PvP Feedback

im posting this from the ffa thread because its the only way to go to reach ultimate enjoyment and freedom in the pvp field, that may add several options for team pvp making some huge op builds beatable with team combos.

korniz0r wrote:
Vooodu wrote:
HeavyMetalGear wrote:
My Thread offers a better solution for the poor, to-date PvP System.


Except your idea is pretty complicated. IMO.

I think most players just want a big, open area where they can just plop in and go crazy. And way to make it private so they can impose their own rules.

this 9thhhhousand times, just give us the free to make our own rules, if you guys from GGG want more players this is the way to go, theres nothing like this fresh today and never had besides d2, thats why d2 made so huge sucess, its simple GGG. wanna take the lead in the ARPG field and make this the best game of this decade? THEN GIVE US THIS FFA MAP TO GO MAD NUTS!
pvp system definitely adds depth to this
I love PVP but I wish you guys would add in a ranking system similar to SC2 or league. I think this would add in a LOT of re-playability. As of right now I feel no need or desire to pvp because there really is no gain in the matter. Perhaps an occasional dual but beyond that it looses value. It would also be AMAZING if you guys could add in rewards for pvp. Perhaps not experience but item drops or something would be awesome, maybe a random item roll on kills? Or after the winning team wins. Or ingredients or something. Anyway these are my thoughts.
molten needs a cooldown like flicker or coldsnap. i hope they make some other changes too because pvp is pretty dead atm, the main pvpers are just wrecking all the lowbies and it is driving alot of people away from pvp.

i suggest implementing a system where you can see what level the person in the queue is so 60's arnt joining a game against 85+ people, thats no fun for either.

pvp RIP until theres some reason for people to pvp, i know its a pve based game but ALOT of people play games like this just to pvp. GGG needs to recognize this
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo#5382 on Jul 18, 2013, 12:44:58 PM
Yea it's hard to organise matchups when you can't choose who u want to duel but I'm sure GGG has good plans to fix that
pvp dead sadly
IGN: LastCharBeforeLeave
Make a Ct Hardcore/regular league.. All thats needed please..
Invasion - No Sacrifice No Glory

Chris wrote:
iiO wrote:
How about some PvP improvements or news? Something that you guys are even trying for PvP?

We have some awesome PvP improvements coming. I cannot talk about them at the moment, unfortunately.

Will we be able to expect some improvements before full release?
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo#5382 on Aug 27, 2013, 2:03:46 PM
My pvp balance thoughts:

Change the flask mods removing shock/burn/freeze to not just remove the effect but also make you immune for a few seconds (~3?). Just like warding flasks but with not as long duration. The main reason I think this is needed is the freeze. Adding a way to get a short immunity would increase the skill needed (knowing when to use it as charges are limited) and it would make it so that everyone would not have to have a dream fragment ring opening up for larger possible gear options and play styles.

As it is now being without permanent freeze immunity just using flasks is not enough as you will just get refrozen ~50ms after you unfroze yourself wasting valuable flask charges. A change to this would hardly change PvE in a note worthy way as no monsters are ever able to constantly refreeze you as other players can.

Bear Trap
I am of the opinion that bear traps almost got a buff for PvP in the trap patch. 4 second cast time is great for it and allow for a more active use of it, I like that. But the main issue I have with the skill is the duration of the hold. It could really use to be a little shorter. As it is now even an unlinked bear trap is ok damage and INSANE control. I hardly think anyone in PvE would care as stuff dies way before they would have been freed again

Molten Shell
This skill is problematic. It can completely shut down so many phys melee build. But it is also very much needed for as many builds to not just totally die to melee builds with high mobility in form of flicker strike, whirling blades, leap slam and probably more coming skills. I think making the cast time at least twice as long could make it harder to always keep up (creating a challenge for the molten shell user to in time get out of danger to recast). Or making it more like arctic armour (removing the duration and instead add a debuff (maybe 30% less move/cast/attack speed) while it is up. I don't think this should need to be a nerf for PvE use or any current PvE build.

This is as I see it the main issue for PvP right now as max block is really insane. The main problem is not even tempest shield that could shock stack you and could almost score a kill itself. Just the tankyness is just insane, 75% block is broken. Not only is it like you had 4 times the health. Either you go for the fast attack/cast and kill yourself at the tempest shield or you go for large slow hits and he could just if he would take damage once, run around for a few seconds until the ES regenerated (good luck being lucky enough to hit and not get blocked before the ES is back at 100%).

The only counter to block is using sword attack with a lot of skill points in reduce block chance. The problem is just that those nodes only works for swords..

I am not sure what changes I would like to make to block but something really needs doing. But some thoughts that I had: add reduced block to some existing curse or make a new reduce block curse, increase the block recovery, make it so that you can't totally block aoe attacks, reduce max block chance while moving/casting/attacking.

I have so far probably played around maybe 600-700 pvp matches so far since open beta started and those are my main balance concerns so far. I might be a bit biased (mainly playing a crit fireballer (using molten shell)). I hope it was worth reading.
Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Sep 12, 2013, 10:32:44 AM
And that, Ladies and Gentlemens, is very good feedback.

Your idea for flasks is a great one. I second it. Bear trap could use a lower crowd control time, it would force players to link increased duration on it as right now it's not much needed. I don't know much about molten shell since I mostly played in the level 28 bracket and casters are really underwhelming there (might change with empower). About block, I do think a curse reducing block chance is a good idea. That or a new support gem that penetrates block chance.

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