South African Corner

Ye im trying to stay as active as i can i do keep refreshing aware of the giveaways from earlier i was stuck reading some threads in "skills" topic this game really has so much info to get through. Alas i always notice those threads a little too late

I can for like to be Souf Afrikin too.....

Nice to see the locals getting involved :)
Last edited by midget214#7790 on Aug 14, 2012, 11:46:36 AM
Another SAer here.
So finally got me a key planning to upgrade to kiwi coz that bird is so damn cool.

Just wanted to know if there is anyone in CPT (southern suburbs)who could maybe burn me a copy of the game as this 4gb+ dl is going to take forever on my sorry 384 line :(

Panick_za wrote:
that bird is so damn cool.
..and delicious!

Welcome overboard exile! :D

PM me an address and I'll ship you a copy of my content.ggpk ;)
FFA: The looting choice of Hardcore-Hero Manly-Men Griefers! Yo!
Thanks :)

A question regarding upgrading

If i purchase the kiwi pack would i get emailed/pm'd a key?Or is it a automatic account upgrade?As i would like to give it away to someone here who might need one

All i really want is that bird well the silver bird looks the best imo,but i'll need to save a little more for that one, and those points, which are used for more tabs (char and stash)correct?

This is going to hopefully be my savior from the d3 fail.

Hi hi,

Another South African reporting in!

YAY finally an SA corner on a forum.
This game looks amazing, and might even restore some faith in action rpg's for me after the D3 episode.

In the typical SA way:

Have (some)money,
Have Job
Have house
Have food
Need Beta key
Any donations appreciated.
Another SA'er +1 (the gf), over here!
Bumping jou ma!
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
Forum Thread :
Github :
Hi guys

It is really good to see more of our own on the server. I Actually started a SA corner many months back but it has been lost in the ether.

Do any of you play the events? If not you really have to give them a try. Sadly many of the events are held when most of the "Rainbow Nation" is fast asleep. BUT they are a LOT of fun and well worth waking up for.

I'm in the Hermanus Area if anyone ever needs a copy of the game to save on a download.

My IGN: is OldTotemTot or Madoda on the "Default" League.
Since the 0.9.11 Patch I switched over to Default because the HardCore league community was too small. Come Open Beta I'll revert back to HC.

"Let's Play!"
I'm BACK :)

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