
kavinux wrote:
All those skills have low physical damage on hit making them BAD agents armour.

Monster armor is pretty much nonexistent. Also Spooky Toss and Melee Splash are both used far more than Reave, and for a good reason. I'm not saying Reave is bad, I use it myself, but it's not really OP either.
Last edited by Alhoon on Jan 2, 2014, 11:11:03 AM
heres a thought... reave, multistrike, cast on crit, frost wall.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Reave is completly bonkers! I'm, level 65 with 8k dps in a 5L. 2 levels i can equip BoR.
And this is with almost no dmg passives due to nemesis league. Love this gem.
Lauicus wrote:
After playing with Reave since it was released I must point out I'm extremely satisfied with it as it is, except for one issue: Not falling back to standard attack when out of mana.

I've seen a lot of disappointment targeted at the core or the skill (loosing stacks when using another skill, having an AoE-cone instead of 360degrees all around AoE and alternating weapons of used Dual Wielding).

I honestly think the skill would be totally OP when any of that behavior would be changed, its just very balanced the way it is now. I use Reave with a CI-GR-VP (1H + shield) Shadow and the AoE synergizes perfectly with Life Leech. Its insane how much survivability it gives, with 360degrees around AoE one would be virtually invulnerable. Also loosing stacks when using any other ability just keeps it away from being totally OP; the AoE at 8 stacks is so big (note that I use NO AoE increase) that being able to Flicker to the next mob without loosing the stacks would be insane, imho.

Only real problem I encountered was that my char stops attacking when out of mana, which occurs regularly (desync, but also in big parties when other ppl kill the same mob and things are crowded and the screen is full of effects/loot). It just stands still in the middle of the fight and does absolutely nothing. I just cant get used to it as all other skills (have more chars in PoE) fall back to default attack.

I hope this will be fixed soon, it would provide a big improvement in terms of smoothness of gameplay, while not affecting the mechanics of the skill. Imho the stacks shouldn't be reset upon using default attack as default attack isn't a skill afaik, but even when loosing the stack I'd prefer that over standing still and doing nothing at all. If one doesn't leech mana fast enough to Reave again within 2secs the stacks are lost anyway due to the 2secs timeout.

Note that for now I use default attack under the left mouse button, but I would really love being able to use "Move only" again, as using default attack to move often results in weird pathfinding due to accidentally clicking chests, boxes and desynced monsters.

Hope to see a fix soon!

Edit: I can also state that loosing the stacks on using another non-attack skill like Enduring Cry does NOT discourage the use of other skills, EC in my case. Besides the benefits of the charges it supplies it also draws the monsters right into my AoE, again, without loosing the stacks it would be OP.

Any ideas /news about the fall-back to Default Attack when out of mana? It would smooth the game-play for Reavers a lot.
L2linhdt wrote:
except reave need to link to multistrike to be effective, make it also have less damage than normal and need 2 socket for 1 skill
Reave does not need to be linked to multistrike to be effective any more than any other melee skill.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
Autocthon wrote:
L2linhdt wrote:
except reave need to link to multistrike to be effective, make it also have less damage than normal and need 2 socket for 1 skill
Reave does not need to be linked to multistrike to be effective any more than any other melee skill.

And since Multistrike provides the best DPS among all melee gems, most melee skills are linked with it anyways.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
MortalKombat3 wrote:
Autocthon wrote:
L2linhdt wrote:
except reave need to link to multistrike to be effective, make it also have less damage than normal and need 2 socket for 1 skill
Reave does not need to be linked to multistrike to be effective any more than any other melee skill.

And since Multistrike provides the best DPS among all melee gems, most melee skills are linked with it anyways.
Yup basically this.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
I want reave to be enabled for 2h sword users, because cleave with its meager 70% DE doesnt cut it. Pun intended.
IGN: vaiNe_
Last edited by vaiNe_ on Feb 12, 2014, 8:39:23 AM
I have come to find and enjoy this skill in a way most others loathe it. I, for one, think this is the best option for DPS gems out there (except you can't use it with axes or maces) because you don't need melee splash opening up a weapon slot for melee phys and the like...

The only beef I have with the skill, that has gotten me killed more than once, is it's propensity for causing desync in the game. I have no idea WHY, since all my other skills (like dual and double strike) do not invoke the wrath of the desync gods, but this skill does.

I thought it had to do something with the multistrike and attack speed, but again, double and dual strike does not incur this particular problem with the same gem set up.

I thought it had to do with the aoe and it's increase, but again, sweep and cleave do not invoke this problem either.

Maybe it is the combination...but again...I can engage a pack of mobs, hit them, kill them, and the right before they die, I am no longer hitting them, even as I stand in place and I am taking damage. The game resyncs and I die, and the mobs that didn't die for whatever reason had moved around behind me and killed me, as I spammed their ghosts.

This is the only thing that makes me hate this skill, is the desync is causes. And I would like to know WHY, how to fix it, and perhaps, with any luck, for GGG to fix it.
vaiNe_ wrote:
I want reave to be enabled for 2h sword users, because cleave with its meager 70% DE doesnt cut it. Pun intended.

Dual wielding needs reave to work more than 2 handers do. 2 handed weapon users already have plenty of aoe options, dual daggers and dual claw users still have NOTHING, since there's almost no benefit to dual wielding when you use reave. At least it's useable I guess, but really, there needs to be a way to get more damage out of dual wielding daggers and claws for aoe.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982 on Feb 14, 2014, 9:50:16 PM

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