
When you have no Mana, you use the Default Attack. That's also a Skill, and it's not Reave. :) Working as intended far as I can tell. I'd be surprised if it was not intentional.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Sep 4, 2013, 4:39:35 PM
Makes sense. Kinda annoying, but makes sense.
twintales wrote:
Desync "sometime" contribute to the quirky nature of Reave.

But many time, and I'm sure ppl here has seen it so many time also, it would be some thing like this:

- Attack a standing still totem.
- First hit : hit
- Second hit : miss
- Third hit : miss ( with Reave hit effect )
- Fourth hit : miss (same)

and so on ... after a while or until the attacker move one step and start attacking again. Unless the totem could move by itself, this cannot be desync problem...

Now... I said "Reave hit effect", because there was another case I has seen with this weapon:

There is Extra Gore, and Verdant effect which make butterflies particle when hitting mobs.

When Reave really hit the target, I see 3 hit effect, beautiful butterflies flying away from an exploding bloody mob with some effect from Reave : fine.

When Reave miss, sometime I see only Reave hit effect : ok, maybe desync since I've seen something like this with power syphon.

When Reave miss, sometime I still see 3 hit effect : what is this ? Totally miss? Desync miss? Buggy miss ?

Edit: switch the cases...

This is exactly what led me to believe that it wasn't desync causing the issue. Fortunately some good sir at GGG has looked at the issue and says it's being worked on so hopefully it will be fixed soon.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Last edited by Legatus1982 on Sep 4, 2013, 9:39:34 PM
Actually. Reave stacks end when no mana withOUT me doing anything else RIGHT after hitting with reave.
Using Reave with a immortal totem is fun :O....

Was clearing the Ancient Pyramid yesterday, and we all know it's full of totems.

99% of the time, especially with that immortal totem, granting "Allies cannot died", even if I attack it hundreds of times (literally, I did that), from anywhere, any angle, moving around looking for good position, I cannot reduce its life at all... not until I could reduce the number of mobs around it to a few... which required me to lured those mobs to walk out of the immortal aura length x_X

Btw, Just went back and re-read the thread until I found Mark_GGG's answer,

Mark_GGG wrote:
killerlich wrote:
reave charge disappear after using whirling blade
Yes. Using any non-reave skill removes the stages of Reave you've built up, just like Incinerate

In fact, Using "another Reave" do remove the stages of Reave we've built up.

Legatus1982 wrote:

This is exactly what led me to believe that it wasn't desync causing the issue. Fortunately some good sir at GGG has looked at the issue and says it's being worked on so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Where did you see that response O_o ?
Last edited by twintales on Sep 5, 2013, 12:43:23 AM
twintales wrote:

Where did you see that response O_o ?

Here you are, sir, have fun.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

I'm experiencing a possible bug with my reave character.

Any time I attack a group of enemies with the "allies cannot die" aura, it also disables attacks past the first enemy with the aura. Basically the problem I'm seeing is that it acts as if any enemy behind one with this aura is now unhittable if that makes sense. The only way around this is to walk around and use a different attack on the enemy with the aura.

Now, with my fireball witch I can do the same thing, but the AOE from the explosion WILL take out the enemies behind others with the aura, which I believe is the intended effect. I would love for a reason or a possible fix to this, thanks!
Since they already accepted it as a bug, I hope the fix would rolled out.... soon.

But really, the worst enemies of Reaver is..... cold damage and slow aura. D:
I'm not sure how lowbie Rangers and Shadows are supposed to use that skill when they can get it as the first quest reward of the game. Without significant atk speed increases or multistrike, Reave is barely usable. You won't catch me using that in a race, although I love to play melee ranger. I think they should increase the initial AoE range and reduce the maximum number of stacks to compensate.
Last edited by Thalandor on Sep 7, 2013, 12:32:15 AM
well.... if they reduce the max stack number, it'd mean we'll lose 20% increase AOE per stack removed.... which is a huge nerf when you combine with bonus from passive nodes and gems. The skill it self is the same as others, low effective early game, getting better overtime.

And early game, you don't even need that much stack to clear the whole normal acts anyway since most stuff would die within a few hit. Multi strike is also not necessary as long as you can get your hands on some fast weapons, and a couple of increase attack speed should be enough for Shadow / Ranger.

Playing as a Reaver HP based Witch myself, (read again, WITCH - HP BASED), who don't even have a single increase attack speed nodes nor increase physical damage nearby, Reave is still fun to play and viable, at least until the end of cruel (haven't finish it yet, mostly playing self found except some extra uniques to boost my DEX :P)

Btw, I feels more comfortable using Reave againsts LMP mobs... just build up some stack, and attack them from semi-range distance, melee problem "fire in your face", solved :D.
Last edited by twintales on Sep 7, 2013, 2:03:45 AM

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