
splitsticks wrote:
You could be right about the multiplicative vs additive thing since most passives are additive with eachother, but the wording in the wiki suggests asd-while-dw passives add to the multiplicative bonus.
DW automatcally grants 10% more aspd and 15% block chance... These two bonuses to DW can be increased via passives.

The pessimist in me says you're probably right, but I want to believe!
press C and read the attack speed listings on the weapons. it won't like the 10% dw bonus, but it'll list the total speed boosts. the 10% multiplier is done after/anytime.
yhateful wrote:
The timer is simply too low. Maybe it shouldn't be so long that you have time to reposition with Whirling Blades, and essentially keep 8 stacks up indefinitely, but it should be long enough that you can move around and reposition a few steps away. I think this would also alleviate the desync issues with this skill.

I think it's a matter of what the original design intent was. If it was to have the timer short enough to allow quick repositioning/kiting but not allow the stacks be maintained between the groups, then as far as I'm concerned the duration is fine.
Last edited by Alhoon on Aug 29, 2013, 5:04:12 PM
Stacking 8 reave, got full AOE,
Got slowed and chilled,
Stack gone,
Happy, Happy.

I'm fine with the timer here. With some caution, I could move and hit things for a while. And I could admit desync is an issue with moving enemies and myself.... but in some case, I couldn't even hit a totem standing among its minions... The worse happen when the totem was "Ally cannot died". I kept hitting its minions surrounding it to 1 HP with 8 stack, with +30% AoE, but the totem still standing strong, at full life, standing statically at the middle of the pack, grinding at me... I'd have to drive into the pack, hit the totem physically in its face to kill it D:

Mystery, mystery.
Reave is full of mystery.
Would like to see timer where it is, but make it so that "any hit" refreshes the timer, not just reave hits. This makes using reave more fast paced and goes well with secondary skills such as flicker strike or whirling blades in my case.

Alhoon wrote:

I think it's a matter of what the original design intent was. If it was to have the timer short enough to allow quick repositioning/kiting but not allow the stacks be maintained between the groups, then as far as I'm concerned the duration is fine.

If that is the designer's intent, then it can't be helped, only reave hits refresh timer is fine.

Btw, love the skill :)
Last edited by engineerN on Aug 30, 2013, 7:34:55 PM
At the end of the day, I could live with the current timer if only it didn't desync/mysteriously not hit things quite so much. Hopefully this will be improved in coming patches.
IGN : Jovial
Maybe some ppl could set a macro to /oos before every attack, to see if the Reave would works as expected everytime ...

Otherwise, we could claim that the skill has some problem :'D

Last edited by twintales on Sep 2, 2013, 2:27:26 AM
Special0ps wrote:

I enjoy the fact that you have to remain very active with this skill if you want to keep pwning. I can tell you from lvling up from 1-70 with mainly using reave and double strike for single targets, that the progression with it does feel slow until you get multistrike but once u get it linked in there, oh boy does it become amazing!!! "It's designed to synergise with players building around attack speed, area of effect bonuses and on-hit effects"<------This, read it carefully

Although I'm not going to use any AoE bonuses, after reading this topic I have to admit, that this is the case.

I'm using Reave in such configuration:


And with 9 APS (1H/shield without frenzy charges), I'm building 8 stacks in less than second, blinding everything around. So my tactic is to get to mob, use Reave to Blind everything and kill weaker mobs and then use Double Strike to kill off stronger ones.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
i've chosen not to use any aoe increase or multistrike and so far its going great. i am k with the default aoe of reave, though i have to use a more in your face kind of play style, but actually i really enjoy that more.
use no aoe increase >> like to control what i hit a bit more. especially in phys reflect maps and large phys ref mobs, if i hit too many at the same time i will kill myself.
no multistrike >> i do physical damage so i like to keep my hits huge, rather than spreading it through many smaller hits.
i also use reave for single target. i use conc effect, and it works amazingly with reave.

overall, what i wanted to convey is that i completely understand the merits of faster attacking more aoe approach, but you could use it the way mentioned above just as well too.

viva reave!
Last edited by engineerN on Sep 2, 2013, 1:03:02 PM
I don't know if its desync or a 0 accuracy glitch because even with /OOS I still miss a lot of strikes and my accuracy is very high. Works extremely well with vaal pact and life leech
ign slashzilla
"Buy when there is blood on the streets, even if the blood is your own."
Slashzilla Reave Guide-
i think 2.5 second timer on charges, and doing something about the desync thing are necessary for this to be "good". the removal of "use any other skill and lose charges" thing will significantly help but there's still the matter of how bad it feels to run any sort of steamroller build that requires charge time that has the steamroller die before you feel you accomplished anything. melee splash + infernal = 2 shot any 5 mob group consistently, reave = 12 hits to clear the group because either desync or bugged hit detection.

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