PvP Feedback

Support gem that penetrates block would be great. It would both level the playing field vs block for any weapon type plus cost a gem slot.
IGN: MullaXul
dude.. can i ask you something..? ive been soo frustrated in the way the PVP works.. i dont know why im still level 28 and i cant play pvp.. i thot the cap is level 28? the thing is that i already finished NORMAL Difficulty and im in the Forest Camp Greust CRUEL Difficulty.. i cant seem to find a match.. it saddens me that i cant play anymore PVP in the Normal mode/difficulty because i already finished/completed the Normal difficulty at level 25 or level 26.. can you guys please tell me what to do in order to play PVP at my Level at CRUEL or Normal Difficulty Forest Encampment.. i dont know if i want to continue to play POE if i cant play PVP with my character.. zzz... sad.. :( please help.. thank you soo much.. i want to play this game but it left me no choice go back to Diablo 3.. hope you can help..
seijuro79 wrote:
dude.. can i ask you something..? ive been soo frustrated in the way the PVP works.. i dont know why im still level 28 and i cant play pvp.. i thot the cap is level 28? the thing is that i already finished NORMAL Difficulty and im in the Forest Camp Greust CRUEL Difficulty.. i cant seem to find a match.. it saddens me that i cant play anymore PVP in the Normal mode/difficulty because i already finished/completed the Normal difficulty at level 25 or level 26.. can you guys please tell me what to do in order to play PVP at my Level at CRUEL or Normal Difficulty Forest Encampment.. i dont know if i want to continue to play POE if i cant play PVP with my character.. zzz... sad.. :( please help.. thank you soo much.. i want to play this game but it left me no choice go back to Diablo 3.. hope you can help..

The low lvl pvp is limited to those that are lvl 28 or lower and have not completed normal difficulty. I did also once try to just run though as many quests are possible without leveling in order to get the skill books from as many quest as possible, GGG though of the possibility:)

I you want to dual with that guy again you will have to get into merciless act 2 and queue high level pvp.

You could also remake the same build with a new guy. Just doing normal doesn't take to long.
Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Sep 13, 2013, 4:07:41 AM

First things first, i started playing this game just recently and..... What the heck, i cant seriously stop playing. Feels like the good old D2 with tons of updates, perfected into 2013. And whats more, this game has seriously HIGH potential for good SKILL based pvp. However, it will need some alteration in my honest opinion, according to what i read up on these forums and running several arenas. My 2 cents here, if you agree, +1 it and help me make some sophisticated and detailed suggestion list.

1) PVP combat needs to last at least 10 seconds

- by having time to do some decisions and implement some tactics, it is needed to prevent 1 or 2 shotting a target, when equally leveled / geared. Flat damage mitigation when it comes to pvp would be an easy and efficient adjustment (lets say 70% damage reduction against players when compared to PVE environment)

2) Controlling spells and gap closers

- stuns, traps, freezes and other effects are always part of good PVP. However, they need to be wisely used in most other games, because they either have a cool down, or diminishing return mechanic or both. Implementing diminishing returns or cooldown on such spells would greatly improve PVP quality and open way to challenging (thus rewarding) 2v2, 3v3, xvx environments

- simple idea would be:

1st use full duration,
2nd use half duration,
3rd use immune for 10 sec until timer resets.

Giving those moves a fairly long CD when in arena (lets say 12 sec CD on bear trap, which will only be applied in arena) would be an option too.

- gap closers are also very important moves, and should not be possible to spam aswell. Whether you want to dodge a projectile, close the gap or escape, you should be doing this sensibly and with certain caution.

3) Limited skill slots

- this is something i'd like to highlight at this game. Every player can use only 8 skill slots at a time, which is amazing feature, let me explain why...

-- If there is possibility to attach different skill mechanic to every move for pvp, you open ways to create PVP builds and roles. In PVE, skills dont have any CD, they are spammed untill target(s) die(s), as it has always been in hack and slash.... But, implementing short CD (lets say 4 to 8 seconds) on those moves (which will only be present in arenas ofc), players would be forced to make decisions, whether they create they skill bar for maximum burst, some controll, full controll etc, further improving possibilities and tactics for 2v2, XvX scenarios

4) PVP rewards

- People who are doing great at anything want to be rewarded, naturally.

- A simple idea, not ruining balance in either PVP / PVE, is to give titles as rewards. You can think of a lot of titles, and running with one (and having displayed in chat) might be just the thing to make players feel special, satisfied and.... marked as skilled one.

- Another idea would be gaining PVP points, 2 for winning a match, 1 for losing it (or just 1 point for win, it doesnt matter). Giving a possibility to convert those points for microtransactions currency at some rate, or creating another similar shop for purely PVP point rewards would also encourage people to play to win.

If you agree with me, at least with some points, let's create an unified, detailed list with suggestions, which could help advance PVP in this game to another level of gameplay. Such a list would greatly help developers in making it happen, should they agree and find this to be a good idea.

Best regards,

Binstabbin / Pooptrainconductor

mymajesty wrote:

3) Limited skill slots

- this is something i'd like to highlight at this game. Every player can use only 8 skill slots at a time, which is amazing feature, let me explain why...

no no no!
Cyclones immunity to stun is very frustrating for LLPVP. Just throwing it out there.
Pvp at the moment is nothing more then retards face smashing into eachother for win button 1 hit kills. Criticals > Armor, Molten > Melee, Es > HP, Block > non sword users, Flicker strike breaks pvp, Evasion > Criticals but how viable is that option..not at all.. theres so many problems with pvp and skill balance its unreal. All of these points can be elaborated on heavily, not going to bother though. To sum it up as an Es character you're naturally surrounded by both block and critical nodes. Plus have no shortage of effective "es" and the only way to counter such a build be it melee or a caster is to handicap yourself by playing a sh1t build to negate block chance, grab evasion or play the same way...i.e block,es,critical. Really all it boils down to, it doesn't even take a rocket scientist. Pvp can remain Es,critical,block,casters with molten and flicker strikers ass ramming eachother with braindead 1 button specs if thats what you want it to be GGG.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Oct 14, 2013, 1:48:18 PM
MullaXul wrote:
Pvp at the moment is nothing more then retards face smashing into eachother for win button 1 hit kills. Criticals > Armor, Molten > Melee, Es > HP, Block > non sword users, Flicker strike breaks pvp, Evasion > Criticals but how viable is that option..not at all.. theres so many problems with pvp and skill balance its unreal. All of these points can be elaborated on heavily, not going to bother though. To sum it up as an Es character you're naturally surrounded by both block and critical nodes. Plus have no shortage of effective "es" and the only way to counter such a build be it melee or a caster is to handicap yourself by playing a sh1t build to negate block chance, grab evasion or play the same way...i.e block,es,critical. Really all it boils down to, it doesn't even take a rocket scientist. Pvp can remain Es,critical,block,casters with molten and flicker strikers ass ramming eachother with braindead 1 button specs if thats what you want it to be GGG.

that is what you call arpg pvp!
ign = ultrahiangle
Max block is still too op. Can we get some counter block options?
Last edited by ddub3987#1019 on Dec 3, 2013, 9:21:40 AM
level 20 bear trap doesnt break level 20 molten any more in 1 shot...... soo when is the molten nerf coming??
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC

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