
sherkhan wrote:
Noperative wrote:
Hey guys!

I posted some reave feedback earlier and now with a better dagger and a 6L I'm currently enjoying an insane 30k DPS on reave without conc effect! Great work guys!

i.e. that's what happen when one chances two soul takers in 24 hours, and uses the proceeds to buy the best dagger in the realm.

He has #1 dagger in SC? either way what ever league your in if you have one of the best if not the best daggers and your doing 30k dps your doing it wrong...

Like really wrong...

This is why reave sucks ass
IGN: Blackroset
Last edited by Dunnzo on Aug 22, 2013, 12:09:16 PM
30k AoE DPS is far more than you'll ever need.
Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii
Is it just me or does the skill have a very low hit limit ? For the past 5 hours playing with reave, i constantly see targets getting hit (the particle effect is on them), the display a stun animation, yet no damage is dealt. Is this a bug, or intended? And no, it wasnt desync, for 2 reasons. I spammed /oos to check this, and if it was desync i thing no stun animation would play.
IGN KnivesOfEthereality
Alhoon wrote:
People are being very ignorant about dual wield weapon alternating skills. I guess it's natural that whining is simpler than thinking.

Let me show you how you make the most out of it. Here's a few quick pointers about Reave:

Only works with Daggers, Claws and One Handed Swords.
When dual wielding, alternates between weapons if both weapons are one of the above.
If not, only hits with appropriate weapon.

This doesn't mean that non-appropriate weapon is as good as nothing. All global modifiers (Attack Speed, Global Crit, Increased Elemental Damage, Resistances, Stats etc.) apply to the attack, and that includes modifiers from your "stat stick" weapon.

Now, take a look at this beauty that costs 1 Alch:

50% Increased Attack Speed
30% Fire Res
30% Lightning Res

Damage sucks but who cares, Reave doesn't hit with Maces so only the damage from your other weapon counts. Also saves from having to get two godlike weapons.

Now suddenly the argument is whether a Shield is better than 10% MORE Attack Speed, 50% Increased Attack Speed and bunch of resistances.

And it doesn't end here. That's just one example of a weapon. You can use anything depending on build, a good rare, Supreme Truth for ele builds, even Soul Taker.

Interesting. Somehow defies the purpose though. It's not only about stats you know (for some of us), its also about how you char looks and feels.
Last edited by dyneol on Aug 22, 2013, 12:48:16 PM
Delirii wrote:
30k AoE DPS is far more than you'll ever need.

Exactly. I find it funny that people are using the best possible DPS gems even if it gimps utility (like Conc Effect) to achieve so much DPS that they overkill every monster tenfolds, and then they need to equip white daggers for reflect. It's ridiculous.
Alhoon wrote:

If I equip appropriate weapon (dagger, 1h sword or claw) with non-appropriate weapon (axe or mace), the damage from non-appropriate weapon does count to overall damage, both in tooltip and in the game world, while it obviously shouldn't.

Can we get a confirmation whether this is a bug or not? And if so, will it be fixed?

Can't reproduce it.

The character is a caster, so no damage, AS or dual-wield nodes or damage on gear to confuse the dps calculator.

Bought a copper sword, a spiked club and a legion hammer, all white to make it simple, all have attack speed 1,3.

Put copper sword in right hand, spiked club in left, it takes ten Reaves on average to kill a monkey in cruel.

Swapped a spiked club with a legion hammer that has probably 4 times the damage of spiked club and even more than five times the damage of copper sword. Still around 10 reaves to kill a monkey.

So everything is fine. Even DPS on the tooltip stayed the same. Must be your gear playing tricks on you.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Mark_GGG wrote:
Mark, why do you hate the idea of simultaneous attacks so much?
I don't specifically hate it, although I certainly prefer alternating at a faster attack speed as that's more realistic and sensible.
Iirc, you and Chris had big disagreements about how dual wield skills should work
No idea where you got that from. Dual Wield has been this way since long before I joined the game, this isn't something I forced in.

Realistic and sensible ? Sorry but lol ! Remove Multistrike.
Is it just me or does the skill have a very low hit limit ? For the past 5 hours playing with reave, i constantly see targets getting hit (the particle effect is on them), the display a stun animation, yet no damage is dealt. Is this a bug, or intended? And no, it wasnt desync, for 2 reasons. I spammed /oos to check this, and if it was desync i thing no stun animation would play.

Yeah something's clearly off and even though I really like the skill it's pretty unplayable. Typically I will

1) Click a mob
2) My shadow will run up to him and start swinging
3) Nothing happens to the guy I clicked
4) 5-10 swings later after occationally hiting and killing most of the mobs around him
5) I reposition and click the mob again
6) Eventually everyone's dead

And this is with 86% chance to hit at 33k dps. The same pack I would typically run up to and smack once or twice with double strike + melee splash at far lower dps.
IGN Standard: HolyPatman
IGN Anarchy: UnholyPatman
Yeah, I have 95% chance to hit but very often I would spam reave and not hit mobs, usually few hits in a row would miss. I do have multistrike but it just feels it misses too much for some reason.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
Any plans on making so that your char won't move to attack a location when it's within range of Reave? I mean sure I can do that right now using shift, but it seems weird that you need to move right into melee range of the location just to hit it with a Stage 8 Reave.

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