
magpye wrote:
The stacks degenerate quickly. Would it make more sense to lose a stack at each loss interval instead of losing the entire lot. This way we should run in and hit mobs then escape.

I like this idea a lot, it still allows the skill's AoE to degenerate with a period of disuse, but would allow kiting or repositioning to be possible.

stuff im not hip on

The character moving to the 0 charges range before attacking does not help when the charge duration is so short that all charges are lost by the time the char arrives. having some way to passively alter the duration of the AoE charges, or having Increased Duration gem work with it would help a little, but % based increases to something so short would not make it OP in my opinion.

All in all, this skill did not meet with my expectations for it, but damage-wise it seems to be functional. Many people are mentioning that it doesn't do as much as Dual Strike supported with Melee Splash, but there are two very good reasons for this.
- The AoE doesn't require a support gem and therefore one can use another gem
- The AoE is a lot larger than Mellee Splash and therefore does more damage against large mobs(groups of enemies).


Seems pretty weak in the early lvl's of races/leveling too. I Haven't tested past 10 but that's about the 20-30 min mark in a normal race. I'd say its weak not because of the dmg, but because the loss of the buff means a slower kill speed and uses more attacks to kill(more mana). Stuns/desync are pretty brutal on the skill at that low of a level as well. I know all skills cant be designed for everything (especially races), but it would be nice to have more skills to race well with. If anything, I'd think a 1 sec base duration buff or the loss of buff in stages would help offset the mana/loss of buff problems.
social noob
Last edited by nopoda on Aug 22, 2013, 6:59:02 PM
guys you think a lot of your hits 'miss' with reave but that's not true. what really happens is desync. you think you're hitting a mob with reave but for real you're aiming in the wrong direction because of desync. the mobs you try to hit are in a totally different position than what you see.

melee splash is much more desync friendly. when i use it, sometimes i see mobs dying in really weird far away places on my screen but in fact they're next to me and splash just takes care of them.

as of now, reave is as bad with desync as whirling blades.
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The falloff timer is so low that it works against the intended design. If you wanted people to maintain stacks and avoid using other skills, just drop stacks one by one. The buffs drop of so fast that its better to lose the buff, whirling blades between packs, and multistrike your way back up to 8.

I did up my first impressions and early analysis of the skill here:

Overall it's fun and has a high player skill cap though it's not as relaible as some other skills like cleave (for swords) or dual/double+splash for daggers/claws. If you like the shoot and scoot playstyle reave is probably for you.
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Delirii wrote:
30k AoE DPS is far more than you'll ever need.

Which reminds me: it is not correct dps. Tooltip dps does not take account for the 2nd hit-check that crits are forced to do. I.e. the real dps is significantely lower.

At 90% accuracy, you can expect the real dps to be only about 90% of tooltip dps (a bit higher actually XD).
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I'm extremely disappointed. I liked the idea of reave with the varying AoE, I'm always very open to new game mechanics, but then one thing ruined it.

It's a CONE. I was expecting it to be a full circle AoE so I could hit a decent amount of mobs if I ran into a pack at melee range. When I try to use Reave I can hardly ever hit because I'm constantly desynced. And even if I'm not desynced, when I'm in a large pack it takes forever to kill (even though I one shot them) because it's a small cone.

Melee splash double/dual strike is EXTREMELY superior to Reave and the sole reason is because of how Reave is a cone and splash is a circle. Please make Reave full circle instead of this cone garbage.
killwish wrote:
Darkblitz9 wrote:

If you hold down shift and just use the wave to attack enemies, the last 20% of additional area is ignored but the hit animation plays. So, if a player has 8 stacks and holds shift they can still hit enemies that are at a distance from them. The problem is that enemies near the edge of this cone show they're being hit but they take no damage and do not perpetuate the stacks.

bliss1234 wrote:
When I use this skill, monsters flinch like they got hit but no damage happens.

Someone told me that its the monsters blocking, but ive never had this before and the monsters im referring to do not have shields.

Its extremely annoying.

Both of these issues are very apparent and very annoying.

Does reave have a maximum number of enemies it can do damage to? If I hit a pack of 40 mobs with reave, usually only 5 take damage and the rest play their "hit" animation but take no damage. Bug or intended?
Mark_GGG wrote:
Zouphy wrote:
Aside from that, the charge duration feels too short- it seems to be about one second. Extending it to two seconds would make it better, I think.
Actually, it already is two seconds.

We did experiment with other skills not loosing the stages, but it wasn't as good.

18 pages of customer reviews seem to disagree with you.
Overall Review:

Skill atm is very buggy. Can only hit 4-6 mobs at a time. The rest of the mobs hit play their "hit" animation, but take no damage whatsoever.

Being confined to 1 skill is extremely boring. Can't use curses, movement abilities, or power/endurance/frenzy charge abilities.

Could be fun, but needs SERIOUS tweaking.

Also, with desync still being a massive issue for this renders the skill at least 20-30% less effective. I constantly think I'm hitting mobs and then I see my stacks disappear...I hit my /oos macro and I see the mobs are actually outside the cone.

Hope GGG takes all this criticism and meaningful feedback to heart. Not put their fingers in their ears and say "LALALLALLAALLAALA SKILL IS FINE CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALALA".
inDef wrote:

Hope GGG takes all this criticism and meaningful feedback to heart. Not put their fingers in their ears and say "LALALLALLAALLAALA SKILL IS FINE CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALALA".

this is what they will do. this is what they do with broken uniques. this is what they do with boring spells/skills. this is what they do with melee vs ranged issue.

its been long since i last thought to myself 'lets donate them another lump of money' - just because of that rather sad attitude that keeps this game as a 'B class' game with extreme balancing issues

reave currently is a bad skill that people will use only to break boredom of using other melee skills. and you can get good results only with gear worth 100's of $ when you already one shot everything.

one good thing tho - it shows HOW BAD DESYNC is to wider audience and this is good. maybe theyll stop pretending that this is not an issue..

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