Summon Raging Spirit


Quality of life improvement:
Have the skull spawn with velocity in the direction the caster is facing.

The 0.2 seconds it takes for it to start moving is 0.2 seconds I die a little inside...
and I cast a lot of them, currently at... level 28.
(Wow. 28? Thought I was level 24-25. Hah.)
I would also like to know the exact idle time and travel speed so we can mathematically think about the minion speed support gem.

Also could you update the minion damage values for 1.2?

Finally, I made a easy to use SRS DPS calculator.

Also cheers to PCPTornado for linking my guide and Atziri trio video! :D
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
why is it that at the time in the game there is still no dps for minions in the character information?
Increased Elemental Damage is effect srs ?
also Increased Spell Damage effect srs?
Hi guys, i'm currently testing a Summon Raging Spirit (SRS) char and have a lot of difficulties to identify what is the best combination for dps with this spell or what works with this spell. Some questions below:

- which gems have to be linked ? Atm i use SRS + multistrike + melee splash + minions damages + spell echo in a 5 L. I've read in some posts that attack speed is better than multistrike, some people are also using the melee phys damage gem or the added fire damages gem, and only a few people are using the minions damage gem. Note that I do not want to use the empower gem atm.

- which auras are the best for improving damages: some people say to use hatred with generosity, some people say that hatred do not boost any damages on raging spirit, some people say that flat elemental damages given by wrath or anger is better. I already use haste ofc for better casting boost and raging spirit attack speed.

Well, as u understand, I am a bit confused with this gem. What works or not with Raging spirits as no dps is calculated in the game ? Could you help me a bit to identify what's the best combination plz (gem linked and auras)?
Just wanted to stop by to say that this is my favorite skill in the game. It's so cool! Thanks GGG for making this enjoyable skill!
IGN: NinetySixBottlesOfBeer
I'd really appreciate it if you could update the minion damage spreadsheet with the 1.2.x values. Some idiots are still throwing around calculations that use the 1.1.5 values, which are waaay higher.
do AOE nodes as well as AOE damage nodes affect SRS?

Amplify and Blast Radius in particular.
Passives and gear does not apply to your Minions unless specifically stated otherwise.
(additionally, they do not deal AoE Damage by default; you need Melee Splash for that)

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