
twintales wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Don't you think it's the same for some of the one handed skills on dual wields? Lightning Strike, Infernal Blow, Etc. They all get the same bonus from dual wielding, increase attack speed and some other global effect from both hands, but alternate attack every other time, resulting in damage going up and down. Don't you think it's from the game mechanism itself?

I think it's not about "Reave clearly has better combat effectiveness with a shield than with dual wielding". This thing itself is inherit directly from the core of the game mechanism. In general, we alway to choose either:

1 Handed + Shield
- has more protection
- has more bonus from shield to boost yourself.
- normal damage

Dual wields
- still some protection, less than shield.
- still has some extra bonus from off hand, alternating between attack on somes.
- higher attack speed
- has more passive nodes to boost damage and attack speed.

If GGG changes the thing here, without affecting skill like Cleave or Dual strike which already use both hands, they'd have to make Reave be able to use both hands also.... Don't you think that would make Reave overpower than the other two skills there?

Imagine a semi-melee attack, with higher damage than Cleave, possibly having higher damage than Dual Strike, but cover atleast 2/3 of the screen easily within 1-2 seconds, attacking at the same speed as Dual strike. ..

I feel pity for Piety and Vaal if that ever happened. x_X

You're making my point for me and you don't even realize it.

There are two classes with dual wield clusters in the starting tree: shadow and duelist.
Duelists using their intended weapons (rapier) are able to dual wield them and cleave/dual strike. Shadows using their intended weapons (daggers) are not able to do the same, because cleave doesn't work with daggers and cleave is a red gem (shadow being int/dex class). More importantly, daggers are a weapon that should be dual wielded, not used with a shield. Same with claws.

Yes if reave attacked with both weapons for full damage it would be op as hell, which is why I think it needs a nerf while using both weapons or a redesign, but should still work with them. Maybe a 30% or 40% damage reduction with both weapons, I feel the drawbacks of the skill buff should offset the damage reduction somewhat though.

Anyways I'll be doing my in-depth analysis on Sunday at the latest. I've been kinda busy at the new job but I feel this ability needs some reworking and deserves an essay.

P.S. piety and vaal can go to hell :P
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982 on Sep 12, 2013, 11:18:35 PM
OnmyojiOmn wrote:

I'd like to have Reave on right-click and a single-target attack on left click. Normally I'd left-click to move, but if I accidentally click on an enemy or click-and-hold and move the mouse over an enemy, I use the single-target attack and lose Reave stacks. It's bad enough that skills like curses and Enduring Cry can't be used effectively with Reave, but this is ridiculous.

Oh, that thing.
To avoid that problem, I actually have the same Reave setup on both left and right click, preserve middle click for Enfeeble.... Actually I was planning to have 2 Reave setup, for a higher damage with less AoE against rares & bosses. But since 2 Reave setup counted as "other skill", making the stack reset, I dished away the idea :P
twintales wrote:
But since 2 Reave setup counted as "other skill", making the stack reset, I dished away the idea :P
well thats a bit interesting but sad, thankfully doesn't bother me though. if i ran into a situation where i had to do both at once, it'll still be the "single target" based reave, else rebuilding while running away lol
The range is kinda small. People complain, that melee isn't really good, I think it'd be cool, if you buffed melee range, and melee AOE, on every melee skill, it'd feel more powerful.
Short reply:

I mostly agree with multistrike, but apparently that is fine and reave can be modified still.

What reave should be:

A high ats in PoE lies around 12~13 ats.
12 -> 24 stacks of reave.
24 stacks are only maintained at 12 attacks per sec.
If you don't have that you maintain a lower stack count.

It is quite simple to implement each succeeding stack has a shorter duration or lasting time, where you need to attack at so many attack per second to keep it refreshed than the stacks drop slowly when you don;t attacks the close your get to 0. It is a mechanic used in a lot of games ARPG, moba, mmorpg. There can be stack limits and limits to the low stack counts (as in up to 3 stacks you get a long count). Spells or casts of other skills could lower stack count by 2 or 4. This makes it far more ineterstign and gives meaning to building around attackspeed instead of another AoE melee build, which there are enough in poe. No thanks...

12 is due to multistrike, which is garbage, there are other issues etc. but they will be in a long reply.
Wanted to make an updated video of Reave with 24k dps soloing Piety on Merc(cant really do much else with only a 30 second window), as you can see from lvl 70ish to lvl 81 i've almost doubled my dps from tree nodes. Here is my self made build link for lvl 88(all the rest after that are up to the player, more dps or more survivability);

Once again GGG, amazing job on this skill, i can solo lvl 73+ maps in no time and the aoe is acceptable as it is, using concentrated effects, my dps should reach around 30k in the 90s and with vaal pact and all that dps, u dont need that much es, sitting at 4.3k(could use abit more, say like 5-6k but wtv) and I extremelly rarely die to sleepiness or zoning outness lol(I play standard(anarchy) so you could take out some dps nodes for more es or armor if you play hardcore and be much more careful than me lol). Really loving the in your face type of gameplay.

Enjoy the short video of piety pwning :)


P.S: I cannot see myself using reave without multitrike, my 11 aps is definetly needed to build those stacks quikly, have to say it's mandatory for this skill.
Rampage: xGyoX
Last edited by Special0ps on Sep 13, 2013, 10:26:00 PM
Reave indeed seems to have been balanced around multistrike, cause my ats-multistrike-blind Ev/Acrobatics lvl 58 ranger can do lvl 61-62 areas relatively easy w/ very crappy gear.That is why charges are lost quickly & can't do any other skill. Though I still wish GGG change it to at least be able to curse or cast enduring cry.

I has borrowed the ring from a friend, to test it with reave since onslaught effect seems to be interesting.

Somehow, the ring seems to go along well with Reave. That +20% attack, attack speed and move speed did have synergy with Reave a lot. The life leech is also nice there. The only problem is that if I want to use concentrated effect, I'd have to find some mana leech...

currently using that belt, and maybe so for while. A nice glove with leeches sis hard to find D:
Last edited by twintales on Sep 14, 2013, 11:22:17 AM
twintales wrote:

I has borrowed the ring from a friend, to test it with reave since onslaught effect seems to be interesting.

Somehow, the ring seems to go along well with Reave. That +20% attack, attack speed and move speed did have synergy with Reave a lot. The life leech is also nice there. The only problem is that if I want to use concentrated effect, I'd have to find some mana leech...

currently using that belt, and maybe so for while. A nice glove with leeches sis hard to find D:

I don't know what "class" you started with, but I made a shadow for Reave to be able to get CI and unwavering stance, if you did or even if you went duelist, i would suggest getting mind drinker for the mana leech. That ring is nice(although it doesnt exist anywhere else than in onslaught), but as CI the chaos res is a complete waste, and the accuracy,life leech can be easily found on a rare ring. I do not find it is worth using if you can find a rare ring with some resists, flat dmg or some life if your life based. The attack speed and move speed are very nice but not worth the survivability drop, especially if you have to use wurm's molt(losing alot more res and es/life).


Edit: As CI, im using blood rage also so it gives me the life leech that i need along with vaal pact, the build is amazingly solid.
Rampage: xGyoX
Last edited by Special0ps on Sep 14, 2013, 4:41:04 PM
I just want to say, thanks for fixing reave with the recent patch. My build is SO much more fun. My single target damage isn't the best, but I'm working on that. I no longer miss 50% of the time.

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