Path of exile 2 has secret quests! Agnar and Hidden Idols

Lore#3772 wrote:
I was also banned from the official blizzard forums for talking about it.

To put it into perspective it would be like GGG ripping this post down and saying it’s because they don’t want people to know I’m right

This is one of those things. Were you banned for talking about secrets or where you banned because you were constantly warring with people who didn't agree or believe you?

Not wanting to be cynical but as little regard as I have for blizzard, I have a REALLY hard time believing that some mods on a Forum saw a secret described and banned the person for describing it. It would be really really anti community to do it, and Blizzard cares far more about pandering to its audience than it cares about hiding some Easter eggs in their game. Especially community mods. The history of Easter eggs in games are 100% always intended to be found by someone clever.

Can't imagine why they would want to punish someone for finding the thing they put into the game for players to find. Unless they were wrong or possibly just extremely insistent and constantly posting about it in a disruptive way.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Jan 21, 2025, 8:04:22 PM
You can assume that if you want.

My gripe with blizzard is larger than you can comprehend. But with any luck maybe through the grand architect you’ll learn the truth.

To explain how out of touch blizzard is, the community manager of the Diablo 4 forums name is Filthierich.

Blizzard is also a shell of what it once was. The forums are run with a corporate mindset. And they still allow community manager to have 0 community engagement.

I didn’t come to the Poe forums to call blizzard out. And btw no I don’t have to solve the Poe 1 quest because it’s clearly a different quest.

Also people aren’t looking into what happens with negative magic find enough. In poe2.

Ventor clearly figured out something secret in poe1.

I read into it a bit myself. He had found a way to get rich in Poe 1without ever divulging the method. Then mysteriously disappeared right?

And to the Poe 2 devs, I’m aware just like I was with Diablo 4, the difference is you guys did it so well complaining about it would be moronic.

Also just fyi you are wrong, the albino rhoa feather isn’t the only thing from the code we know. We know there is literally a skill gem to mount a rhoa.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 22, 2025, 9:32:22 AM
Damn guys can we get some hands on deck.

This is kinda sad.

Btw got banned from path of exile discord for telling a mod “I don’t fear you, I only fear your lack of intelligence”

So if any progress is to be made, it’ll be made from the forums or the few other places I have let this information out in.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 23, 2025, 1:35:33 PM
This is intriguing.

One thing I will note that I found odd throughout the campaign was the placement of certain checkpoints that didn't make sense.

It is possible these will be used in the future so who knows.

The two I can remember right now are a checkpoint in the forge area where there is a large sword or something stuck in the ground that you can't click on. The other is also in act 2 in the mammoth area where there is a totem of some kind that also seems to do nothing.

Any other's like this?
I think the rhoa feather is red herring. I don’t think it’s even part of anything other than the act 2 secret quest.

As for checkpoints that have no designed content that we can notice, there is at least one in every act.

I suspect these checkpoints will act as the location of the “secret quest boss fight”

Act 1 secret quest boss : Una/ maybe hooded one
Act 2 secret quest boss: Alva
Act 3 secret quest boss: Oswald

I noticed something odd about the love letter we have to find in act 2.
We can try to deliver the message to anyone other than the quest person.
Which means the devs designed responses for the love letter other than the main NPC.

I also noticed that you find the love letter above the sands and the NPC that tells you to look for it says it will probably be beneath the sands. Making me wonder if the one we find above ground isn’t the right one.

I also suspect the NPc that tells us to find the love letter isn’t the person it was meant for. The NpC is trying to cover something up.

Also just saying this again to the devs, forgive me if I misremember a little it’s been a while
“A secret quest that’s worth designing needs to actually have hints baked into the game, Diablo 2 had enough that it was solvable, while Diablo 3 was a joke. The best way to do it is to bake it so that only after reading all NPC dialogue and comprehending what you are reading will you see the hints pile up” something along those lines. I was pretty upset over Diablo 3 back then. Boy did I make a good blue print tho, someone said I’m the godfather of modern day AARPG’s. What’s funny is the post I made back then wouldn’t have ever gotten any traction if it wasn’t for one guy who commented “line breaks”. I didn’t understand that separating text made it more digestible.

At the end of the day I was a huge Diablo fan, but blizzard ruined that franchise. Even when I left the a 100% free blueprint of how to make a well designed and polished game.

Poe2 devs have brought the genre back from the brink of extinction. My only gripe with poe2 is the lack of PvP. I suspect this is due to balancing issues/work load barrier. PvP in my opinion is one of the best things possible in AARPG, even if you have to limit what’s usable in PvP in terms of abilities and gear.

Had a huge thought about the act 2 love letter. Maybe it is meant for the Rhoa that got abandoned. I’m betting we get the Rhoa riding skill gem and the Rhoa feather from the abandoned Rhoa in act 2.

Secret quests are way more inspiring and thought provoking when you have seen and had access to the needed materials, locations, and NPC all along. It’s also a home run to tie it into the campaign and use it as an alternative hero’s ending.

But I’m just one guy, what do I know.

Final note to the devs, if I never got back into Diablo with Diablo 4 I suspect wouldn’t have ever remembered writing the blueprint even if I played poe2. Which means you guys achieved the ultimate status of possibility. You did the thing. I wasn’t sure if I would even be alive to see Diablo 4’s roll out. I’m happy to know my writing inspired someone.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 23, 2025, 3:52:25 PM
In act 3 when you cross into sandsweapt marsh the game drops a siphoning wand yellow every run.

It’s just sitting there don’t have to open or kill anything. Further in the run there is an advanced hooded mask pre dropped the same way.

Also I exclusively play on steam deck. And sometimes during my playthrough the option to send a message in global chat opens without me prompting it.

I’m hoping we don’t need to know some fancy thing to type into chat to work as a key. That shits mental.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 23, 2025, 5:13:48 PM
Lore#3772 wrote:
What happens if you carry the winter wolf skull from normal difficulty all the way to cruel and kill Beira I wonder.

I can confirm at least that the 3 runes cannot be reforged (and are mandatory to spend to progress). Holding every other non-required quest item all of act 1 revealed no new interaction. No combination of those items (including specialization books) had any effect in the reforging bench before or after Genor's death.

I will discard any Normal to Cruel theories out of hand at this time, as Cruel is not a lasting fixture of the game.

There are some oddities else where, the sword in the Titan's Grotto being the biggest in my mind. It has a check point and seems to have no current use other than a point of visual interest / environmental story telling.
/didnt realize this is a troll post
Last edited by Izzu#7731 on Jan 26, 2025, 6:45:15 PM
I believe the Sword of Agnar will be an item drop from Geonor, The Putrid Wolf. When you encounter him, he clearly asks Agnar (the sword he is wielding) for power. I think it will be available as a drop when swords are finally released.

As for the idols, this is the one I am interested in. I do believe there is some kind of secret with the idols. I also believe they are to be used in the cruel playthrough. I wonder if they are tied to the ritual zones, Freythorn and Azok Bog.
I believe the Sword of Agnar will be an item drop from Geonor, The Putrid Wolf. When you encounter him, he clearly asks Agnar (the sword he is wielding) for power. I think it will be available as a drop when swords are finally released.

As for the idols, this is the one I am interested in. I do believe there is some kind of secret with the idols. I also believe they are to be used in the cruel playthrough. I wonder if they are tied to the ritual zones, Freythorn and Azok Bog.

Have you considered that the reason he went mad is because someone took his sword and replaced it with a knock off?

You are expecting a man fully lost in madness and insanity to be able to recognize the hero’s sword.

It makes more story sense that the hero was fooled out of his sword (this is what happens to King Arthur btw)
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 24, 2025, 2:52:27 PM

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