PvP Feedback
(lvl 28)
I've played hundreds of pvp matches and can give some feedback. Imo, some things are unbalanced: 1. Bear trap. I think it should be visible to oponent. 2. Ice spear. I think it should not generate freeze on ciritical strike. 3. Arc. It should not be auto aimed. 4. Whirling blades damage should be dramaticly reduced in pvp. 5. Flicker strike should do no damage or very little in pvp. 6. Temporar chains should get nerfed a bit. 7. Potions with dispel frozen and imunity to curses should still give its effects even though you gain full life/mana after using them. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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I had the same problem, i was a level 19 shadow then i tried pvp the first times.
The first time i got matched against a level 28 and got crushed, then i got matched against a level 26 with the same result, and finally a level 27. I doubt a level 19 would ever have a chance against that big of a level difference. I dont mind loosing really, and i know a game with a skill forrest like this, properly would never be 100% balanced and that is totally ok, because makes up for it in other places (like the customization in the Forrest etc :) ), but getting absolutely crushed 5 times by persons that is way outside your level, several of times, is just not fun. Properly not for the other guy either, since there is no challenge for him. I would say to lower it, quite a bit. i would rather have to wait 10 min and get matched with someone around my level (+-5 (MAX properly less)) then get matched right away with someone that is WAY outside my level range. Last edited by Berzerkeer#0188 on Jan 29, 2013, 3:43:22 AM
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IGN: solventh
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Sicelense (28lvl)
Ramanuga summarized things very good... but through this tweaks "lame" dps Characters... item dwellers will become unstopable. Skills should be the main drive Right? People twirling around would beat beating the shit out of each other. I like it. One major problem he forgot, Cold can immobilize any Character much more than Temporal chains does. Even if my resistance is around 75%. And I for once use the Frost wall, to keep people away from me or from helping each other... and think this one could be upgraded. In general I would think that these problems can´t be solved just through nerving. Perhaps it should rather be possible to adjust the strategy on the PvP field, picking up respawning resistance Charms for example. The different Terrains are good. Keep working on them. I´ll give you.. Feedback ;) Now of course I don´t expect a LoL but whatever you do, focus on Gameflow . Controls are not absolutly intuitive yet. Theres for example a gap after Whirling Blades. Where a sloped start and end would feel better. I cannot intuitively transition between the different Skills. And of course... there are stranger server lags Nerv the FX a little bit for all Players to easier maintain the overview. Red/Blue Circles in PVP could be an Option throughout the hole Game. Oh what else.. one more thing... of course you would need a Rating for items as well for the matching, I am sure you already thought about that. Looking forward to your implemantation, it has been a GREAT time with game. Can´t wait for the movie. |
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(stealth bragging activated)
I am lvl 14 and currently stomp most people including lvl 28s. I find it not fun being lvl 28 cause of extremly low ammount of competetive people and from about 100+ matches i had on this lvl 14 i found like 3-4 28s that aboslutly destroyed me. Thats less than 5% of matches that I would maybe enjoy on lvl 28. |
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With a Record of 113 wins 8 losses and 0 draws I'm enjoying pvp very much i just wish there was something more to strive for than increasing my win count. this also leads me to some balance concerns as I'm almost positive my build may be a touch Overly Powerful. Bear Trap: at this level does a pretty significant amount of damage but rarely can i kill a player with a triple stack. I use it almost exclusively for well... trapping an opponent for a time to get my slower than Michael Meyers Templar close enough to melee. Cold Damage: Freezing in general is a very powerful mechanic even chilled is stronger than a perm tamp chains. Flicker Strike/Frenzy combo: Iv'e Faced sooooo many of these. Alot of them are quite powerful and could kill a caster type or a squishy char in moments. Freeze mine: Probably the most powerful pvp skill. literally all you need to do is stand next them drop a mine. detonate rinse repeat until dead or force a draw. not sure why no-one else has done this yet. also if its not linked with anything its a perm freeze thats just annoying yet hilarious. "PS: sorry to the guy i did this 2 yesterday but i literally couldent stop laughing" Please make it so your matched up atleast sorta closely with other players based on level. In regards to my build if anyone has any questions or concerns as the case may be. About it or the skills/gear chosen I'll glady answer them in a pm. ~Sincerely, Scootaloo Special shoutout to: Hakk This guy hits like a truck and gave me a run for my money when i was level 26. 1-2 against him and hoping for rematch now that im level 28 :) Last edited by CaineDeSoulis#3589 on Feb 5, 2013, 6:42:17 AM
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Doubt that your build is OP for you would have less loses.
I have les loses as lvl 14 and have more games played. |
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make pvp for everyone not only till 28lvl ...pvp is really fun doing quest only it is getting a lil boring :)
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So far I have had lots of low lvl pvp and I'm dissapointed :(
There is no place for skill, only gear matters ... Either you completely dominate or crashed. There is no middle at all. For example, I saw people who could fight 1 vs 3 without problem because .... their dps was over 1000! And this is at 28 lvl! One-shot, one-shot, one-shot. Come on! Are you serious? Don't you think that this is a little bit too much? |
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PvP at any time any place any lvl would be a good start dont you think??
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