
soul4hdwn wrote:
MC_Grinda wrote:
Could somebody please tell me what is the base (stage 1) radius of Reave?

Does that mean Reave doesn't benefit from the +2 weapon range from Master of the Arena?
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
That's a bummer. I stopped using conc effect for trash since although dps went up, clear speed actually went down due to the small area. Had hoped the +2 would help with that.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
After seeing Glacial Cascade's gore effect, would be nice to have something for Reave, more gore perhaps ;)

My suggestions for improving Reave. Add a tiny bit more on stacks duration, slightly larger area/radius for the 1-4 or 4-8 stacks, perhaps decay from 8 to 4 as is now, and 4 to 1 slow the decay, when using another skill decay to 4 instead of wiping all?
All reave needs is to increase the arc from 135 degrees to lets say 160 degrees. Thats whats keeping it back in any mob situation.
Last time I gave a shit, I got fucked
Something should be done to fix the skill's horrible problems with desync at low levels. I don't know how it works at high levels, since I've never been able to stomach using the skill long enough to get to end-game with a Reaver.

Typically I'll build my stacks, kill guys, and everything works fine. Sometimes, though, I'll build my stacks, attack a desync ghost, and lose my stacks when there are plenty of other targets I could have been attacking that are actually there. This completely sucks, and makes the skill unfun garbage.

I get that desync is going to make the game suck a lot for the entirety of its existence. You've established that you're unwilling to fix that, so we have to deal with it. Can you please not make skills that are completely trashed by the basic mechanics of your game, though?
GGG, is there any chance reave will be changed to work with 2H swords? (reaver sword anyone?)
Taudlitz wrote:
GGG, is there any chance reave will be changed to work with 2H swords? (reaver sword anyone?)
That'd be a big fat no. The whole point of reave was to give dagger/claw an option. Reave is strictly superior to Cleave for 2H weapons, and that's what will prevent it from being made possible for 2H
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
I wish this skill worked with one handed axes. Axes are lacking a green gem AOE skill, other than cyclone (not counting melee splash builds). Both axes and swords require Str and Dex to use, so I don't see why this shouldn't work with both one handed axes and swords.
Ulfgaard wrote:
I wish this skill worked with one handed axes. Axes are lacking a green gem AOE skill, other than cyclone (not counting melee splash builds). Both axes and swords require Str and Dex to use, so I don't see why this shouldn't work with both one handed axes and swords.
Because cleave exists. Hell I don't even like that Reave works with 1H swords.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir

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