:;()$&@"\The Anime Pub/:;()$&@"

I don't think I've ever read a less-credible post on here. Ever. A spectacular achievement, even for solwitch.
I may or may not have spent a great deal of this weekend hunting down every live version of 'Cliffs of Dover' I can. Eric Johnson is a guitarist's guitarist. He makes me want to be a writer's writer.
Oh please, don’t get me started on your copy and paste of type-moon wiki... I thought it was a superb joke, I forget sarcasm doesn’t come through... ^.^

Now, I’ve been scrolling through some titles... Thinking of watching some Osamu Tezuka creations, my sensei. (I wish)
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
In that case you could watch Dororo if you haven't seen it yet.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Between Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Funimation...there is very likely more anime than you can realistically watch in your lifetime.

I mean, you probably haven't even done Gintama yet.

Running out of anime. LOL K.

Sarcasm. Right. :)

PS I didn't copy+paste a single word from the Type/Moon wiki here to my knowledge, and certainly if I did not to a point where it could be considered 'copypasta'. I can't help it that I'm able to connect the dots you couldn't. ^_^
I may or may not have spent a great deal of this weekend hunting down every live version of 'Cliffs of Dover' I can. Eric Johnson is a guitarist's guitarist. He makes me want to be a writer's writer.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 10, 2020, 6:48:47 AM
Well, I decided to watch Promare today. What a movie. That was EASILY the most Gurren Lagann thing I've seen since, well, watching ACTUAL Gurren Lagann. And HOLY CRAP did Trigger deliver the hype. That's what they should be doing honestly... fuck meangingful story, screw complex plans, just give us amazing animation and pure unadulterated hype with a healthy dose of brain-off over the top action and everything's fine.

Seriously though, regarding the Gurren Lagann stuff...
The protagonist Galo looks pretty much exactly like Kamina, it's a struggle between two species, they have giant mechs, the final fight of which devolves into one guy punching the other VERY hard, they actually put a goddamn drill in there, the poses of the characters are pretty much the same they strike in Gurren Lagann and it ends in space at an absolutely absurd scale... not that I'm complaining. Far, FAR from it. More of that, please.

Yeah, and a Sawano soundtrack on top? Can't really beat that for this kind of stuff.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
I may or may not have spent a great deal of this weekend hunting down every live version of 'Cliffs of Dover' I can. Eric Johnson is a guitarist's guitarist. He makes me want to be a writer's writer.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Caught up with Gal and Dino (Oh jeeze, Aoki), Wave (YEAH FIST PUMPS ALL ROUND), and Kaguya (Love is War).

And for our latest chunky endeavour, Space Brothers, which has sat in the queue long enough. My goodness that's a lot of my girl Sawashiro.
I may or may not have spent a great deal of this weekend hunting down every live version of 'Cliffs of Dover' I can. Eric Johnson is a guitarist's guitarist. He makes me want to be a writer's writer.
I tried Gal and Dino, but it's not really for me. Seems like a very well made show though with a fairly unique style.

Kaguya was and is brilliant. It's an absolute delight to watch that bunch of idiots.

Railgun T is still going and damn is it getting intense. There's some serious shenanigans going on in that one right now.

Overal there isn't all that much for me this season, but maybe that'll allow me to catch up with some stuff... AHAHAHAHAHA yeah, no, let's not kid ourselves here.

Edit: And of course right after I say that I stumble across a list with noteworthy shows airing this season which adds another 3 shows to my list and reminds me of one I didn't keep up with... *sigh* catching up was never an option it seems.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Last edited by FCK42 on Apr 19, 2020, 7:31:00 AM
I don't know why they decided to put the mirror and knife in front of us but anyway they did it.

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Last edited by finisterre on Apr 22, 2020, 9:21:49 PM

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