG:

Skeleton DPS @ level 15: ~125
Raging Spirit DPS @ level 15: ~210

2 x 125 > 210

Also, for dedicated summoners this can be quite a bit of DPS, actually. 11 Skeletons is a pretty easy max to achieve, and at 125 DPS per skeleton, that means the level 15 Gem can potentially do 1375 base DPS. The minion damage nodes you pick up getting 11 Skeletons easily doubles that, and supports can also increase it.
Last edited by XCodes on Mar 21, 2014, 9:56:30 PM
XCodes wrote:

Skeleton DPS @ level 15: ~125
Raging Spirit DPS @ level 15: ~210

2 x 125 > 210

Also, for dedicated summoners this can be quite a bit of DPS, actually. 11 Skeletons is a pretty easy max to achieve, and at 125 DPS per skeleton, that means the level 15 Gem can potentially do 1375 base DPS. The minion damage nodes you pick up getting 11 Skeletons easily doubles that, and supports can also increase it.

Point is skeletons are slow, stupid and get killed by monsters looking at them funny. SRS only gets killed by stray projectiles and aoe, they are faster, get more attacks in. Not to mention 50% ele damage effectiveness. Numbers are not always the thing to consider.

It is pretty much the same princible as in aspd on zombies, no matter what damage zombies do, aspd is always better since they have a very low innate aspd and can't even get attacks in before monsters moving out.

Plus skeletons absolutely destroy fps every time they are summoned (well maybe its a low end machine problem, or a AMD card one, who cares - point is they are not optimized - in a released game...)

All in all every timed minion feels lackluster in their own way, some more than others.
Last edited by Allnamestaken on Mar 22, 2014, 2:41:45 AM
Raging Spirits are also slow and stupid and only get a couple of attacks in because their timed life is so low. What's more, the 50% ele damage effectiveness is actually bad because it's DPS comes from a high attack rate, so the low physical damage is reduced a lot more easily by armor and the ele damage is affected by resistances, and there's no way to take advantage of it through supports like Weapon Elemental Damage because it's not attacking with a weapon.

There's also something to be said about the utility of summoning skeletons wherever you want. You can pretty much guarantee that some summoned skeletons will attack the enemy you want while raging spirits *always* go after the closest enemy. You also have to get much closer to enemies with raging spirits to summon them while skeletons you can use against them from off-screen or line-of-sight enemies with terrain while still "attacking" them with skeletons.

Even when it comes to damage, the Skeletons are actually better because they die and because of Minion Instability. In spite of their less elemental damage, with +% Damage and +% Life nodes they do a lot when they blow up.

If you're a summoner, Skeletons are just plain better than Raging Spirits. If you're not a summoner, then Spirits are just plain bad.

EDIT: As for Skeletons destroying FPS, that's a problem with your hardware. I'm using a GTX 650, which is about as shit as you can get for Video cards these days, and I have no problems whatsoever with Skeletons.
Last edited by XCodes on Mar 22, 2014, 1:04:06 PM
Do "totem damage" nodes increase SRS damage if they are linked to a spell totem?

Edit: do fire and elemental damage nodes work?
Last edited by kruemel2222 on Mar 22, 2014, 4:53:18 PM
kruemel2222 wrote:
Do "totem damage" nodes increase SRS damage if they are linked to a spell totem?

Edit: do fire and elemental damage nodes work?
yes, but spell totem has a damage penalty.
Why should Fire Dmg not work, it contains "Fire,Spell etc" ?
Azial wrote:
Why should Fire Dmg not work, it contains "Fire,Spell etc" ?
because minions do not have your passives. totems sorta do but the burning skulls themselves do not have your passives. fire is the damage they deal (because of the inferno-like conversion)

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